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Andre Engelbrec

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Selection for vets world is always a joke!!!!!!!

Sa Cycling offer No fanancial help to get riders over there.


I was selected last year . All I got was a phone call for my fax number as they wanted to mail me the SA cycling kit price list!!!


I haven't even heard of half the guys selected !!! And its not a true reflection of which vets are the strongset in the country


To the selectors!!! GO F#CK yourselves!!!!!!




O and sorry before I forget what does BMP think of the very upstanding people they sponsor.


I wonder if any Sponsor would like to associate themselves with your comments Mr. Harvey.
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Mr Selector, anyone that knows anything about vets racing will know that there is a superseries running at the moment for vets. The super series is currently all over South Africa. Riders who are serious about racing, travel at their own expense to compete in these races against the best and for what?. How can you possibly select an SA Squad based on one races result... Wacko . Surely you should have looked at other results. Surely you could have picked up a phone and asked Carinus or Andrew for their input?

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How can you possibly select an SA Squad based on one races result... Wacko ....






Herin lies part of the problem, the selection races should include SA's plus 2 or 3 other races which are designated on the racing calander as selection races so that all who intend to be available for selection have suffcient oppurtunity to prove themselves.



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Is this thread still raging on? It's clear that a Vets Cycling Association needs to be formed to manage national issues relating to Vets. That way, those close to Vets racing will be able to make the right decisions and selections for Vet cyclists.


It's pointless going on about a team that's now clearly just a reflection of SA road champs results. Rather do something constructive to improve the situation for next year. Criticism without a solution is just noise...






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hoi owen. i meant: get involved in making sure that your province nominates good okes, in your opinion of course, for these very sensitive positions.


naturally, your own investment and effort is not unseen, ito how you okes help cyclists...we only need your types all the way to the top.


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I am now going to agree with my distinguished boet. Get involved. You are part of a democracy in this country' date=' as well as in cycling. Use it. [/quote']


Lemmer, dude


How much more involved must a person like me, Du Sart, Graham Diesel or Crux be involved. Sorry if i left anyone out that also managers a team. Be it a Vets Team, Ladies or Jnr Team. With us it's passion. We start our race preparations 2 or 3 days before a race. We help with no financial reward. We do it because we love this sport. It's just sad to see riders treated like this.


Because David, Werner, Donovan, Spinnerkop...............are not my riders, i still feel for them. They are true cyclist. They travel to races countrywide, get involved, give advice and make the races you and I attend more attractive to sponsors and a like.


Now, as Marco has asked more than once, WHO IS THE SELECTOR FOR THE VETS CAT. A simple question. Or is it ?




100% do I agree. I am a VETS team manager, neither are the Bulk Pack boys, Lappies brothers, etc in my team, but i am there at every race, in fact even when my team is not racing I help, we all help each other out. At the end yes we get pretty involved when it concerns our age group and our riders, but we also certainly get involved all over. I have a girl Anli Pretorius who's one op the SA tops, CBist walked out and suddenly a world duathlon champion getting into road cycling sits without a sponsor or team. I got involved and am helping her to complete the year untill she is taken up by one of the top girl teams, so getting involved is in our nature.


BUT, we as team managers can not do everything, our body has to assist and prove their worth.

Like you said, we have riders to enter, fight for race info and who's entered, prepare equipment, prepare route sheets, check course, plan the race and have a 2nd and 3rd plan, check on other riders, you name it we do it. Then we don't even receive any e-mail saying selectors wanted, or when they choose, i guess if you are a new team and don't have a huge sponsor you are also not considered.
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Selection for vets world is always a joke!!!!!!!

Sa Cycling offer No fanancial help to get riders over there.


I was selected last year . All I got was a phone call for my fax number as they wanted to mail me the SA cycling kit price list!!!


I haven't even heard of half the guys selected !!! And its not a true reflection of which vets are the strongset in the country


To the selectors!!! GO F#CK yourselves!!!!!!




O and sorry before I forget what does BMP think of the very upstanding people they sponsor.


I wonder if any Sponsor would like to associate themselves with your comments Mr. Harvey.



Sounds like you one of the selectors!LOLLOLLOL


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I think the purpose of selecting a team to worlds is more giving recognition to riders than to go and race as a team. If we want to go and race as a team we will need millions to send one.


