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Ok I've done my bit for the day.



Dear Ms/Mrs Stofberg,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Your response to a fellow cyclist was posted on an internet forum (www.thehubsa.co.za) and I requested your e-mail address for the purposes of addressing a couple of issues with you directly. I hope that you will entertain my point of view as a private citizen, a cyclist and a motorist.


I spoke with Mr Maas on the day that the article was first published in the Volksblad to try to understand his motivation before jumping to biased conclusions. Unfortunately his explanation that this article was satirical in nature did little to assuage my feelings of disgust. Nor has your explanation. Satire is a transparent cloak for the generation of hype.


I am an English speaking person so my grasp of the nuances of the Afrikaans language is somewhat lacking. However I believe that I probably represent a large portion of the South African population and present that if the satire seemed to me to be tasteless and prevocative rather than achieving the goal of generating healthy debate then this is also the case for a large portion of South Africans. Furthermore, I must question whether the intention really was to generate healthy debate as opposed to just stirring up emotions and hence readership numbers. The latter is obviously a much more vulgar goal and if valid must be seen as a tasteless and insensitive action.


You state that <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Maas' article was instigated by a prior article which appeared in the Beeld regarding a group of cyclists who attacked a motorist because he hooted at them. Your statements as well as the original article sadden me. Once again, the original article was written in a completely one-sided manner with the sole intention of creating maximum hype. A subsequent FACTUAL article has been written by Willem De Swart which presents that both parties were equally at fault. It carries apologies by both parties and points to the root cause of such incidents as being the general high levels of intolerance of South African road users towards each other.


I am in no way condoning the actions of the cyclists in question (whether provoked or not) and believe that they have done the South African cycling community in general a huge disfavour, however I must aslo state that by publishing side one sided accounts of such incidents you increase the levels of antagonism that you claim the majority of motorists harbour.


There is a very important issue which Maas' article highlights, albeit perversely. Cyclists are very exposed in terms of personal safety when compared with motorists therefore the actions of cyclists "misbehaving" i.e. delaying motorists by a few seconds or even minutes is completely at odds with actions of motorists who "misbehave". The consequences of the latter are potentially fatal! This fact needs to be highlighted to cyclists and motorists equally - and not in a manner that suggests that can be used as a means to an end i.e. ridding the roads of cyclists! As I write this I am advised of another cyclist having been knocked down this morning. That is 2 for the day so far!


I believe that elements of the South African media have lost their way in our new dispensation. They have a responsibility to society and that responsibility is being overshadowed by the drive to sell newspapers and advertising. The balance will ultimately be restored but at what cost in the interim? I am aware that Mr Maas has already suffered financially as a direct result of the article and sincerely hope that the number of responses that your newspaper will have received will make you re-consider your stance on the article.


I urge you to focus on highlighting the root causes of the problem, and I state it again - South Africans are generally intolerant and inconsiderate of each other as road users. As long as the Beeld continues to perpetuate the hype and antagonism it must be partially responsible for every motorist/cyclist accident on our roads.


Finally I believe that your newspaper should apologise unreservedly to all South Africans who have lost loved ones in cycling accidents for it's complete lack of sensitivity.

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Wheelsuck, well said!!!!Clap


Ek stem saam dat ons ook skuldig is, stry nie daarmee nie.


Maar dalk moet een van ons n artikel skryf wat se ons gaan begin klippe saam ry en karre gooi, aangesien ons almal gatvol is vir die bl*ksems wat so teenaan ons verby ry.......... die bybel se: vra en jy sal kry..... so motoris as jy wil he ons moet jou spieeltjie bietjie stel, vra net ons sal dit met graagte doen, nie nodig om so naby aan ons verby te ry nie....


punt wat ek wil maak, geen motoris gaan happy wees as daar so artikel geplaas word nie, hoekom moet ons dit nou as n satire sien?Angry



Windbreaker...http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_17_11.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_46v.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gif that was very well said!!!!!!


Windbreaker for MODERATOR!!!!!!!


Got a reply from Andriette Stofberg:


As u Maas se rubriek al lees van die begin af' date=' sal u besef dat die rubriek satiries is --- met ander woorde, hy neem gewoonlik n kwessie wat aktueel is en speel dan duiwelsadvokaat: hy oorbeklemtoon die kwessie deur dit vanuit n ekstreme, omstrede hoek te benader --- juis sodat dit mense aan die dink en debatteer moet sit..........




