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Tokai Maintenance and Building


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Dood, you can't ask a fellow builder for his stash of wood?!


Where is the farm btw?


Can't I, in exchange for manual labout & a place to stay when he needs help?!


He can also help us out when we build...



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Deanbean - can you get hold of any?


I've got a couple hundred hectares of it, but it's 1000km from Tokai.


I'd like to help you, but it's a bit far away.

Edited by deanbean
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Hi guys just want to say thanks for the work over the weekend I havent been to Tokai for about 5 weeks but reading the report it sounds like quite a lot of work was done. I really want to try and get to Tokai soon to check it out.


I think that technical areas on the route is great and can be present on a trail without making the trail unsustainable. Tokai has a much higher concentration of really skilled riders than anywhere else and its great to have a place that accommodates those that are into the "fun" aspect of the sport :)


My personal opinion: I think something that will solve a lot of the problems we currently have with riders making new trails and riding around stuff is if there are more obstacles / tech areas that accommodates experienced riders as well as beginner riders that would like to get into the more technical aspect of the sport. These are things like tabletops, rollers and drop-offs with a ramp just after the drop itself. So the experienced guy can still jump the thing etc while the beginner guy can start going faster and faster in a safe controlled way until his/her skill increased enough to clear the whole thing. This would be a great way to get people's skill up. And the most important thing - the trail is fun for everyone to ride.


Basically what Im trying to say is I think there are a lot of people who would also like to jump stuff, ride fast and generally have fun but don't quite know where to start, perhaps they injured themselves bad previously attempting something that they weren't quite ready for and are now permanently against doing any of the technical areas while actually they should be enjoying it and having fun. I think the fact that there are alot of XC beginner riders riding down the downhill track dragging their wheels etc proves that there are people that want to learn, but don't know quite where to start which would actually have been a good thing were it not for the trail damage.


Aaanyway if there is another trailbuilding session let me know I missed this one but would be very keen to help out again sometime in the future :)

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I've got a couple hundred hectares of it, but it's 1000km from Tokai.


Ah, Stutterheim.. elevation, trees and a temperate climate! Droolworthy! :drool:

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Hi Marius,


don't worry - there are plans for something JUST along the lines of what you describe. There are plenty areas where this can happen, but, as always, it just takes time. I must stress though - as before, these are PLANS! Don't go out and just start building! (not directed at you, Marius, rather everyone here)

Edited by cptmayhem
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That's no excuse to cut a corner and create erosion on the trails. If you train hard during the week then it should be easy to tackle the roots section and ride through a couple of puddles. You telling me you're too lazy to ride through an 8cm deep puddle?!! Come on man get real, are you a mountain biker or not? Maybe we should spend the money on having all of the trails tarred so you can bring your road bike?


What does the "typical South African attitude" have to do with this? It's not your right to ride at Tokai. We are very very lucky to have this amazing space to play, and heaps of work gets done to make that possible. Cutting corners on switchbacks etc is a big no no anywhere you go. Learn to ride the hard bits man.


Theres no need to ride through a unnecessary puddle? If someone else has made a new trail and it looks like the new trail is well ridden, then I think that whoever is looking after the trails has made this. If you driving in a 4x4 bakkie on a freeway and in the one lane there are small rocks/stones and there are no obstructions in the other, you telling me you gonna drive through the small rocks/stones?? Its called unnecessary and being pro-active to wear and tear!! Not everybody can replace chains, cassettes, brake pads so frequently!


The rules are so unclear in Tokai! No-one knows who is looking after the trails!

When you buy a Wild Card & Bike permit they dont issue you with a rule book!


It's not your right to ride at Tokai.
I`m paying to ride in Tokai! It`s a business at the end of the day! If I go to any other place, I pay to ride there, same as Tokai!!!!


We are very very lucky to have this amazing space to play
slowly going downhill as they cut all the pines down! Which in turn is creating more soil erosion!


What does the "typical South African attitude" have to do with this?

Some fat kat is sitting somewhere receiving all this money and he should be getting people to maintain Tokai. Instead you get keen cyclists wanting to do it for free!!

So dont you get frustrated about paying for a bike permit?? Where is the money going?


I was born in Tokai & have been riding in the forest since 2005. I havent seen any changes to additional routes and or maintenance in the past 5.5 years!!! So......where is all that money (wild card holders and single tickets) going??

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R30 to cycle in Tokai for one day, it is alot of money. I never use cycling permit because I cycle there at 5:30, while the guys sleep...

Last week I was surprised, that they want to stop me for Wild Card/permit when I return from forest...


I feel the Park should give us some money back to improve single tracks... They made huge money from us because every weekend I see over 500 cyclists going there. Sometimes the parking is nightmare....


We have the rights to know what happened to those money...

