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Chris Froome returns adverse analytical finding for Salbutamol

Andrew Steer

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Agreed, Velouria ☝????

Same melody, different lyrics


I’ll keep on enjoying the beautiful sport

With all its melodrama and stunning moments in the bunch.

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Tarnishing the image of the sport?



I welcome whistle blowers and hackers that expose the true state of our sport. Not the image that the powers that be try to project to the corporate sponsors and money men. No one should be get special treatment. 




That is another way you can go and i might actually just work and deter riders, but then everyone must be treated equal. All 300 cases need to be out in the open and not just the one guy or team that a whistleblower dislikes. All 300 riders need to be named. All 300 need to be told by the UCI president that they need to withdraw themselves from racing till their case is resolved. All 300 need to have their defense dissected by every so called Tom, Dick & Harry specialist as to why their defense is Hogwash. 

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I welcome whistle blowers and hackers that expose the true state of our sport. Not the image that the powers that be try to project to the corporate sponsors and money men. No one should be get special treatment. 


The problem with social media and whistle blowers is that the whistle blowers are fast becoming fake newsers themselves. Social media has no vetting process so any information gleaned from it should be taken with a pinch of salt.


The Henri Shoeman story/hoax is a prime example.


My main rant on doping is that we just have no idea - we don't know who's doping, we don't know who would have won if there weren't any dopers, we don't even know if the current crop of riders are any cleaner than the "old guard".


I love watching cycling and for the most part I've gotten over the "who is dirty" question but every now and then the question creeps into my head and ruins a race/stage or two for me.

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In light of Wiggo-gate, Asthma-gate

Hope another gets to take the maillot jaune home this year hey

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In light of Wiggo-gate, Asthma-gate

Hope another gets to take the maillot jaune home this year hey

Who could realistically win it, that don’t have similar or worse personal/team brushes with questionable incidents?

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In light of Wiggo-gate, Asthma-gate

Hope another gets to take the maillot jaune home this year hey


Just not Wheelsucking-gate please. 

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Who could realistically win it, that don’t have similar or worse personal/team brushes with questionable incidents?



Should he choose to target yellow 

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Who could realistically win it, that don’t have similar or worse personal/team brushes with questionable incidents?




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Ma little man Nairo anyday

:clap:  :clap:


Can't wait to see how Landa behaves on the Tour. I foresee Fireworks and wouldn't be surprised it Valverde gives him the "soap in a sock" treatment in the evening. 

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Can't wait to see how Landa behaves on the Tour. I foresee Fireworks and wouldn't be surprised it Valverde gives him the "soap in a sock" treatment in the evening.

Ja nee

It’s gonna be quite dramatic there in team M

Early season pics suggest a cold wordless war between Landa and the rest ????

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In last weeks Velonews podcast http://www.velonews.com/2018/02/podcast/vn-podcast-ep-69-cx-worlds-recap-froome-racing_456600


They mention a lot of intriguing facts. 26min into it they refer to an Article by Peter Cousins where since 2015 Wada have had 300 cases of AAF. Of that about 100 cases were dealt with in accordance to the UCI mandate and us the public and the media never ever knew whom they were or which team. So in accordance with the mandate, we are only supposed to be notified once the athlete and team have lost their case. If successful then no one should be the wiser. 


So then the real question is, why did the whistleblower leak this out to the press and not allow the process to run its course as per the previous 300 cases? Favouritism against Sky and/or Froome? or Does said Whistleblower not believe that Wada and the UCI are able to do its job effectively? or is it a New UCI president political power play which in the end has backfired and is tarnishing the image of the sport?


One thing is for sure, the sport if worse off for the leak and I personally would have preferred due process to be adhered to, if found guilty then and ONLY THEN should everyone in the world have been notified and rider and team crucified. BUT that is my opinion.


I agree. Either everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty, or everyone is considered guilty following any accusation by any person on social media or in the news.

No picking and choosing.


And if the UCI method of dealing with these sorts of things is deemed to be not working adequately, then the process needs to be changed, by the people in charge of such things.

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In last weeks Velonews podcast http://www.velonews.com/2018/02/podcast/vn-podcast-ep-69-cx-worlds-recap-froome-racing_456600


They mention a lot of intriguing facts. 26min into it they refer to an Article by Peter Cousins where since 2015 Wada have had 300 cases of AAF. Of that about 100 cases were dealt with in accordance to the UCI mandate and us the public and the media never ever knew whom they were or which team. So in accordance with the mandate, we are only supposed to be notified once the athlete and team have lost their case. If successful then no one should be the wiser. 


So then the real question is, why did the whistleblower leak this out to the press and not allow the process to run its course as per the previous 300 cases? Favouritism against Sky and/or Froome? or Does said Whistleblower not believe that Wada and the UCI are able to do its job effectively? or is it a New UCI president political power play which in the end has backfired and is tarnishing the image of the sport?


One thing is for sure, the sport if worse off for the leak and I personally would have preferred due process to be adhered to, if found guilty then and ONLY THEN should everyone in the world have been notified and rider and team crucified. BUT that is my opinion. 

Because he is French?

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Can't wait to see how Landa behaves on the Tour. I foresee Fireworks and wouldn't be surprised it Valverde gives him the "soap in a sock" treatment in the evening. 

Now there is a throw back. Probably my favourite cycling blog of all time.


Der Kaiser's blog: http://joepapp.blogspot.co.za/2010/05/jan-ullrichs-2006-blog.html


"When the Jan dropped a bar of soap inside a sock and then used it to beat the holy living hell out of Klodi, it was always Vino who would be holding him down. Vino is not on the level of the Jan, of course, but still, he is about 10 pounds of evil in a 5 pound bag, and the Jan will be missing him.

The Mighty Uniballed One, the Lance, is now telling people that he thinks Jan is going to be winning the Tour this year. To which the Jan is being saying, Ja, no ****, dumbass."

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