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Ironman 2017 - PE


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Can someone please take a photo of their bike with food on it and post it here. I have no idea what to do here and would love some ideas.  :huh:

Bento box (top tube bag) on bike and special needs bag


If you are cycling with a cycle shirt then you will have back pockets.  If in a tri suit, some have small pockets

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Get a top bag , not sure exactly of their name. I got a lil bag that attaches to the top tube and carry stuff in my cycling shirt. I get completely dressed for each discipline and have never and will never own a tri suit. The extra minute or 2 it costs me in time makes no difference to me. So I wear full cycling outfit and proper running outfit both of which have pockets too. In shorter distances I just wear running shorts for cycle and run and swim (if not wetsuit compulsory)


Regaridng the liquid, I have no problems in that regard by trying something new so long as its not a bunny chow on the morning of the race I should be fine. I have used the GU

rocktane stuff before periodically so should be fine. I generally do not take carb drinks but will try it this year. I am fortunate in that I can eat/drink pretty much anything and be ok.

Small note that its High5 this year and not Gu

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I dehydrated at the EL 70.3 in January (it was hotter than the sun by the time we got off the bike) and so I resorted to the Hi5 on offer, which i'd never trained with. 

Stomach cramps and a much slower run than hoped. I'm not sure I'd have finished a full marathon, so it was a valuable lesson learnt.

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Often stomach related issues are not due to the actual consumption of new products but a combination of many factors. Nerves leading up to the day, dehydration, body under stress etc. Training builds stamina and conditions the body to be able to withstand stress but it is not a race simulation with the pressures and stresses associated to it. Nutrition and hydration in the days leading up to a race also have a pivotal influence on your race. Anxiety levels climb and the associated physiological effects on the body are not be under estimated, worrying about the weather, mechanical failure, punctures etc etc. . All these factors have an influence on the gut and ultimately will result in "tilt" (for those who remember pinball) if not balanced. I very much doubt whether a new cold drink or gel on race day will have such a profound effect. (unless one is allergic to a specific element) . The damage is inevitably done prior.


Eat early, hydrate , keep stress levels down, stay within your ability, don't rush it until the end is in site. Sleep as best you can leading up to the race, don't try strange foods the day before etc.


And its normal to feel anxious, even seasoned pros (which I am def not) get anxious, its a long day out, you worry about fitness levels, etc etc etc, as does everyone else btw. I normally start relaxing when on the bike about 20 kays out of PE and everything is going to plan. Take it one breath at a time, keep HR down, take in the views, and relish in the fact that you are in the event after months and months of sacrifice and hard work. And very importantly, for those doing it for the first time, smile through the tears on the red carpet, its on national TV :) . Embrace the moment , you really are an elite athlete and rockstar no matter the time.


Then come to Barneys on Monday, we drink beer and chaff the bar ladies, look out on the ocean and bask in the sun. Do the awards evening too, its a brilliant wind down and maybe the after party if you inclined.


Weather looking good, we gonna rock it.


BTW, number is 1673. if you see me struggling on the run say howsit and crack a joke. smiling/laughing is a natural analgesic so interact with he crowds and laugh a lot.

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A lot of you guys are probably heading down tomorrow, so good luck guys! Will be travelling on Sunday, but hoping to catch the last few hours of the event. Will be rooting for all the Hubbers! You guys rock. 

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BTW, number is 1673. if you see me struggling on the run say howsit and crack a joke. smiling/laughing is a natural analgesic so interact with he crowds and laugh a lot.

Hehe. I'm 1473, so our numbers are pretty close. Will definitely keep an eye out for you boet. 

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My number is 1389!

My wife is 1982! Please give her a big shout-out and encouragement! 


I am getting very excited now!  :thumbup:

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Inflamed my ITB last weekend, had physio yesterday and had it strapped up with KT tape... happy to report the run this morning went without incident and no pain.  Last swim this evening, easy spin tomorrow, then flying Friday morning... all eager and excited to rock the race!!


Race number #523.  (Next to you again Garfield) :)

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Inflamed my ITB last weekend, had physio yesterday and had it strapped up with KT tape... happy to report the run this morning went without incident and no pain.  Last swim this evening, easy spin tomorrow, then flying Friday morning... all eager and excited to rock the race!!


Race number #523.  (Next to you again Garfield) :)

How awesome is that!  

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How awesome is that!  

Maybe will catch up with you in check-in and transition this time!!

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And its normal to feel anxious, even seasoned pros (which I am def not) get anxious, its a long day out, you worry about fitness levels, etc etc etc, as does everyone else btw. I normally start relaxing when on the bike about 20 kays out of PE and everything is going to plan. Take it one breath at a time, keep HR down, take in the views, and relish in the fact that you are in the event after months and months of sacrifice and hard work. And very importantly, for those doing it for the first time, smile through the tears on the red carpet, its on national TV :) . Embrace the moment , you really are an elite athlete and rockstar no matter the time.



This..↑ I realized in Durban we get to ride in some beautiful places, I suspect PE will be the same, and its a good way to let the mind drift away from the suck zone for a minute.




Good luck all, and enjoy!

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So seems I am the eldest here (so far).... unless some AWA older. Don't let the old man beat you... although that is very unlikely

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So seems I am the eldest here (so far).... unless some AWA older. Don't let the old man beat you... although that is very unlikely

Gramps, we're going to finish so late, maybe you can tell me a few bedtime stories during the run/walk. :D

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