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Transbaviaans 2014


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It was my first time for TB and my partner's 2nd. Team Custard & Beef finished in 12h23min (80th overall), extremely happy with our result. Hats off to my partner who made sure we were well prepared for all checkpoints, and he still helped (pushed) me up Fang #2 and MAC, where possible, and I weigh 120kg's! That checkpoint came at the best possible time and the downhill that followed was Oh So Sweet!! All I can say is: Unbelievable race with an unbelievable partner!! Well organised, but be prepared for it, otherwise it will always be a loooong night!

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We must have ridden past each other a few times.

Kept enjoying the check points a little too much and then had to pass everyone again .

We finished in 14.24 - had the safari braai shorts on.


Yes we were behind you guys on that terrible singletrack along the Railway line.... we had the little blue lights on the back of our helmets.


I was broken and after getting off to carry my bike over the tracks I just couldn't keep up the pace...

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some random pics

Damn that Pyga is sexy from the back in your top pic... not so sure about the rider though.


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Hi Guys and Gals,

I have an extra Trans Baviaans 2014 Medal. I guess it got mixed up somewhere. If anybody lost theirs, I have it. Pls PM if it is yours. I have it in Centurion.


btw - Tough but awesome race!

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I crashed just before CP3,about 122 kms into the race.I fractured my collarbone,shoulderblade and a rib. Although I received almost immediate assistance from a paramedic who travelled behind me on a quad, I was not given any medication by him, or the other paramedics at Bergplaas and CP5. My concern is the total absence of quality medical emergency transport in the case of a life threatening injury.It took the paramedics 6h30 to transport me from CP 3 after my fall at 16h00, to Jeffreysbay at 22h30! In the process I was transported in 4 different vehicles that included a hairy descent in a "makeshift ambulance" with no lights down Bergplaas.If another driver did not offer the paramedic, who tried his best to ride through every hole and bump in the road,a bicycle light,the trip would have been even longer.I think the organisers need to have a serious look at this and base a chopper at Bergplaas before someone dies because he/she was not given a fair chance of survival.


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Yes.The only decent vehicle we were transported in.They transferred us from the vehicle without lights about 15kms from CP5.

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Sorry about the fall! I think if your life is in danger and Your medical aid allows it they will send a chopper for you. But I doubt any race orginser will foot the bill for you being airlifted out


The cost of having a medical chopper their must be insane!

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They probably didn't give you medication as they where probably only bls basic life support only a full on paramedic can give out morphine ect as far as I know

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The point is.A chopper should be stationed and available in life threatening circumstances.And by the way,what about decent vehicles?In a remote area like this the organisers must provide for reasonable and reliable medical care.

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ER24 do medical support for Sani2C, a race with simular logistical challenges. I've had a mate airlifted out the Umkomaas with a dislocated femur.


Sure, the entry fees are different, but not significantly. It's the organisers that place a higher priority on safety and well being that is the only difference.


While a bust up shoulder is pretty shitty, we're lucky it wasn't something far worse. Hopefully this was the wake up call they could end up saving a life.

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Excellent! A must read. Nice to see the pic of David and Dylan with you guys.

Thanks Vetseun. The Spin Doctors are legends, and it's always great bumping into them at crazy races. Our next date is DC.

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This a long shot I know.


I messed up a bit on our team entry, and as a result we didn't get a T shirt for our support driver. Feel terrible, because on the day he was awesome and saved us from finishing with no lights. Have been trying via EcoBound, but no luck yet.


Anyone know any contacts there who could help, or even have a spare (unused) M T-shirt I could acquire for him?

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