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Posts posted by Zub

  1. The official Tour Fantasy league is closest to what we had here, looks promising, check it out. The is a Bikehub pool already.


    Yep. There are 13 participants in the Pool already. 


    Let's make it a blast, there are prizes to be won too.


    Admin, perhaps a dedicated thread?



  2. Their Email correspondance is useless!!! i got hold of someones cell number at CL... And then i started to hound them like a little b(*&h

    The live chat via the website has been working for me. Sometimes there is someone available after hours as well. Got to negotiate good deals and follow up on orders with success via the live chat.

  3. oh... that new helmet feeling....

    my CL order just arrived. took DSV 10 days to get to me.

    i called them in the end and they then made a plan to have it delivered.

    expect 25-30min wait times before anyone answers the phone. massive backlog and no staff makes for a nightmare situation.

    that and this courier company is still documenting everything on paper

    My IDT was collected by DSV from CL in JHB last Monday and was at my door in CT the Wednesday morning.

  4. How long do you want people to stay at home? You realise the lockdown is to prepare the the hospitals for the inevitable. The majority of us are going to contract the virus until a vax is found so we are in lockdown until medical facilities are ready and in the meantime the spread is being reduced. However at some point we are going to L2/L1 and then infections will skyrocket.


    It is not IF, but rather WHEN.

    True. However we need to do our bit by trying to slow down the spread,so that when the inevitable does happen, it's not as severe. We can already see the flattened curve taking effect,so it has been working.


    I don't mean, stay at home, as in don't go out at all. Do your essential shopping, go to work etc. but to go window shopping at bike shops, or go look out of curiosity. Lol.


    If you were looking for something specific then you could have called around first. Unless of course you no longer want to delay the inevitable and just get it over and done with, then by all means go for it, but then you really need to stay home when you're sick.


    You don't need to touch anybody in order to bring the virus into your home. We already risk going out in order to do essential shopping and to go work, so why add to that risk by going to unnecessary places as well?

  5. Interesting statement ....


    Mr Price Sports - your hands gets dis.infected when you go in ... probably 5 clients in the store. The biggest danger was the gent standing near the entrance, mask off, talking on his cell phone .... I stopped some 10m from him, and waited until he moved away ... as the exercise items were cordoned off I did not touch a single item in store



    SportsmansWarehouse ... I spoke to the staff to check availability, keeping a 2m distance. I did touch a few potential items ... sterilized my hands entering and leaving the store.


    Game ... parking booms auto open, no need to touch any surface. In Game I saw the taped off section and left. ... narrow isles made it impossible to always keep a proper safe distance ...


    CWC ... I walked in some 20m, saw the layout, saw the tape at various clothing racks ... staff at the tills about 10m away. I left without touching anything, never came close to anybody in the store.


    At my LBS I kept a safe distance while he wad busy with another client. Only then approached and did my business. The high risk part being when we looked at the spare parts on the shelves ... not practical to maintain a safe distance. We both wore masks, and I wore gloves


    I was wearing my mask all the time. After SportsmansWarehouse I wore my gloves when entering stores and touching items.



    So in my humble opinion, I am at much higher risk at my local Spar where the staff dont wear their masks properly ... where it is often not possible to maintain a safe distance from other shoppers, especially the mutants that require a mask around their throats ....


    Should add, when I have to go to the cafe I check out the parking area first ... I dont go in if it is busy !! I most often drive 4km to the Spar in the commercial district ... never more than 10 clients in this store outside of office hours



    Looking at some shoppers .... not wearing masks correctly .... touching things, then their faces ... lack of social distancing .... it can get dangerous out there !!!

    The fact that you drove to all those different locations is irresponsible.


    If you think by not touching anything you are safe then you are highly mistaken. Also, no mask is going to prevent you from contracting the virus.


    I hope that you get undressed and remove your shoes before entering your home.


    Stay at home.

  6. I specifically called, initially the agent said they can ship all apparel then she came back and said that Falke arm warmers are categorised as sports whereas First Ascent is apparel

    So that is the applied "rationale"

    Sounds like a circus to me

  7. Just ride a lot, and ride consistently, at least 4 times a week. Build up to a level that you can realistically maintain. Ride on feel and listen to your body, don't worry about the numbers, everything will fall into place as you gain fitness. Once you reach a point where you feel you are no longer improving, you can start looking at numbers and adding structure to your training.

  8. never ever confuse a good "Story" with facts .... but let's not forget ... SA has not even tested 220800 people .... The only thing we KNOW, is the we have no idea of the true numbers in SA ....



    bit difficult to "do the math" when you DONT have the real facts .... but never let facts get in the way of a good story ...

    My stance is that irrespective of the number of tests done and the true number of positive cases for SA, at the end of the day, the only things that matter are, the number of cases requiring intensive care, and the number of deaths, both of which has not presented itself in the volumes expected and which is not impacted by the amount of tests done since these stats will surface irrespective.


    The current reality is probably too good to be true but all previous predictions have been dismissed. I'm staying positive and believe that something unique is happening in SA but we haven't figured it out yet or it simply cannot be explained.

  9. Bergvliet, Cape Town.


    Yeah our fb group is becoming silly. You dare not cycle to the shops as you will get reported...

    I cycle to the shop all the time to get groceries. I'm an all weather commuter, so it's very difficult for me to take the car when I can take the bike.


    I can get about 10kg worth of groceries into my backpack, depending on which items I buy.


    Managed an everage HR of 186 the other day, over 35min.

  10. In all honesty, it’s not even started. I am knee deep in audit comm docs and recruitment at the moment.

    Only knee deep? Slacking... Don't know what's worse, waiting for seeding to be updated or Savage race report.

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