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The Ouzo

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Everything posted by The Ouzo

  1. the biggest thing that goes on the pumps is the mechanical seal. Its so damned easy to replace once you have the pump out and its cheap too.
  2. I used these guys a few years back when I bought a new filter, they were the cheapest at the time https://www.infinitypoolspecialists.co.za/ On the pump, I managed to source a reconditioned pump from a pool shop in boksburg, there are on atlas road but I just cant remember the name they go under now, used to be called Hippo pools
  3. Hold the button on the right side, then scroll down to the menu You will find sensors in there, scroll to the cadence sensor and remove it from there. Whish I knew this last year during CTCT. My 130 did not pick up my HR strap or my Cadence sensor and I did not know how to fix this whilst riding. I was about 10km in when I noticed it and was not about to lose that 10km of my ride. But it happened once or twice after that whilst out training and being a training ride I had more time to fiddle and find the setting to re-connect.
  4. We're in between shows, waiting for new episodes of some shows etc. so I was browsing last night, came upon The OC. We've never watched it before, watched 1 episode last night. Seems interesting enough to keep watching for now.
  5. still 180. has caused a big stir, but then so did the 3 point seat belt and various other safety features when they were first introduced.
  6. C30 T5 Sounds more like a problem than a safety feature. But. modern Volvos have the tech to do just what DJR wants, its just a matter of making it more intrusive. You are already supplied with 2 keys where you can set a max speed on the one key (although those cars are limited from the factory to 180km/h max speed)
  7. The company med aid is through momentum, i therefore qualify to join. I only have med aid though momentum, is it worth joining ? The way I see it I'll only get the max 280 points for the health stuff.
  8. If the farmer is working that land, the last thing he wants to worry about is lycra clad mushroom heads riding around there. He most likely doesnt have great visibility out of his farming equipment and running over a cyclist is not something he wants to deal with. Besides, the wording on the signage make me think its only temporary closure anyway. Seems like Karen Schutte should get her panties out of a knot.
  9. very cool. Having never seen a 3d printer in action this might seem like a stupid question. How much quick and sudden on the movements of the printer ? are these then not transferred to the feet therebye making the entire enclosure shift around slightly whilst printing.
  10. Started here before sunrise. Then a bit of this And ended with an unexpected medal Was a tough day out though.
  11. what is the story with this old toppie, i see he has become a meme sensation but whats the background?
  12. No shame in not completing the trip Wayne, you still had a journey, what you did was epic and a million times better than what most people (including me) would do. You've learnt some lessons, next time you'll be better prepared.
  13. the blue words preceding your red words, to my understanding, means what is in red does NOT constitute a motor vehicle
  14. what about converting to tubeless and running wider tyres with lower pressues
  15. I created a show us you shop thread during lockdown, that didn’t take traction. This is my work shed. 6x3m behind the garage. One wall is the garage, 2 walls of IBR and the 4th is a roll up garage door. Not the best pics. Far side bench is 2 old doors, other bench with the tool wall is a solid wood bench that I inherited from an old neighbor. Most of the tool I accumulated over the years as I needed, some came from my wife’s late father.
  16. Doesn’t give you everything you’re looking for, but is a nifty option. I bought this cellphone off OneDayOnly.
  17. My 6s was only a few hours old, I set it up and then put it ontop of the computer tower under my desk to charge. Someone phone, it vibrated itself off the tower and onto the tiles floor. Luckily just a minor scuff mark. I bought a cover the next day. just went out to the china mall down the road and picked up a silicone case for the 12m. Picked up a cheapy wireless charger too, later on I'll get a nice one, see some nice looking ones on Takealot.
  18. the day after 9/11 I flew to cape town. as we were doing server upgrades i had a set of screwdrivers with me. I never saw those screw drivers again I have a leatherman, it used to be in my "lunch box" that I used for work, but was always worried it would go missing. Whilst working at Volvo they had a leatherman sort of tool that was swiss made, we used to give these to customers as part of their gift pack for buying a car. Along the way I acquired one for myself, it has replaced the leatherman and has served me well.
  19. I have a near identical door to that in my house
  20. I had to pull some string with people who know people. My iPhone 12 Mini in black arrived today. Only thing is I cant set it up. It wants to do a software update, but I dont have wifi at the office. Tried connecting to the old phone as a hotspot but it doesnt seem to like it. Oh well, will have to wait until I get home. First impressions, It looks and feel very much like my Iphone 5 with the square edges etc. Its physically smaller than my 6s, but the screen is larger. I'm yet to decide if I want to put it in a cover or not. The 5 was not in a cover and was ok, the 6s was in an ultra thin silicone cover, but every time I took it out of the cover to clean it just felt oh so lovely (but slippery) in my hands.
  21. ** Disclaimer*** I'm no medical anything, I have read up a little bit on HRV and this is only my understanding of it. You need to get a baseline over a couple of days, one measurement wont tell you anything. Once you have a baseline you monitor it daily, trying to measure it under the same conditions every day. The variability will then tell you if something is wrong. This something could be stress, over excursion, lack of sleep etc. Thats where it get complicated and having an app to help.
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