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Just a Second - Campaign

Wyatt Earp

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Our official logo and what will soon be a bumper sticker.

Thank you HandH from Grafix & Signworx :thumbup:






Always a pleasure brother :thumbup:

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Shared the FB group on my FB Grp - but wondering if you need to look at the privacy settings - I got a warning saying it may not be available to all to view. Can't share on the local mtb club group cos they have locked down their FB page.

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Shared the FB group on my FB Grp - but wondering if you need to look at the privacy settings - I got a warning saying it may not be available to all to view. Can't share on the local mtb club group cos they have locked down their FB page.


Thanks, that is their privacy setting that must be blocking you, I have made it an open group so anyone can ad anybody.

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I took one second out of my morning and gave a cyclist a gap in traffic...the wave and smile was worth it.


Gummi, can I post this ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lets all take a second to spare a thought for Dangle's brother in law who was involved in a Motor Cycle accident.
wyatt...healing vibes. Praying all goes well in theatre for Mark.
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