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Theres no need to ride through a unnecessary puddle? If someone else has made a new trail and it looks like the new trail is well ridden, then I think that whoever is looking after the trails has made this. If you driving in a 4x4 bakkie on a freeway and in the one lane there are small rocks/stones and there are no obstructions in the other, you telling me you gonna drive through the small rocks/stones?? Its called unnecessary and being pro-active to wear and tear!! Not everybody can replace chains, cassettes, brake pads so frequently!


The rules are so unclear in Tokai! No-one knows who is looking after the trails!

When you buy a Wild Card & Bike permit they dont issue you with a rule book!


I`m paying to ride in Tokai! It`s a business at the end of the day! If I go to any other place, I pay to ride there, same as Tokai!!!!


slowly going downhill as they cut all the pines down! Which in turn is creating more soil erosion!



Some fat kat is sitting somewhere receiving all this money and he should be getting people to maintain Tokai. Instead you get keen cyclists wanting to do it for free!!

So dont you get frustrated about paying for a bike permit?? Where is the money going?


I was born in Tokai & have been riding in the forest since 2005. I havent seen any changes to additional routes and or maintenance in the past 5.5 years!!! So......where is all that money (wild card holders and single tickets) going??

no, I don't get frustrated. I have a Wild Card, and I use it all over the Cape.


PLENTY of new things since 2005 btw. Unless you just stick to the fire road, which seems to be the case, by your inability to negotiate 5 cm puddles without destroying your bike. The trails just look after themselves. The 1200 riders per weekend don't cause any erosion hey?


Dude, your argument is weak. Rather put some slicks on your MTB and ride the promenade mate (careful the puddles though)

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R30 to cycle in Tokai for one day, it is alot of money. I never use cycling permit because I cycle there at 5:30, while the guys sleep...

Last week I was surprised, that they want to stop me for Wild Card/permit when I return from forest...


I feel the Park should give us some money back to improve single tracks... They made huge money from us because every weekend I see over 500 cyclists going there. Sometimes the parking is nightmare....


We have the rights to know what happened to those money...


freeloaders get a snotklap, not a voice.

Edited by SteveCT
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Hi guys,


Firstly I would like to applaud every single person involved with the trailbuilding in Tokai. Well done!!. I am not going to write about what is correct or incorrect but what I would like to say is how I feel about Tokai, in general. In other words, people may agree or disagree with me, I don't mind as everyone is entitled to his / her own opinion and I don't see the need for being slated for one's respective view.


Along time ago ( no, this is not a fairy tale) back in the early 90's there were tree's at Tokai!. Yes, big pinetree's which provided the trails with much needed cover from wind, rain, soil erosion etc.. and the ground was covered in pineneedles. Trail maintenance?. What was the need for this as the environment was a lot more stable, the trails were far more hardy and granted, there were also fewer bikes on the trails. Downhill routes were clearly routes indicating that the trail transpired down the mountain and was steep in nature, with no man made bumps or jumps. The only jump you had was from when a tree uprooted and made a huge "divit" in the ground... So jump bikes and DH bikes were unknown and XC bikes with fixed forks were all the rage along with BMX's... Point is the trees have been removed and along with that comes environmental factors which Sanparks never considered! Anyway, enough digressing..


My view may be a little harsh re SANparks, but it is based on history and history says a lot. Sanparks do not care about every single cyclist, hiker or mountaingoer... Im sad to say this, but it seems true. What would happen if all the awesome riders at Tokai did not get involved with trail maintenance?. Would Sanparks realise the errosive problem and suddenly wake up and start improving the situation?. Definitely not, infact by us helping maintain the trails we have made their live's easier and they are pretty much laughing right now. Meurant would of had his back against the wall in more than one department and you can only try so much before you realise that your efforts are in vain. You either are working with like minded individuals or you aren't... Remember, I am totally in support of trail maintenance, I just think that certain precedences are being set and will not be doing us very good. Neighbourhood patrols (crime watch) started out in the BKM area so well until the patrolling companies realised that the more the public do the less they have to do, with the effect that they take so long to respond. In this same manner, we are not doing ourselves any favours...



So, unfortunately the trail situation in Tokai is not magically going to get better, atleast not in my lifetime ( as trees take centuries to grow once replanted). Trail upkeep is going to be neverending due to lack of tree cover and lack of interest re replanting from Sanparks. The one valid question is, where does the money from Wildcards go to? Heck if I know, but I would love to know. I think one hubber actually stated that there is no present or future business plan regarding the future of Tokai etc... Perhaps the City of Cape Town should interveen and actually take charge as I see nothing inproving as long as Sanparks manage the trails. I stand to correction, but this is my view.


