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The Ouzo

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Everything posted by The Ouzo

  1. I have not used Squirt before, always used other products. But for the last 800km I have been using squirt and I can confirm a very dirty drivetrain compared to the other products I used. Also more difficult to clean off than the other products.
  2. Me too. I'm an early riser, and if I set my alarm for earlier than normal I'm awake before it goes off. But as with you, in bed early in the evening. What I have found though, before lockdown we used to have the alarm set for 5am. With lockdown I had it off and found myself only waking up at 6am. Once back to work getting used to the 5am wake up again was a bit of a shock to the system
  3. So if the buzz on the neighbourhood whatsapp group is to believed its a tripped sub-station caused by ............. an ants nest.
  4. In December we changed our old fashioned wall/TV cabinet for something more modern. Whilst I had everything out I took the opportunity to rewire what was being fed by the UPS. At the time UPS had the entire entertainment system connect, WIFI, HT Amp, TV, Laptop, it did not last 20 minutes even with everything in standby mode. So we landed up just turning the UPS off. After the rewire I have the fibre and WIFI connected. On 2 Jan they stole the power cables in our area, UPS lasted 5 hours till dead. (I know I should not let it go dead). But I'm glad I rewired. My eldest has been homeschooling this week, wife just sends me a message now, they have loadshedding, but thankfully my daughter can still continue with her school work. (that is until she runs her ipad flat)
  5. a 5 year old child will sort this out no problem.
  6. awesome thanks David. I also realised this morning that I was using the recover score to input into rmssd
  7. My plan was to take a few days off from the bike, by yesterday I was feeling better and wanting to ride again, but rain. No problem I said, will hit it this weekend and next week. But the rain has other ideas. I should probably just go out in the rain and ride, but need to get my head right to do that.
  8. thanks that worked, for some reason it did not work earlier in the day. probably me doing something wrong
  9. Hi david, I'm trying to input HRV and other health data, but when I hit OK is give me a JSON Parse Error.
  10. I did 3 easy-ish rides during the week after the 17th. Maybe not easy enough though. One of the big problems I have with myself, out on the road by myself I find it difficult to go easy.
  11. most likely a combination of all the above, nutrition, hydration, we were done before 9 but it was ahot day, and just plain over doing it. and lack of sleep. On the 15th my fatigue was 34, 16th I did a quick burst for just short of an hour, fatigue went up to 36, after the ride on 17th it spiked to 58. I have not ridden this week and its dropped to 34 from a 48 on sunday.
  12. you know what irritates me the most with all these rewards programs ? Its trying to get information on how they work before you join. Not one of them that I've looked at has a straight forward website that shows this to you. They're all fragmented under different categories and menus, its like it was put together by actuaries or some other such number crunching bunch.
  13. yeah the more i look into it the more it looks like I'll be in the same position as I was with vitality. Bottom of the ladder and spending more on it than what I'm getting back.
  14. you dont even need a specific device. I'm using the camera on my phone and an app on the phone. I've been using the camera on the phone to measure resting HR for a number of years now. Have checked the accuracy against my dedicated HRM at it was within a beat or 2 out every time.
  15. like others have said dont worry about the data during the day, either let your device take its reading through the night, or take a once off reading first thing in the morning when you wake up. The most important thing is to be consistent, so if you're using morning reading make sure you stick to morning reading and keep the routine before the reading the same. They recommend waking up, and take a readin right away, but I get up and go sit on the loo (the stress of a full bladder )
  16. no worries on MY car there is a trickle charger as it does less km per year than my bicycle, the company car on the other hand is a demo and gets test driven daily so should be ok.
  17. My understanding at this point is that the lower the HRV the more stress the body is under.
  18. I used to commute last year, this year I changed companies and I'm 2km from home, not even worth getting the bike out for that. But what it does allow me to do is ride a few times a week before work. (is doesnt show for this week as I've made the decision to take a few days off the bike)
  19. Did not want to derail the other thread to much, so decided to start a separate HRV thread as there seems to be some interest. I've been using HRV4Training for 7 days now, so I now have a baseline. Although the app does start making suggestions from day 4 onwards. This is my story so far. On Sunday 17th I did a strenuous ride. It took its toll on me. I did an easy ride on 19th and another on 21st and I felt the fatigue. On the 20th I downloaded the HRV4Training app and took my first reading on the morning of 21st and subsequently have followed the same procedure every morning. That is to get out of bed, go sit on the loo and take the reading using the phone camera. I did another ride on morning of the 23rd and still felt fatigued. On the morning of the 24th was my 4th reading and the app was able to then offer some guidance. It told me to take it easy. When I did my ride that morning I had no energy or power. The following 2 mornings the same advice was given after my readings, take it easy. i had already decided to take most of the week off of the bike. This morning 27th after my reading it told me all is good, go ahead. It also corresponds to how I'm feeling. What I did yesterday though was to reference back to intervals.icu fatigue score and see how it compared to how I felt and what the app was telling me. After my ride on 17th my fatigue score went higher than I've seen in a loong time, watching its movements on its downward trend corresponded to how I felt and what my HRV was doing. Seeing it head back it "normal" territory yesterday I was looking forward to see what the HRV app would tell me this morning, and it corresponded. Obviously this is just after 7 days, the longer you use it the better the trends and predictions, but I think using it in conjunction with something like intervals.icu is valuable.
  20. i think its because you are constantly monitoring it. I've been maintaining pools since I was a kid, the one thing I realised is that if you keep fiddling with chemicals its just gets worse. chlorine and acid, that all you need to worry about, as soon as you start adding other stuff in you are treading a fine line keeping the balance right.
  21. If you want I can give you the number for the guy that re-did my pool. We went through about 6 different pool companies for quotes and he was the one guy that was willing to listen to what we wanted and easy to deal with.
  22. how are YOU doing after the fall ? The injured hip ok ? Your wife must have not been to happy to have you coming off again so soon after the last time.
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