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The Ouzo

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Everything posted by The Ouzo

  1. have you investigate the 32gi products for your diabetes ? I dont know enough about diabetes or the nutritional make up of the 32gi gels, but they are supposedly low gi and should not cause spikes etc. As for my intake on the bike, I wont make recommendations as I bonk to often. I normally have 32gi endure in one bottle, plain water in another and then some 32gi gels wich I'm supposed to take every 45min or so. I tend to forget in the hear of the moment and then land up bonking.
  2. buy what makes you happy for me, personally, the last time I had any confidence with rim brakes was in the 90's, having discs now has brought back that braking confidence. And I dont even have a decent hydraulic setup with the giant using giants hybrid hydraulic system.
  3. Thats why I said there are screen replacements and then you get screen replacements. But, as a used phone buyer, how would you know a good quality screen was put in or a bad one ? Same as when you buy a used car, did the previous owner skimp and put some knock off parts on or did they put good quality parts on. Listen, I'm a cheap skate, I'm probably the guy Apple wants to prevent from fixing his phone with inferior parts. But I can see both sides of the coin here.
  4. would you want to be the person buying a used phone with a screen repaired at an unknown repair centre ? You get replacement screens and then you get replacements screens, I have had a phone where I've replaced the screen with an "aftermarket" screen, the results werent so great.
  5. sounds like you dont like disc brakes. Cool, use what you prefer.
  6. you had me doubting what I saw. so I dug back into it. Looks like indoor cycling with the GPS obviously doing strange things. Distance shows as 4 032km with and average speed of 4 399 km/h This was on Tuesday last week, the guy looks like he is active on Strava, so why not edit the workout and correct it. Some people. Edit, link to workout https://www.strava.com/activities/4280524468
  7. I was playing around on Strava the other day, cant remember where I saw it, think it was one of the challenges, the leader for the day did 4000 odd km at an average speed of over 1000 km/h. Clearly took a flight somewhere and did not stop his watch/computer.
  8. Oh that tail helped a lot today.
  9. 3:33 tonight. I’m coming for you LWB
  10. + 1000 There is a fair amount of pressure through the filter, putty is not going to last for to long.
  11. and then they'll cancel a week before
  12. You have to look at this from all sides. As has been said above, if you're willing to invest in becoming and apple accredited repair shop it will pay off. Its apples way of ensuring their product quality remains intact. It also to an extent will cut down on stolen phones. Hear me out. As with cars, often electronics are stolen, torn down to their components and those sold off to "repair" places. Modern cars wont just accept a piece of electronic equipment in it without being told to. Replace a headlamp on a car with the identical part but from another car and it will do much the same as the phones, show you the finger.
  13. what about a skimmer attachment ? Not the one that connects to the kreepy pipe, I had one that connected to the water inlet into the pool, created a little vortex and any floating debri got sucked into it. Worked very well.
  14. they are all insured, but thats not the point
  15. cool, gives me enough time to get there and get ready.
  16. If there is more than 1 bike on the road its a race actually, even with 1 bike on the road its a race
  17. I have to agree with this. I dont see component/bike manufacturers building parts that cant stand a good/frequent wash. Obviously they build them taking into account regular service and replacement, but they also design them to stand up to some abuse
  18. what happens if you have a 'dale ? But, I'm so using this trick. My OCD cant take the 1-2 deg out that I always land up wth.
  19. I spent the most time I've ever spent on IDT during lockdown. For me to stay motivated I needed to set a goal/plan for that training session. Just getting on and riding would see me wanting to give up after 20min. I kind of set a rough training plan out with intervals on certain days and long slow rides on other days. In the beginning I was pushing to try and do the max time on IDT as before lockdown I think the longest I had spent on it was 45min. The moment you become bored is the moment you start feeling all the way the IDT sucks compared to be outside.
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