I have lived in Tokai for 33 years and have ridden on the Tokai trails since I was in my early teens. I really do commend all the riders in Tokai, the downhillers, Dirtjumpers, XC riders for putting in time and effort with regard trailbuilding etc, we are all passionate about this mountain, otherwise this thread would not of come about...... The quicker Sanparks realise this needs to be addressed the better. They ultimately need to take over the responsibility.. In the future, you are going to hear your children say: "lets go riding in Tokai Bush" whereas you and I will remember Tokai for the untame and magical forest that it was


Big Up to every rider out there that cares!!! :clap:

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To everyone complaining and feeling that they are not getting their moneys worth from Tokai, feel free to go and ride elsewhere. I recommend Contermanskloof, Hillcrest & Meerendal. Just see how much it cost. To the freebooters, as said earlier, a snotklap.


To everyone wanting to make new unauthorized lines in Tokai, go and try that at Welvanpas or Kirstenbosch and see how quickly you get arrested. Its exactly the same thing, someone elses property where you are a guest. So you have to obey the rules. The fact that you can get away with breaking them still doesn't make it right.


To everyone moaning about SANparks, keep in mind that their mandate is conservation on a wider scale, not providing a nice Mtb route for a few thousand locals. The money from Wildcards fund all our National Parks. Be grateful that we are allowed into Tokai at all and don't endanger that by bad behaviour.


To everyone moaning about the harvesting of Pines, that's what they were planted for. Furthermore, have you looked at sections that were cut 3 - 5 years ago? The fynbos is growing back and is absolutely spectacular. (Yes, I'll also miss the shade and respite from the southeaster.) Some of the Tokai Pines are only due to be cut in 10 - 20 years from now, so we'll have some shelter for a while still.

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@ Pain & Shine and Captain Mayhem


Thanks for Sundays' work and for sorting my least favourite root out! Sorry, I couldn't make it, the flu got me.

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To everyone complaining and feeling that they are not getting their moneys worth from Tokai, feel free to go and ride elsewhere. I recommend Contermanskloof, Hillcrest & Meerendal. Just see how much it cost. To the freebooters, as said earlier, a snotklap.


To everyone wanting to make new unauthorized lines in Tokai, go and try that at Welvanpas or Kirstenbosch and see how quickly you get arrested. Its exactly the same thing, someone elses property where you are a guest. So you have to obey the rules. The fact that you can get away with breaking them still doesn't make it right.


To everyone moaning about SANparks, keep in mind that their mandate is conservation on a wider scale, not providing a nice Mtb route for a few thousand locals. The money from Wildcards fund all our National Parks. Be grateful that we are allowed into Tokai at all and don't endanger that by bad behaviour.


To everyone moaning about the harvesting of Pines, that's what they were planted for. Furthermore, have you looked at sections that were cut 3 - 5 years ago? The fynbos is growing back and is absolutely spectacular. (Yes, I'll also miss the shade and respite from the southeaster.) Some of the Tokai Pines are only due to be cut in 10 - 20 years from now, so we'll have some shelter for a while still.

Well said. :thumbup: This isn't Whistler, although one thing I wouldn't complain to have is a ski-lift to the top. :drool:


@Mach7-7, who better to build a trail for riding, than a passionate rider. I also don't think you realise the amount of erosion caused by rider traffic. The trees don't play a role in protecting that. Someone said it so brilliantly: Use less brakes, pedal harder, be braver. THIS will curb erosion in a big way.


Let's not make this all about what the SANparks do with the entry fee. See the entry fee as an access pass to something cool when you ride in there on your R25k bike. It keeps the riff raff out ;) If you don't like paying it, don't go. You can ride for free on Table mountain's foothills. If you get a Wildcard and you ride a lot, it works out to almost nothing.


And the clever person who was upset about being stopped at the gate and asked for a Wildcard, umm, what makes you so special? Don't try and mess up what everyone else is doing. Agreed, toe the line or you'll make a lot of passionate riders really upset. It won't be good for you mate.


@ Pain & Shine and Captain Mayhem


Thanks for Sundays' work and for sorting my least favourite root out! Sorry, I couldn't make it, the flu got me.

What's with this flu? I've had it twice now. I'm a wreck. My training is back to square one.

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I had a thought as well, what about a reward system for trailbuilders? What would the possibility be of having a card that can be stamped for trailbuilding days where each session helped out, can be turned into a free ride day, or 'x' amount of build days can be turned into a Wildcard. This will get guys involved and it won't have this charity feeling to it. Just a thought.

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I had a thought as well, what about a reward system for trailbuilders? What would the possibility be of having a card that can be stamped for trailbuilding days where each session helped out, can be turned into a free ride day, or 'x' amount of build days can be turned into a Wildcard. This will get guys involved and it won't have this charity feeling to it. Just a thought.


sick suggestion, but i guess some ppl might argue they already buy the green card, so track maintenance by the usual ghosts is expected.

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