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RIP: The ability to overtake on an MTB

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Huh? In point 1. you are expecting people to move out of your way for you to over take, but in point 2. you aren't prepared to move out of other people's way for them to over take you.



WHAHAHA, I was thinking the very same thing as I read that bit of comedy.



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Guest notmyname



From this very Hub, we can deduce something completely different.

Honesty Box debacle at Hoogekraal, rouge rider Tygerberg hassle, MTBers at SBR.....

2/3 are from Snake town. Mtb riders there need Jesus.
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So if i hear you correctly you just sit line astern on single track and wait your turn?


Hmm - am i missing something here? 


It would seem so, yes. If you insist on treating every time you ride as a race, then by all means please stay in GP.


Down here in the fairest of Capes we treat every ride like chill bru, just enjoy nature man, and look at the mountain dude. (said in that cliched Capetonian accent...)

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One of the Hub's funnier threads. Imagine what happens when two riders of the OP personality get on a piece of single track? One trying to intimidate the other with all his racing skills, the other blocking for all he's worth with all his racing skills. All for 269th place while the fast laaities shoot past.


I'm trying to avoid having a word but it is real irony when those who are slow uphill try and intimidate a pass on the downhills. I feel it myself. Best comment is to stay polite.


I guess it is also why Sani, B&B and maybe a few others have introduced "passing lanes".

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Dude, a simple "sorry can i come past"  is usually is all that is needed.


So it's Friday and I might as well vent this cause it drives me nuts.


I am not the most talented or fastest rider out there - fat and old - go uphill slowly but I have some skills when I go downhill. So its pretty frustrating when I get blocked on tight single track when I am clearly a lot faster than what the rider in front of me is. As a result i spend a lot of time planning and executing overtaking moves often with some pretty hairy results. And herein lies the rub on many fronts:


1.) People who don't like being overtaken and try to block you or swear at you when you overtake them? Huh  Okay it may seem a bit hairy to you but i am always in control. So wind your neck in. No need to swear at the guy cause he is faster than you.


2.) People who are faster than me and want to get in front of me on single track, who on a leisurely ride out at Northern Farm or the Spruit, think that screaming "Track " will clear the path. Sorry bud I can't see you and I am not going off line until its safe and in any case if you are so fast and expert then work out where you can overtake.


3.) Overtaking is a skill - you have to work out where you are better or faster - on the brakes into a corner or on the next little climb etc. Its something that needs to be developed if you want to race. In XCO Racing when someone behind Kulhavy shouts "Track" he doesn't just yield. You have to work out a way through - it takes time, technique and skill and can only be developed in racing. Sometimes you will cock it up - look at the best racers in the world and you will see it's not easy. But once you can do it - you know you don't have to wait for the guy in front to clear out. Pick your spot - warn them on which side and execute. Simple as that. If you do screw it up it will lead to much hilarity on the part of the passee and possibly brown trousers on your behalf but you will learn.


It seems we have become a tribe of riders rather than racers and we are so PC and correct that we think overtaking is impolite and rude? And I don't mean block passing like you may see in MX or 4x Downhill (although if you can do it - what a way to nuke your opponent).


You want my piece of single track - you are going to have to win it from me in a race. And in a ride I will willingly let you in but not on your agenda - on mine when it's safe for me - not when you shout "track" from 20 meters away cause you are on a Strava segment.


Rant off - flame suit on

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Endomondo sounds like something you do with a hosepipe and a bucket of warm water...


(reply to King JT above)

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Not really. Everyone seems to expect me to move out the way on an uphill ST but no one seems to want do do it on the downhill. So I will also force my way past where and when I can if I want to enjoy the ST.


I have these days got to the point where I WILL not give track on an uphill as I am tired of going off line only to be stuck behind those that just passed me when the going goes downwards.


So If I have to work to get around someone others can work to get around me. This is going to start causing lots of aggro out there one of these days as I am not the only one feeling this way.


The sooner we get back to giving way at all times the betting things will become.

sorry what was your name? oh yes, I see now...

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Not really. Everyone seems to expect me to move out the way on an uphill ST but no one seems to want do do it on the downhill. So I will also force my way past where and when I can if I want to enjoy the ST.


I have these days got to the point where I WILL not give track on an uphill as I am tired of going off line only to be stuck behind those that just passed me when the going goes downwards.


So If I have to work to get around someone others can work to get around me. This is going to start causing lots of aggro out there one of these days as I am not the only one feeling this way.


The sooner we get back to giving way at all times the betting things will become.

Your comment has caused me to wax philosophical*. In the game of 'Causing Aggro', are you the chicken or the egg?



* - not to be confused with a B, S & C

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Is that not what Pepper Spray is for? If they don't get out of your way when you SCREAM "STRAAAAAAAAAA F-Ing VAAAAAAA" then you give them a quick spray in the face when you do pass them to educate them on etiquette.



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 Remember to spray only after you've passed him, not whilst you're still behind! :P Or you can just put a stick in his front wheel as you go past.. 


Seriously though, I cycle because it is FUN and it keeps me fit. If I had to come on here and rant because 1) I won't move over for people faster than me and 2) slower people won't move over when I want to pass, then I know there's something seriously wrong..

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If we could all just agree to make the "block pass" socially acceptable, it will be much more fun :devil:


to be honest, it's very hard to take a ginger with a monster trucker cap seriously. 

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Did someone mention 269th? Racing snake... I have solved the problem on uphills, There is no one slower than me so the only overtaking is where multiple laps are involved and being so slow, stopping and letting someone past makes absolutely no difference to my time.


In the unlikely event that I actually do catch someone on a downhill, I assume they must be struggling if they are anywhere near me, and I usually let them know to stay on line and I will find a way past. This way they do not get alarmed when I come crashing through the bushes.


It seems like life at the back is far simpler.

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Straaavaaaa... OP if you use your own name for a thread like this you need a couple of KOMs to back it up...  ;-)

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Some people always think they are fast enough so that other people can get stuck behind them. if you are that fast, pull over out of the way, let him pass and catch the guy passing annoy him.


during some event I have been sworn at asking poeple to allow to pass, with the responses like:" I am not letting you past I am trying to enjoy this".

we all are trying to enjoy single track.

2 options annoy each other or get out of the way quickly and we are out of each others hair and can enjoy it..

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