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Bicycling Mag - Pull your socks up!


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Regarding TREAD magazine...


PLEEEEZE can they not bring it out more regularly?? Even if they copy some articles to fill the pages?? :D I'm sure they will actually "disguise" it well enought for us not to notice...


I just cannot wait that ling between issues (I devour it in ~2days flat) then such a loooong wait for a decent read again!!

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Just had a reply on Twitter from BicyclingSA


"We have had a lot of requests for paceline riding & with all the big road races coming up we thought we would re-run the article again."

If they are re running articles as per requests, then surely the mag would end up thicker...beacause your intrepid reporters have been scouring the trails and roads for the latest scoop and lightest gadget.

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i only get it because of the discovery discount but even that is starting to look a bit too expensive.


That was my motivation. I am switching to Ride Mag soon :thumbup:

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I want to know how do they get from the cover price of £4 to R110 locally?


It is still worth it. Id you don't buy any of the local mags you can buy one MBUK and actually read it for weeks. I just love their free gifts aswell. Okay not this months wallet but the canvas belt from two months ago was great.

Ja, I got a lime green belt, it's the shiz. The best MBUK "free" gift so far...

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If they are re running articles as per requests, then surely the mag would end up thicker...beacause your intrepid reporters have been scouring the trails and roads for the latest scoop and lightest gadget.

What BS, the publish the article on your website and send a message out.

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Nice, I also got the generic twitter response as Tankman posted, the d!ckhead thats handling their social media should really get a wake-up call PK !

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I have read through this entire thread and come to the following personal opinions:


1) The magazine's staff are lazy.


2) The man named Mike has a very short memory and not really in touch with his publication's content.


3) The email from Mike and the Twitter communications show me that: 3.1)There is a disconnect between what Mike says and what everyone else says, 3.2) as pointed out earlier, Ctrl C and Ctrl V are the only word processing skills they seem to have and more importantly 3.3) they think their readers are stupid and do not do research (just like them it seems) and will never pick up that we ae being fed two diferent stories.

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I've never been a big fan of Bicycling Mag - mostly because of their "all bling no content" style and poor localising of blatantly american articles but this month they hit a new low...reprinting old articles word for word....


I was cleaning out some old mags and was having one last read before turfing them when I had a sense of ye olde de ja vouz. I picked up my current mag and there was the same article - word for word.


Check it out below.


On the left: Aug/Sept 2009

On the right: November 2010


P!ss poor showing fellows...


I picked up another repeat as well.

It was how to make a homemade repair stand.

I am very sure that I read the same one about a year ago.


Oh well.

Im not going to spend another R80 to renew it again.


6.27 MacFlurry's would be better value for money now days.


Also with the net nowdays and what we read here, I havent learnt anything new in a mag for a looonnnnggg time!

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Should pass this info on to Discovery who subsidise a large part of the subscription on Vitality. They may want to relook at who they support.




Rather subsidize our PPA fees.


I actually barked up that tree some time back and I hit some brick walls.

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Maybe they should call the magazine Recycling, not Bicycling. :)


They even managed to use the same old guy on the cover two months in a row. I think. They look the same, the same I-am-going-fast-in-granny-gear smirk? One on a road bike, one on a mtb? Or am I seeing things?

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Maybe they should call the magazine Recycling, not Bicycling. :)


They even managed to use the same old guy on the cover two months in a row. I think. They look the same, the same I-am-going-fast-in-granny-gear smirk? One on a road bike, one on a mtb? Or am I seeing things?


Best comment sofar

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You keeping up with Bicycling's example now Woofie? I mentioned this on the first page


Check the next page in the latest issue - DIY Repair Stand - also in another issue about a year ago. Ask for a bigger discount! 2 Articles repeated in the same issue.


I picked up another repeat as well.

It was how to make a homemade repair stand.



Thanks for the repeat - can I have a discount now?

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A Pivot, nice. Maybe then I could on some of those R2400 Ti rotors from CWC.


I see Sonic is one of the winners of the Fox hamper. Congrats dude. :clap:


Thanks my hamper was delivered last weekend while I was at the OFM, BIG UP TO TREAD AND FOX this stuff is amazing, particularly like the Fox flux helmet.


Now to get out on the MTB!!

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