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I still want to get a small metal lathe at some stage, the amount of times I have needed some obscure part that I could bang out in a matter of minutes on a lathe is scary.


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It happened sometimes when I was at school with the metal lathes, never saw anyone get hit with the key but you sure would hear it flying out. This was always followed by the workshop teacher flying out of his office to snotklap the person who forgot it in!!

We did have a pretty bad one though where someone was running on autofeed and had the spiral shaving running through the palm of his hand while staring at it... obviously it caught and the reflex to close your hand when something yanks out of it is strong. It resulted in a very bloody mess in the palm of his hand.


i literally cringed and reflexively closed my hand reading that. yuck. it sounds as bad as the nerd's uncles hand mangling incident. uurgh..

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Guys I think I might be in trouble here... I have developed a bit of a plane obsession. 

I have two older Stanleys on their way to me at the moment, a no4 and a no5.

Both need a little love but I think that is half the fun.

Now Im looking for others before those two even arrive, slippery slope it seems :(

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Guys I think I might be in trouble here... I have developed a bit of a plane obsession. 

I have two older Stanleys on their way to me at the moment, a no4 and a no5.

Both need a little love but I think that is half the fun.

Now Im looking for others before those two even arrive, slippery slope it seems :(


Great minds think alike.


I am busy reading up on how to restore the two planes I inherited form my grandfather.  They have been in his tool chest (which I also have) for the past c 19 years since his death.  They have not seen much use since, but that is about to change...


I am also learning how to identify them etc...  Also just thought about finding some more...

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Guys I think I might be in trouble here... I have developed a bit of a plane obsession. 

I have two older Stanleys on their way to me at the moment, a no4 and a no5.

Both need a little love but I think that is half the fun.

Now Im looking for others before those two even arrive, slippery slope it seems :(


Just for you.




You are not alone. Welcome to the Galoot club.  :clap:


Just a pity that Made In USA Stanleys are very rare in SA. I was only able to find one so far. A Bailey #4 made around the time of the war. I guess about 1943 - 1945.

Edited by Moridin
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Great minds think alike.


I am busy reading up on how to restore the two planes I inherited form my grandfather.  They have been in his tool chest (which I also have) for the past c 19 years since his death.  They have not seen much use since, but that is about to change...


I am also learning how to identify them etc...  Also just thought about finding some more...

It super rewarding watching an old rusted plane turn into a really good quality tool while you are restoring it.

If you search youtube for a guy called plane collector he has a very good instructional series on restoring old planes. I tried to paste the link but for some reason it wont let me.


Im fairly close to done with the first one I was working on so will post some before and after pics soon.


*edit* sneak peak on the new front knob I turned for it, this was just with sanding sealer on. The final product looked a whole lot nicer.


Edited by Rocket-Boy
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Just for you.




You are not alone. Welcome to the Galoot club.  :clap:


Just a pity that Made In USA Stanleys are very rare in SA. I was only able to find one so far. A Bailey #4 made around the time of the war. I guess about 1943 - 1945.

I still need a proper pic of your collection, I recall you having a bunch of them.

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Hi I'm Ed and I'm a spokeshave and block plane addict :wacko:

That is a whole other kettle of fish Im still going to peek into. Forgot to mention I have a spokeshave on its way too, such useful things those. Block planes are also super useful so Im expecting to have a couple lurking around soon enough.

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Spokeshaves! did someone mention spokeshaves?


I have a fettish about spokeshaves but don't own a single one.


Want wooden ones not steel but will take steel too.

Edited by porqui
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Have any of you tried CA finish on turnings? I played with it a bit last night and ... OOOH shiny. And hard. But messy.

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Have any of you tried CA finish on turnings? I played with it a bit last night and ... OOOH shiny. And hard. But messy.

Its a real pain, I still have not got it 100% right yet. I always end up with a bit of a ridge when I used it. 

Are you using a medium or thick CA? 

The bits that didnt have issues came out really well and I want to try it again soon.

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Both thick and thin. Thin stuff went on easier.


I guess my biggest issue is finding a clean, lint-free cloth in my workshop ... lol. The place is a damn mess at the moment.

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