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Post Ride Coffee


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I think Coffee shop owners go into business cos of cyclists :ph34r:  well the ones that are on every cycling route in the WC we made them famous. before during after coffee ride  im for it all as long as the coffee is good and the owners care. oh sweaty stuff of the tables  :thumbup:

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Depends on where the place is.


If it's near or on a mtb trail or cycling route then they usually don't mind a bit of mud and sweat and some have a hose and basin to wash shoes off.


If it's in the city without a terrace then no i'll give it a pass.

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I will comment on the etiquette after my first post ride coffee (still due!), but reason for this is I'm superstitious over drinking caffeine after exercising.

Don't people rather want to spend that coffee money on another trail entrance fee or energy food for a second ride? :ph34r:

:thumbup: Jip...gotta second this post...agreed....besides I prefer my own plastic cheap coffee at home not all this fancy schmancy trillion choices at R35.00 plus a cup ..nah...any ronds I carry will be for that extra trail fee if it presents itself... :whistling:

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Foookkk..... where do you buy your coffee for R35 a cup.


Our regular morning coffee costs R16 per cup of excellent Deluxe Coffee from Break Away Cafe in Cape Town.



:thumbup: Jip...gotta second this post...agreed....besides I prefer my own plastic cheap coffee at home not all this fancy schmancy trillion choices at R35.00 plus a cup ..nah...any ronds I carry will be for that extra trail fee if it presents itself... :whistling:

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If you worked hard a recovery drink is essential for your muscles............like a chocolate milkshake

What have you started??? :w00t:

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Foookkk..... where do you buy your coffee for R35 a cup.


Our regular morning coffee costs R16 per cup of excellent Deluxe Coffee from Break Away Cafe in Cape Town.

yoh is it still R16? damn i miss that 

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Unfortunately they may be closing end of this month with their lease that is coming to an end and I think the landlord has other plans with the space, we have earmarked another spot around the corner that is offering a R15 cup .... but we need to do a quality control sample first before committing the group!


yoh is it still R16? damn i miss that 

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Is that Patch?



If it is its going to take the fire brigade to get him out  :ph34r:


Well I told you that I was keen on trying an Enduro or eBike, and from what I have seen, one needs to be rotund to participate in those sports. 

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Use your common sense and judgement.


Some coffee shops are known cyclists hotspots, just use those. Certain times are also more cycley, early morning etc. Don’t go sit at some place during their lunch service.


Be considerate, if you are hot and sweaty, try sit outside or a little away from other people who are not.


There is no hard set rule. We need to rely on ourselves here. If it feels like you are imposing, you probably are.


I won’t take offence or boycott a place if they won’t let me sit there all sweaty. I just won’t use it for cycling stops.


There's always that one guy -  all calm and level headed - comes on and derails the thread with sense that is not so common.

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I think Coffee shop owners go into business cos of cyclists :ph34r:  well the ones that are on every cycling route in the WC we made them famous. before during after coffee ride  im for it all as long as the coffee is good and the owners care. oh sweaty stuff of the tables  :thumbup:


Bootleggers ? 

We love them, and they love us!

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Well I told you that I was keen on trying an Enduro or eBike, and from what I have seen, one needs to be rotund to participate in those sports. 

your sox are too long

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