Roughly 10 categories * 6 riders + manager and 2 support staff = 90 people * 2 to include ladies = 180 people. Times this by R 1000 FOR KIT ALONE AND WE ARE LOOKING AT R 180 000. You can calculate the rest.


What do we need to get selectors to go to 2 races per weekend taking into consideration time' date=' accommodation, meals and travelling cost. Lets say R 3000 a day * 2 = R 6000 * 2 (TWO SELECTORS). Now times this by 40 weekends.


So how do we address the issue? All the teams each contribute say R 1 000 000 a year and we can do this to your liking.


Any suggestions?


Now we can take it even further and discuss the Vets specializing in the Time Trial. How many more people must be selected?


Complicate matters more. Some guys race in teams and others individually. As the vets teams are based on individuals who do you select. You can in some categories pick anyone of 12 riders who have performed well in some race or another.


Should a vets worlds team be selected?


Maybe we should make it easy and make SA champs the one and only selection race. Then just the first three per cat in the road race is selected. Then everyone will know when to perform at their best.


Whatever the selectors do they will never keep everyone happy.




If you accepted the position as a selector then surely for the good of vets racing you would try keep up to date with some of the racing happening around the country or try stay/get in contact with some of the managers to hear there opinions about who's going well .


Anyway!!!! Bla Bla Bla  !!!!!


Good Luck!!!!! to All those going!!!!


Bring some medals home!!Thumbs%20Up






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As Andrew has stated he is no longer as selector, please update with relevant information. So Jv/d Berg and who else made these selections?




May I suggest as I have been trying for the past few months CSA to delegate more powers down to the provinces and then the provincial selectors and management can then more closely monitor their cyclists when the events are held in their areas.The managers/selectors in each province has in any case got a clearer picture of who is on form and riding at the required levels for selection to the national squads.




From all the provincial selectors you have each province nominate their chief selector to sit on the national selection panel and bobs your uncle, no ugly disputes as you now working with known factors. Use it don't use it.


"Selectors Road       


Thursday, 06 December 2007


Elite Road




Tony Harding


Koos Van Tonder


Peter Daniels




U23 Road




Tony Harding


Koos Van Tonder


Elrick Kulsen




Junior Road




Ciska Austin


Rodney November


Clinton Curtis




Women Road




Marillyn Rossouw


Alex Cooper


(Appointment to be made on 31st May)






Veteran Road




Andrew McLean


Jan V/D Berg


(Appointment to be made on 31st May)




Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 May 2008 )



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A little bit of female wisdom on this topic Cool 


Andrew said in his post that every year we make the same mistakes again and again.....so next time lets don't...  Vets World Champs takes place every year round about the same time....and most of the vets have a fairly good idea whether they are going to make the trip or not....


nobody prevents you from keeping the selectors informed through out the year of your performances .... so my message to team managers / individuals (who ever you are)  put racing CV's together of ALL your results and submit it to the selectors....inform them of what you have been up to as a rider and do it 2 - 3 months prior to Worlds.....then they have the info to make informed dicisions...


And if you don't know who the selectors are....YOU ASK there's The Hub, Carinus, myself, CSA - any body can get information


Lets not make the same mistakes again, people
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Perhaps you don't understand the concept of a forum - everybody has an opinion - you can try to change people's opinions by telling them they're wrong but I'm guessing you'll have more luck farting out the sun...


mmmmm....now lets see.....I'm thinking but nothing is happening....how does this relate to the topic????

Stop attacking personally and start arguing SENSIBLE!!!!!!  Contribute to the topic and you should be fine!!



Has anybody that complained about the CSA selection process contacted them with your complaint? Or queried their selection? Or got involved in the selection process?...


Yes' date=' I have.  Crux have.  Owen have.  Marco have.  101% have.  Bruce have.  I have the mails to prove it too.  Last year when the Vets had to be selected, I contacted Andrew who was then on of three selectors.

Two of the selectors withdrew themselves a WEEK BEFORE worlds. 


I contacted Andrew to ask what the ideas etc where.  blah...blah...blahh...


Selectors sit on the jacks and make a decision a week before the time and then everyone needs to be happy........BS



I get the feeling it's much easier to have a go at them from the comfort of your own desk than it is so get involved and solve the problem.


Too many prima donnas in this sport I suspect.