Perhaps I can write a story for Heat magazine that Ms.Andriette Stofberg is actually a slapper operating her wares nightly along Oxford street (JHB) and as long as I do it as a "satire" it will make it okay? 


Got a reply from Andriette Stofberg:




As u Maas se rubriek al lees van die begin af' date=' sal u besef dat die rubriek satiries is --- met ander woorde, hy neem gewoonlik n kwessie wat aktueel is en speel dan duiwelsadvokaat: hy oorbeklemtoon die kwessie deur dit vanuit n ekstreme, omstrede hoek te benader --- juis sodat dit mense aan die dink en debatteer moet sit..........




Perhaps I can write a story for Heat magazine that Ms.Andriette Stofberg is actually a slapper operating her wares nightly along Oxford street (JHB) and as long as I do it as a "satire" it will make it okay? 






aaaaaaaah Satire - The wonder cure-all for when "journalists" (I hesitate to call Maas a journalist) f*ck-up !!! Now I wonder if I wrote an article suggesting that women who get raped are asking for it, all under the cover of satire of course, and that no action should be taken against rapists who attack scantily clad women how stofberg would react?


Perhaps an article suggesting that journalists who write cr*p articles should be attacked and beaten might do the trick .....

First Rule of Jounalism : Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!! Barring 2 or 3 tabloids the rest are nothing more than govermental patsy purveyors of bollocks! Another thought....does this now allow us to use filthy and racist language on The Hub as long as we can demonstrate to the Moderatrors that our race/sex inclination in a story was actually intended as a "satire"??


Meeste van my eie menings is reeds uitgespreek deur baie van julle, behalwe dat hy ook praat van die "malletjies" wat die comrades doen elke jaar. Ek ry wel nie self fiets nie maar het gesinslede wat dit doen, maar hierdie "statement" maak my baie warm, want nou is dit sommer ons "malletjies" ook. Hy "wonder" in sy artikel of die fietsryers van nature arrogant is en of dit hul geld is wat hul so maak.

Nou wonder ek.... hy s? dis net 45min se ry om die roete af te handel of 5 min se vlieg.... dalk het die mofgat te veel geld, dit klink nogal soos "flashing" as jy my vra. Miskien is dit wat hom so arrogant maak, of miskien is hy een van daai outjies wat nooit "span" kon kry nie, of nooit uithouvermo? gehad het om sporte soos fietsry en atletiek te doen nie. Hy was dalk net die toeskouer sy hele lewe lank, en toe gaan doen hy modelwerk, of skryf belaglike berigte soos die een.


Die arme verkrampte siel, ek is seker hy dink dit was skerp, maar dis uiters onvanpas, maak nie saak hoe berekend dit was nie.



Dear Deon Maas,


You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As they say in Texas, you couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel. You are a cancer, an open wound. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into a hostile world. You are an insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts that sired you and then should have died of shame in recognition of what they had done. They are a bit late.

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. You snail-skulled little rabbit. Would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. May you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. And what meaning do you expect your delusionally self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with me? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a loathsome disease, a puerile slack-jawed drooling meatslapper. Your mother had to tie a pork chop around your neck just to get your dog to play with you. You would watch test patterns all day if the other politicians would let you. On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go.

You smarmy lagerlout git. You bloody woofter sod. Bugger off, pillock. You grotty w**king oik artless base-court apple-john. You clouted boggish boot-licking half-twit. You dankish clack-dish plonker. You gormless crook-pated t**ser. You bloody churlish boil-brained clotpole ponce. You craven dewberry pisshead cockup pratting naff. You cockered bum-bailey poofter. You gob-kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb. You dread-bolted fobbing beef-witted clapper-clawed flirt-gill.

You are so clueless that if we stripped you naked, soaked you in clue musk, and dropped you into a field full of horny clues, you still would not have a clue. You are a fiend and a coward, and you have bad breath. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go away.

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me.

The only thing worse than your logic is your manners. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, spell and count, you will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted, and that everyone has an easy time of mastering, but we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, social and political struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you. Good luck you mushed-mouthed and mottled monstrosity, and may the future reciprocate the global atrocities you seem hell-bent on perpetrating.


Yours Truly



Naaah....like my avatar, i stole this off another forum a while back. Nonetheless very effective in getting my own feelings accross!


"Ummm, aaah, well, um, aaargh.....HAVE THIS!" Angry

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