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VERY HEAVY, and very doomsday, but hell one has to think how quickly things are falling apart


as i said before the water scares me the most, when we imported generators everyone thought we were mad, our timing on that one was priceless, when the first load shedding hit our containers just landed, we parked vans at booms and put drivers there selling generators, people were just plugging in extension cords at that stage


water issues are already upon us,, im not tempting fate or being negative do some homework on smaller little dorpies its only a matter of time and water infrustructure couldnt handle all the new estates (like yours) :whistling:

Was a tough post to "like", should've clicked the "agree" icon but could not find it. I'm in engineering, specifically pumps and piping so no need to explain it to me.

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Anglo American sê nee vir Eskom


Deur Jan de Lange Maandag 16 Februarie 2015 01:00



 Anglo American wil onttrek aan steenkoolverskaffing aan Eskom weens vereistes van die regering dat minstens 55% van ’n verskaffer aan swart mense moet behoort.


Dis spruit voort uit die hardnekkige weiering van die regering dat New Largo, wat die anker-verskaffer van steenkool aan die Kusile-kragstasie moet wees, ’n langtermynkontrak met die eienaar, Anglo Inyosi Coal, sluit voordat 60% van die myn aan swart eienaars behoort.


Dit kan enorme gevolge vir steenkoolverskaffing aan Eskom hê omdat groot beleggings in nuwe steenkoolmyne in die volgende vyf jaar gedoen sal moet word om in Eskom se toekomstige steenkoolbehoeftes te voorsien.


Eskom het in Desember 2014, ná jare van onsekerheid, op ’n raamwerk met Anglo Inyosi Coal ooreengekom om te voorkom dat vertragings met die bou van die myn dit nog langer gaan laat duur om die kragstasie in bedryf te bring.


Die raamwerkooreenkoms beteken bloot dat Kusile steenkool van New Largo sal kry; ’n finale verskaffingskontrak sal eers onderteken word wanneer Anglo Inyosi Coal onder die beheer van swart aandeelhouers is.


Kort daarna het dit bekend geword dat die eerste eenheid van Kusile eers in 2017 krag sal kan lewer.


Mark Cutifani, uitvoerende hoof van Anglo, was diplomaties toe hy Vrydag bekend gemaak het dat Anglo aan steenkoolverskaffing aan Eskom gaan onttrek.


Dit is goeie sake, het hy gesê, maar lewer nie ’n groot bydrae tot hul wesensverdienste nie.


Anglo besit 63% van Anglo Inyosi en swart aandeelhouers 27%. “Ons gaan ons aandeelhouding in die myne tot onder 50% verminder, insluitend in New Largo,” het Cutifani gesê.


Anglo gaan egter geen finansiering en ander hulp verskaf om SEB-aandeelhouding te vergroot nie. “Dit sal op ’n suiwer kommersiële grondslag moet gebeur.”


Google translate:


Anglo American says no to Eskom


Anglo American wants to withdraw from supplying coal to Eskom due to requirements of the government that at least 55 % of a supplier to black people to belong.


It stems from the persistent refusal of the government that New Largo , the anchor supplier of coal to the Kusile power station should be a long-term contract with the owner , Anglo Inyosi Coal , close before 60 % of the mine to black owners should .


It can have enormous consequences for supplying coal to Eskom , as major investments in new coal mines in the next five years to be done to meet Eskom's future coal needs .


Eskom in December 2014, after years of uncertainty , on a framework with Anglo Inyosi Coal agreed to avoid delays in the construction of the mine it any longer going to take to bring the power station into operation .


The framework agreement simply means that Kusile coal from New Largo will find; A final supply contract will only be signed when Anglo Inyosi Coal under the control of black shareholders .


Soon after, it became known that the first unit of Kusile will only deliver power in 2017 .


Mark Cutifani , chief executive of Anglo , was diplomatic when he announced on Friday that Anglo supplying coal to Eskom withdrew .


It's good business , he said , but does not deliver a major contribution to headline earnings.


Anglo owns 63 % of Anglo Inyosi and black shareholders 27 % . " We are going to our shareholding in the mines decreased to below 50 %, including in New Largo , " said Cutifani said.


Anglo , however, no funding and provide other assistance to enlarge BEE shareholding . " It will be on a purely commercial basis to happen . "

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Electricity supply problems already a reality........not a rumour or glitch anymore.


......and "water supply problems" are going to hit SA like a tidal wave.


Maybe a window of opportunity to start an entrepreneurial programme in the ability to excavate vertical cylinder structures that can supply Dihydrogen Monoxide.





Edited by BarHugger
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I wonder what one has to do to get the agency for SA from Tesla... 

the comments under that are sooooooo interesting.