If YOU were involved, you would have KNOWN how much Crux and Owen is part of the problem solving.  As Mr. Lemmer here how often he gets contacted.  Advice.  Problems.  Ideas.  Etc...etc...etc....


So to you my friend.  GET INVOLVED AND YOU WOULD KNOW WHO THE PLAYERS are and then give informed comments!!!!


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Now you guys have all these great names of experts to phone' date=' consult, vote, but you didnt suggest a name when they (CSA) needed names for vets selectors! [/quote']


Well, they were there all along.  You know us.  Latrinus knows us.  We have been here for 4 years +


But we were not selected.  We were not nominated.


THE *&$(*&^$$& THAT WERE NOMINATED NEED TO DO A GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is why they are there.


So don't tell me who should do the job.  Mr. Manual can maybe do my job better, but my Co. selected me and I MUST DO MY JOB or I'll get fired.AngryAngry


Not only that....if I do a poor job, then my CO. gets a BAD NAME.....now all that PR you and your boet is doing, goes down the drain because someone is not doing their JOB.......shame....how hard is that to compile???????


You guys could've been the selectors. You're dropping your own riders and teammates.  I was available as elite selector' date=' wasnt elected by congress, they went for ouk in my area that phones me for advice, so thats OK. I didnt wanted to stand as vets selector as I dont know the strong boys in Gauteng. But why didnt you guys nominate?? And now you blame CSA. WE ARE CSA!! [/quote']


Again....missing the point.  We (read I) am not pissed off at WHO the selectors are......they were selected.  They need to do a job.  Don't want to do a job......don't accept  the nomination....like you did.....


I am pissed of at them doing a CRAP job.  That is not on.

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just wanted to know in amongst all this bickering..


who should not be in the team? which rider(s) are not making the grade?





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I don't understand all this.It just sounds like one or two guys in the same age group and there fans that are unhappy about not been selected' date='now the whole selection process is supposed to be flawed.[/quote']


It is flawed.  The strong guys were not selected.  (Please note I am NOT part of the "Strong guys".  In ANY scenario, I would not have been selected. 


BUT, I race with the Vets group EVERY weekend. 

I have been to EVERY super Series event and I know who the strong guys are.  Who the leaders and the wheels suckers are.  So does my team, my team manager.

So does ALL THE OTHER teams and managers know.


Have the "Selectors" done some homework, they would have known too.....


Don't hear any complaints about the wrong guys been selected in the 50 or 60 plus age group. How would you feel if you were SA champ and didn't get selected.


I don't race with them.  I can only comment about MY category.


As for the SA champ.  If he sits on his behind the whole year and does *($*)#......except for one race' date=' he should be selected??????

Sorry sir....it does not compile.......

(I am not saying he did.........Just pointing out that you should work your ass off THE WHOLE year to be at the top.......why only ONE race?? 


I have more respect for Marko that was SA champ.....he came out and kicked our butts every race......EVERY RACE....be it is Cape, Free State, Natal....EVERY race.  Not just in SA's. 




You guys were not selected,should have done better at SA'S so stop winging.Get over it.


Thats like saying to the old lady that was raped last week....you did not go to the gym....you were not strong enough to fight off your attackers....get over it...


No compiling there......nothing....


Cycling is a team sport......Then again.....how can you know that? 

But it is like this.....

Your team mate is in a break.....you don't pull him back because you are a stronger rider or think you can do better.  You defend his lead.  You fight for HIS place. 

And THAT makes you a week rider???


You need to get out more and come ride with us.....you should learn a thing or two!!!


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ag wake up guys ' date=' you are treating your SPORT like a job. send the national champ in his age category. period. if CSA aren't paying for you to go to worlds and you feel strongly about going, select yourself and go as an individual. [/quote']



hellooooo , wakey,  wakey,

csa are not sending anyone to worlds, they've just selected riders who are allowed to wear SA colours if they choose to go and ride. and i think they give you the kit and R1 500 towards costs the rest comes out of your or your sponsors pocket.  


I think many are missing a valid point here...anyone can enter the Masters World Championships and wear whatever kit they like and form whatever teams they want. While it's nice to see some funding toward the regulars who do attend (and they'd be going regardless of funding from CSA) but it would have been better spent on preparing the juniors for the Worlds.
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