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Robbie Stewart

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Everything posted by Robbie Stewart

  1. Came across this on PB...touted as being the most embarrassing use of a bicycle. You decide. I agree.
  2. I agree fully. Now that I think of it again, I was actually waiting for the moment someone opened their car door...
  3. Now for once I tend to lean towards the driver, and not the cyclist. In fact, I would probably have followed that up with a proper slap or three.
  4. just...how? I am 1.90, 120..... As for the Camber's fork. I have a Camber with the RS Revelation. Do they die that quick?
  5. It has never been permitted to ride the concrete road. I am reading "into" that mail as it pertained to vehicular access apart from Emergency vehicles, and was followed up with Metro Rescue's contact details. I am going with someone came undone on Bloemendaaler, and needed emergency evacuation? This after Hilton Turvey did a stellar upgrade number on that trail recently. Skills were in short supply? (I say this tongue in cheek, as I bought it - the farm that is - there a while back myself).
  6. The shock!!! The horror!!!! This thread is sure to make it to Friday. Imagine that!!! The absurdity of receiving good service, when p!$$ poor service is what was expected. Bring out the pitch-forks, people. Let the flaying begin... On a more serious note, what a breath of fresh air to read something worthy of praise for a change. Nice one 4I.
  7. I'm curios. Seeing as the AGM is being held in a public library, not belonging to Sanparks or Tokai, surely there is no legal recourse to prevent anyone attending a public meeting about public use land?
  8. Hey now, no need to offend a John Deere tractor like that...
  9. For all the folks who miss Miss Manon Carpenter; [edit] - oh, and it's a rather nice build too (bike, that is...)
  10. So, this does not bode well. It seem's interest peaked at zero...
  11. That cave is intimidating the first time, but stop, check it out, grow a pair, and ride it. You will NOT regret that decision...unless you spill, then you will definitely regret it The rock garden is another story altogether. I walk it.
  12. And you can see what this pastor is talking about when you go into Africa proper.
  13. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say. I too have traveled Africa for business, and I have yet to come across an African country that is prospering and looking after it's people (apart from Botswana and Namibia). Rampant poverty, clearly distinct living zones, where the affluence and the abject poverty are even more clearly defined than here in SA. Was it all just us? Did the white man cause all of Africa's problems? Or is this sentiment of not caring, and destroying not a left over remnant of colonial rule, but rather an entrenched trait from generations and generations of doing the same thing? Every time the plane lands in Cape Town, I feel like this is a different continent to Africa. People in SA (and I am mostly referring to the majority population) have NO IDEA what actual poverty looks like.
  14. She looks a bit like Scarlet Johannson...
  15. 20/2 ftth uncapped R706.00 pm with Vox
  16. https://dms.licdn.com/playback/C4D05AQHsTV1gfFko6w/324a31cbda4741cf9f1f08d883971197/feedshare-mp4_3300-captions-thumbnails/1507940147251-drlcss?e=1565856000&v=beta&t=x5XZtW-0bI_V2-1y0-gjP6lsakCUmvW66HXoKRWFtV0
  17. Apartheid died in 1994. Let it go already, FFS... Have I offended anyone? No? Don't worry, I will get to you soon enough!
  18. Uhhh, ja, because riding one's bike has become a fashion statement!?! One thing I have noticed lately, is that all the so called cycling fashion police obviously never ride, as the trails are chockers with folks riding their "functional" bikes, not their "fashionable" bikes, replete with short socks, mismatched kit and all the excesses that is needed to make a cycle fun. I guess this means all the "fashionistas" are busy posing at coffee shops with the Uber-cool kit and bikes, and calf length socks, to go with their hipster hair and glasses. Nes ek gedink het. I reckon all the pansies can leave cycling to the genuine folk.
  19. But still, what can be taken away from this is that the once unbeatable AB's are showing some chinks in their armour, and this is not a bad thing for world rugby in general.
  20. Wales found themselves at number 1 on the world rugby rankings yesterday, and NZ dropped from 1st for the first time in TEN years. Should Wales beat England today, they stay at number 1. Lose, and NZ gains it back again. Go Wales!!!
  21. I found this a rather interesting chain of events leading to a smashed C-5 Galaxy. Moral of the story? Don't be a d1ck... From Discover on Google https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/see-picture-cockpit-hit-ground-35-gs-72696
  22. Thanks LWB. I find this quite interesting, in that I don't doubt the pilot's version.I recall reading that when people encounter high stress environments, they sometimes recall events in a very imprecise manner, and even when interviewing multiple witnesses, they all tell a somewhat different story. Some people will say they smelt smoke, some will say they saw and smelt smoke. Others will say there was a fire. The cold hard facts will reveal a different chain of events, but the human mind is fascinating in that it can, and sometimes does, make up events to fill in the blanks. And if you're an obscure, semi known (not famous) Canadian wannabe, then this is your stage to promote yourself. The pilots were likely so fixated on the "smoke" that their olfactory senses also decided it can be the only logical explanation, and therefor likely tricked the brain into thinking it was indeed smoke. And being a pilot on a transatlantic crossing about to start, I can imagine the stress factors were high considering the door damage event, and the irate passengers, the possible expiry of their flyable hours and a host of contributing factors which led to the point of turning back to Accra now that there was smoke in the cockpit reducing visibility. I would not want to pilot a plane under those circumstances.
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