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Valuable Lesson Learnt


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C ... pm me and add me to your contact list as I am on that route everyday and might well not be far from you when you could be in trouble again.

Thanks, I was near the roundabout in Tableview so was a little bit off your route. I had a thought though maybe get petrol stations to carry some bike puncture kits.
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If you were in pretoria someone would've stopped their bakkie, put your bike at the back and ask: So waarheen vat ek jou.


Unless you were wearing pink


And if you wore blue I suppose they would bliksem each other to decide who gives you a lift! :lol:

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So there I was enjoying my bike ride this morning, on a stunning day in Cape Town when I got a puncture for the first time in years, this happened as I was forced off the road by a car at the turning circle at Tableview.


So I send an SOS message to a mate when second disaster strikes, my phone dies( Lesson 1). So not only have I sent out a mayday call of "please help", now my phone is off and I have a mate worrying about me.


At this stage about 20-25 people cycled past me and not one asked if I was OK or required help. Yes, I realise I was stupid( Lesson 2) not to have taken any spares this morning, but I was in such a rush to cycle with not a breath of wind this morning.


So I took the decision, thinking it would be easier to run on the beach barefoot back to Woodbridge Island then on the cycle path in my shoes. I also assumed it would be quicker, boy was I wrong. So off I go, pushing/ carrying my bike, in full cycling kit along the beach. People I saw must of thought I was crazy :w00t:


In all the run took me an hour, and was a total of 7km, this after I had already done 40km on the bike. So now, my feet feel like I've been walking on crushed glass, my calves are killing me, but I kind of enjoyed it.


So a few valuable lesson learnt, always carry spares, I normally always have on me, make sure your phone is properly charged and that cyclists can be so self absorbed and unhelpful its frighting.


To the folks that didn't bother to ask if I needed help or assistance, karma will bite you on the bum and may you be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels

Will we see you at the next triathlon?

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Will we see you at the next triathlon?

That's exactly what I was thinking while running on the beach. I hope my feet are gonna be OK to ride Hoogekraal tomorrow :wacko:
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I did, but after the 5, 6, 7 or so person that went past and ignored me,


1st mistake was thinking that Roadies would greet you let alone stop and help you, now if you were on a Trail you would've been sorted out chop chop. :whistling:





Flame Suite On :ph34r:

Edited by ScottC-M
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I think its a northern suburbs/southern suburbs thing (im from the north)......SS guys seem to have something against stopping/greeting etc


ive stopped to help guys already......gave a youngster a tube out on bottelary.....


then 2 weeks ago....out noordhoek side, got a guy cycling on a flat wheel...stopped to ask if hes ok....he said hed just come from misty cliffs side!!!!...on that flat. Everyone went past him too...no questions about "'are you ok"!!!


he was all out of tubes and bombs (used up everything...couldnt get wheel fixed)....so gave him a tube and bomb...got him sorted (hell man...the stuff is cheap anyway).....rode with him to top of suikerbossie ...he stayed around there somewhere........


Tableview definitely isn't Southern Suburbs

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Even on a road bike, roadies don't seem to greet. I totally understand people not wanting to, but seems roadies are ruder then most :whistling:


I'll always prefer riding my MTB, but during the week I'm a closet roadie. :blush:

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If you were in pretoria someone would've stopped their bakkie, put your bike at the back and ask: So waarheen vat ek jou.


Unless you were wearing pink


Then they would want to take you "home" :whistling:

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Met three Argus 5hr wannabees this morning .... they come huffing and puffing up with us, we are on the left lane with the right clear as there is on coming cyclists and pedestrians ... A5W then proceed to push in between us, fat guy in front then starts pushing me off the path by veering into me ... an extended arm got him to keep his distance.


The last of the A5W riders also comes in and cuts me off in a very dangerous manner .... chops.


Anyway, Karma is a bbeeeaaatttcchhhh and these boys were fixing punctures not far down the trail.


Now with riders having this attitude and riding style, what happens when they do the AARRRGGGGUUUSSS and are around riders who are not used to riding in groups .... would the rider in my position then just have ended up in the gutter?

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Met three Argus 5hr wannabees this morning .... they come huffing and puffing up with us, we are on the left lane with the right clear as there is on coming cyclists and pedestrians ... A5W then proceed to push in between us, fat guy in front then starts pushing me off the path by veering into me ... an extended arm got him to keep his distance.


The last of the A5W riders also comes in and cuts me off in a very dangerous manner .... chops.


Anyway, Karma is a bbeeeaaatttcchhhh and these boys were fixing punctures not far down the trail.


Now with riders having this attitude and riding style, what happens when they do the AARRRGGGGUUUSSS and are around riders who are not used to riding in groups .... would the rider in my position then just have ended up in the gutter?

thats the reason why i avoid the pavement - only have the cars to worry about.

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Met three Argus 5hr wannabees this morning .... they come huffing and puffing up with us, we are on the left lane with the right clear as there is on coming cyclists and pedestrians ... A5W then proceed to push in between us, fat guy in front then starts pushing me off the path by veering into me ... an extended arm got him to keep his distance.


The last of the A5W riders also comes in and cuts me off in a very dangerous manner .... chops.


Anyway, Karma is a bbeeeaaatttcchhhh and these boys were fixing punctures not far down the trail.


Now with riders having this attitude and riding style, what happens when they do the AARRRGGGGUUUSSS and are around riders who are not used to riding in groups .... would the rider in my position then just have ended up in the gutter?


How do you know they are Argus wannabees???

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In all the run took me an hour, and was a total of 7km, this after I had already done 40km on the bike. So now, my feet feel like I've been walking on crushed glass, my calves are killing me, but I kind of enjoyed it.




If you think your calves are sore now......just wait until tomorrow :eek:

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So to ask a question now, do most roadies set up tubeless tyres? It probably would not have helped this morning as the nail was massive that caused the puncture, just in case of smaller punctures.


What tyres would you recommend for the tubeless conversion, I think this back tyre of mine may need to be replaced :(

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If you think your calves are sore now......just wait until tomorrow :eek:

My calves are eina today, can barely walk up the stairs :unsure: Supposed to be taking a mate for his first MTB today at Hoogekraal.
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Guest DieBees

We also had bad luck this morning. Its my wifes birthday and she wantwd to take the day off... I sold a 70km ride to her. So I forgot the spares and ended up riding 20km back to fetch the car.


Shame. She started walking and ended up walking about 8 km while I was in my way back. She can barely walk on her little piglet feet.



She is a bit emotional. Wonder why.


Love her so much...


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We also had bad luck this morning. Its my wifes birthday and she wantwd to take the day off... I sold a 70km ride to her. So I forgot the spares and ended up riding 20km back to fetch the car.


Shame. She started walking and ended up walking about 8 km while I was in my way back. She can barely walk on her little piglet feet.



She is a bit emotional. Wonder why.


Love her so much...

Best you take her for a nice meal, get some flowers and an expensive present. We had a few mechanicals out on the trail today at Hoogekraal, and low and behold Willie Engelbrecht sorted us out, what an awesome bloke.
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