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What is the PPA doing?


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Cant they put their gazebo up at busy robot intersections on a saturday morning to raise awareness? Not sure if this is done. Maybe 1hr at a spot at a time. For me that will be better then putting it up on Chappies every weekend where the cars by now know that there is cyclists.


That sounds like a good idea.  The posters made me realise that there are potentially a number of things that they are doing, and we might not be aware of everything, and we all would like to see a bit more visibility.  It is a fine line because if you flood the visibility everywhere, after a while people won't see it anymore.  


A visibility campaign has got two benefits..

1) It increases the likelihood that motor vehicle drivers are more aware of cyclist and hoping that they will be more cautious when passing them

2) Cyclist will also get a bit of feel good affect that they are being heard and that their voice is being broadcast.  


Will this change the stats on cyclist being hit, maybe not as this wont change the behaviour of a drunk driver, or someone that is always on their phone, but it might just stop those close calls where drivers get to close to cyclist and knock them off the bikes

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That sounds like a good idea.  The posters made me realise that there are potentially a number of things that they are doing, and we might not be aware of everything, and we all would like to see a bit more visibility.  It is a fine line because if you flood the visibility everywhere, after a while people won't see it anymore.  


A visibility campaign has got two benefits..

1) It increases the likelihood that motor vehicle drivers are more aware of cyclist and hoping that they will be more cautious when passing them

2) Cyclist will also get a bit of feel good affect that they are being heard and that their voice is being broadcast.  


Will this change the stats on cyclist being hit, maybe not as this wont change the behaviour of a drunk driver, or someone that is always on their phone, but it might just stop those close calls where drivers get to close to cyclist and knock them off the bikes


I rarely read posters on a pole as its either (1) negative news about SA politics, (2) I don't see the poster as I am concentrating on the car in front or around me while driving in traffic, (3) it's 20m high up on the pole, so only the birds and truck drivers see it. For me visibility will be better with the gazebo thingy. Get a few cyclists to stop there, have a chat, and whatever, and the drivers in cars will notice it more.


You probably won't get the message to the guy driving drunk on an open road, but the more 'sensible people' that see the campaign promos will think about cyclists differently. An awareness campaign on popular cycling routes is of more benefit of money spend. But it should be mixed up. They have the gazebo, they have the manpower, no need to spend extra on posters which one out of how many people will see. Rather put it towards real visibility.

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I rarely read posters on a pole as its either (1) negative news about SA politics, (2) I don't see the poster as I am concentrating on the car in front or around me while driving in traffic, (3) it's 20m high up on the pole, so only the birds and truck drivers see it. For me visibility will be better with the gazebo thingy. Get a few cyclists to stop there, have a chat, and whatever, and the drivers in cars will notice it more.


You probably won't get the message to the guy driving drunk on an open road, but the more 'sensible people' that see the campaign promos will think about cyclists differently. An awareness campaign on popular cycling routes is of more benefit of money spend. But it should be mixed up. They have the gazebo, they have the manpower, no need to spend extra on posters which one out of how many people will see. Rather put it towards real visibility.


Agree with the visibility, which includes the gazebo, think that would be a great idea

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Kept a beady eye out for them this morning. Had to look good and hard (these old eyes are not what they used to be) and Lo and Behold, almost three meters up, right above another poster of the same size (the "normal" lamp poster size) there was a PPA poster with some message on it that I could not make out (these old eyes, you see  :whistling: )


So what am I trying to say?

Unless you are specifically looking for them, or just happen to be stationary and have nothing better to do than to read lamppost posters, you will not even know they are there.

Must admit that for the whole section of Durban road past the Rose Gardens, every lamppost has got a PPA poster on.

Will see if I can go at a slower speed tomorrow morning and take a photo of one poster.

The trouble is, one needs to care enough to let a snappy one-liner change your driving habits..  

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The trouble is, one needs to care enough to let a snappy one-liner change your driving habits..  



Traffic crawled past there this morning, and I tried to read the posters, whilst trying to avoid driving into the car infront of me. All I could see was that every poster message seemed to different to the previous, but what exactly it said, your guess is as good as mine.

I made the deduction that all the different messages they had on their blurb they sent out to us PPA members, is on the posters, one after the other.


Good idea, poor execution. Posters too small. Posters to far from the road and too high up the poles, not visible at all.

Should be big, the same as the road signs, and erected next to the road, same as the road signs.And you do not have to have a sign on every lamp post, just at every intersection, where cars are stationary at the traffic lights.

That way it will attract more attention.

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...................And you do not have to have a sign on every lamp post, just at every intersection, where cars are stationary at the traffic lights.

That way it will attract more attention.

Goo idea that! :thumbup:

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The trouble is, one needs to care enough to let a snappy one-liner change your driving habits..  

If only we had those...

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What the hell is WP Cycling doing in Alberton?

Alberton is in the south... the Circus is in the deep south  :whistling:

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And f*ck. long replied lost.


Round 2.


Ive read through the proposal that CT is putting forward for review - comments close on the 24th (http://www.capetown.gov.za/City-Connect/Have-your-say/Issues-open-for-public-comment/comment-on-the-proposed-draft-cycling-strategy) and have 2 observations.