Imagine that, Canada and the USA have power issues. Certain states are making it law to be grid tied. Love the politics around the power utilities.


Now if Eskom was a public company and not a parastatal, imagine how much of their top middle bottom (pick one) line will be going to government as "donations".


My goodness what a confobulated world we live in.

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the comments under that are sooooooo interesting.


Imagine that, Canada and the USA have power issues. Certain states are making it law to be grid tied. Love the politics around the power utilities.


Now if Eskom was a public company and not a parastatal, imagine how much of their top middle bottom (pick one) line will be going to government as "donations".


My goodness what a confobulated world we live in.

I also read the comments with interest. At $40 000 it is an expensive solution, but like all things technology, pricing will adjust downwards. Eskom can relieve a lot of pressure on themselves if they facilitate selling more power back into the grid, but it seems like they will miss the boat when backup power storage come to the masses.
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I wonder what one has to do to get the agency for SA from Tesla...

i think you'll battle.elon musk is well known saffa. When he's not going to space or building cars, he sits on the board of solarcity the largest residential pv installer in the world and a natural partner for tesla home batteries. This company was founded by his cousins, the rive brothers. Don't think these pretoria locals are going to give an agency to any old japie!
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My view is that if Eksdom allowed or (heaven forbid for them) even encouraged grid tied systems where the power grid has to be operational in order for the independently generated power to be available (eg. no batteries needed for solar; co-generation possible) there would be no need for load shedding; just power reduction. Of course open and transparent privatisation would have solved the energy problems years ago but that is history.


Sorry, I don't believe Capricorn etc who says Eksdom are doing a great job.


But Eksdom want to desperately keep the monopoly; useless as they are. So I reckon we have 3 to 5 years of uphill ahead. The uphill will be sandy with loose rocks, very hot then raining and muddy as economic growth and tax income drops, maybe the rand continues to trickle downhill etc.

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My view is that if Eksdom allowed or (heaven forbid for them) even encouraged grid tied systems where the power grid has to be operational in order for the independently generated power to be available (eg. no batteries needed for solar; co-generation possible) there would be no need for load shedding; just power reduction. Of course open and transparent privatisation would have solved the energy problems years ago but that is history.


Sorry, I don't believe Capricorn etc who says Eksdom are doing a great job.


But Eksdom want to desperately keep the monopoly; useless as they are. So I reckon we have 3 to 5 years of uphill ahead. The uphill will be sandy with loose rocks, very hot then raining and muddy as economic growth and tax income drops, maybe the rand continues to trickle downhill etc.

i see you still suffering a rectal cranial inversion. quel dommage.

But if you do manage to extract your block from your bowel pipe, you'll notice the vice president calling the shots. Very much same old same if you cared to notice a certain report repeating the truth about government interference with early attempts (circa 1990s) to increase generating capacity.


I know you struggle with the truth, but kindly quote me correctly in future. Sweeping generalizations and patently false misquotes dont' do your character any favors.


Talking about lack of character, what's your take on the unions at the coal fired stations, hmmm?

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My view is that if Eksdom allowed or (heaven forbid for them) even encouraged grid tied systems where the power grid has to be operational in order for the independently generated power to be available (eg. no batteries needed for solar; co-generation possible) there would be no need for load shedding; just power reduction. Of course open and transparent privatisation would have solved the energy problems years ago but that is history.


Sorry, I don't believe Capricorn etc who says Eksdom are doing a great job.


But Eksdom want to desperately keep the monopoly; useless as they are. So I reckon we have 3 to 5 years of uphill ahead. The uphill will be sandy with loose rocks, very hot then raining and muddy as economic growth and tax income drops, maybe the rand continues to trickle downhill etc.

all these decisions were governmental, not Eskom themselves. 

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but to be 'fair' to you Mazambaan, I'll make a sweeping generalization of my own, and it starts with a bit of humor:


Q: Why does the red indian rain dance work?

A: because they don't stop till it rains.


Based what i've been seeing over the past few months, you'll eventually be right.

just not right now. But keep dancing!

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Eskom will ask the National Energy Regulator for an electricity tariff increase of 25.3 percent from 1 July.

The request for a much larger than expected tariff hike reportedly has the backing of Government’s so-called “war room”.

S&P downgrades Eskom credit rating to junk

Ratings agency S&P has downgraded Eskom’s credit rating to BB+.

The announcement came late on Thursday and will cause a spike in the cost of borrowing for the beleaguered utility.

S&P also put Eskom on a "negative outlook," citing last week's unexpected suspension of Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona and three other senior executives.

The ratings agency says it doesn't have confidence in government's support plan and that Eskom's operating performance hasn't stabilised because of a spike in costs and the extremely tight generation capacity margin.

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