1. WTF happened in 2008/2009? As you can see below accidents skyrocketed.I've plotted serious injuries and death on the secondary axis so that they are not lost in the wash.




Of concern is that the these numbers are with the current 1% cycling - I shudder to think what these numbers could look like if nothing changes w.r.t safely and driver education and they reach their targeted 8%.


Positively - and I see that PPA is named in the document as s stakeholder with which to meet - they highlight 2 strategies to be implemented in the ST - 1- 3 years:


Engage in a process to develop a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy and plan and engage stakeholders on traffic regulations, the rights of users and safe user behaviour and improve incident reporting systems 


Develop a strategy and plan through transversal approaches and agreements to improve and develop reporting systems, observation methods, prioritised enforcement operations, interagency agreements and standard operating procedures 


What I dont see is any mention of placing signs such as ones that everyone has been posting in this thread. Can I humbly request that everyone active on this post goes here:




and posts a comment. I have shared mine - its in no means ideal or even well worded but if it means that someone else is more likely to comment on their plan then go for it.


A key component for bicycle safety is driver awareness of the requirement to share the road. As such we request that you also inlcude the development of signs such as these: http://www.hpepublichealth.ca/sites/default/files/3%20feet%20sign%20NEW.png
and post them at regular (1km) intervals on all identified cycling routes.
This has been proved to work in other cities around the work in increasing awareness.  In addition - by building the cycling laws into the K53 drivers test awareness will be created.


Maybe naively but im hoping that if enough cyclists request that they include signage as a awareness plan then it might happen.


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And how did it go?

Sorry Patch - did not listen to the whole interview.


He touched on PPA's role in cycling, a development initiative at a school in Ocean View, safe cycling etc.

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Our media campaign starts on Monday, 13 February.Look out for 500 posters in Cape Town and 60 large ones in Joburg.We are also placing 3m banners at the exit of selected shopping malls.
We are going to be flighting a new radio commercial nationally.As of Monday, 2 of our poster messages shown here, will be moving around Cape Town on a trailer.We have placed editorials in Kulula and Mango inflight magazines and we were given editorial space in a number of newspapers.We were in...terviewed on 702 about road safety and spoke about tips and way motorists can keep cyclists safe and how cyclists can contribute to a safe road environment. We have been in touch with the friends and family of Greg Basson and Delene Boonzaaier. We are getting legal advice from an advocate. We have requested meetings with the MEC for Safety, Donald Grant, representatives from the provincial and City of Cape Town road safety department.
We don't have all the answers,but we are working hard at getting the Safe Cycling message out there.What we do know is that change starts with the individual.If we focus on our little worlds and become better road users,obey the rules of the road,we positively affect others.Motorists need to remember that a person on a bicycle doesn't have the kind of protection a motorcar offers.Give the cyclist a wide berth of at least 1m (more would be better). You are allowed to cross a solid white line in order to pass a cyclist,if it is safe to do so.
Be especially aware in the early mornings, when cyclists are out on the roads, heading to work or out on a training ride.Watch the cyclist's back and everyone will get to their destinations.
Lead by example on a bicycle or in a car.

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What I dont see is any mention of placing signs such as ones that everyone has been posting in this thread. Can I humbly request that everyone active on this post goes here:




and posts a comment. I have shared mine - its in no means ideal or even well worded but if it means that someone else is more likely to comment on their plan then go for it.



Sent my comment in

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Our media campaign starts on Monday, 13 February.Look out for 500 posters in Cape Town and 60 large ones in Joburg.We are also placing 3m banners at the exit of selected shopping malls.

We are going to be flighting a new radio commercial nationally.As of Monday, 2 of our poster messages shown here, will be moving around Cape Town on a trailer.We have placed editorials in Kulula and Mango inflight magazines and we were given editorial space in a number of newspapers.We were in...terviewed on 702 about road safety and spoke about tips and way motorists can keep cyclists safe and how cyclists can contribute to a safe road environment. We have been in touch with the friends and family of Greg Basson and Delene Boonzaaier. We are getting legal advice from an advocate. We have requested meetings with the MEC for Safety, Donald Grant, representatives from the provincial and City of Cape Town road safety department.

We don't have all the answers,but we are working hard at getting the Safe Cycling message out there.What we do know is that change starts with the individual.If we focus on our little worlds and become better road users,obey the rules of the road,we positively affect others.Motorists need to remember that a person on a bicycle doesn't have the kind of protection a motorcar offers.Give the cyclist a wide berth of at least 1m (more would be better). You are allowed to cross a solid white line in order to pass a cyclist,if it is safe to do so.

Be especially aware in the early mornings, when cyclists are out on the roads, heading to work or out on a training ride.Watch the cyclist's back and everyone will get to their destinations.

Lead by example on a bicycle or in a car.



Seems that except for the Gazebo idea (seems they decided on a trailer rather), most of the suggestions made have been included and more.  And I know some will say this is the plan, it is about the implementation, but before you do something you at least need to have an idea what you want to do, and this sounds like a good start (ok now someone is going to say they have had so many starts it is about the length of the race)

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