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The Ouzo

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Everything posted by The Ouzo

  1. If there is more than 1 bike on the road its a race actually, even with 1 bike on the road its a race
  2. I have to agree with this. I dont see component/bike manufacturers building parts that cant stand a good/frequent wash. Obviously they build them taking into account regular service and replacement, but they also design them to stand up to some abuse
  3. what happens if you have a 'dale ? But, I'm so using this trick. My OCD cant take the 1-2 deg out that I always land up wth.
  4. I spent the most time I've ever spent on IDT during lockdown. For me to stay motivated I needed to set a goal/plan for that training session. Just getting on and riding would see me wanting to give up after 20min. I kind of set a rough training plan out with intervals on certain days and long slow rides on other days. In the beginning I was pushing to try and do the max time on IDT as before lockdown I think the longest I had spent on it was 45min. The moment you become bored is the moment you start feeling all the way the IDT sucks compared to be outside.
  5. This i what concerns me. Should I be using my old bike rather ?
  6. I dont think you need to run it all the time, even with an undersized filter. Around 6 hours a day should be fine. And if you have the bubble cover on most of the time then the pool is not getting dirty, so you are really just circulating the pool to pass the water through the filter. With the new pool I put a vinyl cover on, I run the pump alot less and the pool water stays perfect, I only increased the runtime a little now in summer so that the sola heating can do its thing. A word of warning when you do upgrade pump / filter, dont do pump first then filter, your will blow the filter. Do them both together or do filter first then pump. I learnt the hard way.
  7. I have paid for the PC1110 that our fellow hubber has offered, I'm not in a hurry to collect, but since he stays not far from me we will make a time to hook up and I'll get it from him. Interestingly the KMC chain was super quiet last night on the commute home.
  8. I dont watch that much TV (because I sell cars and dont get to spend much leisure time at home )
  9. The Art of driving in the rain. Enough motorsport to not class it as a chick flic, but dont watch it in a dusty environment, i found dust in my eye a number of times through the movie. Holidate Chic flic with enough comedy to keep you watching.
  10. missed it when it was originally shown, so the wife and I have started watching Californication
  11. we used to do similar to our boat engines to protect them a little more from the salt water.
  12. Not sure which dealerships you're dealing with, but no, car dealerships do not have access to the database. I wish we did. But yes, for the cops its should a 30 second call to HQ to get the details, they're just not interested/over worked
  13. maybe it is possible, but I dont know, but surely it should be simple to build in a tool on the phone app for the GPS to enable you to find the thing should it fall off the bike.
  14. I dont see sponge working as well as sand or glass
  15. Check your battery levels on your lights, and make sure they are on. I've been a little lax with checking the battery levels on the lights now that its lighter when I ride and they are thus only on flashing mode. Also been lazy checking that the rear lights switches on when I turn the front light on. On the commute this morning I was noticing cars were a little closer than normal, at the next traffic light I checked and the rear light was off. Battery flat. Its currently on charge for the commute home.
  16. its on the road bike. Hardly ever do adverse conditions either, and when I do its cleaned and lubed before the next ride. Current chain has done 4500km under my steam and about 200-300km under the previous owners steam, so call it 5000km.
  17. I'm trying to drop below the 80kg mark. Was close on saturdays weigh in with the scale ever so slightly hovering a ball hair under the 80kg mark, but not convincing enough to be called under 80kg just yet.
  18. a fellow hubber has offered me a PC1110, before I buy it from him I jsut want to confirm my quick research. Apparently the Sram chains dont play nice with Shimano cassettes when you have 11 spd and more. How true is this ? apparenly you get gears skipping and all sorts of nonsense
  19. Current chain on my bike appears to be a KMC chain, its quickly heading to needing replacement according to my chain check tool. I've read a few threads on the BB saying they are noisier than the equivalent Shimano chain, I've definitely noticed that its noisy but just put it down to the 11 spd drive train that I'm not used to.. I need to clean and lube every 200-300km otherwise it gets annoying. So do I replace with another KMC, or spend the extra and get a Shimano ? or, other alternative ?
  20. Last ride I did was Saturday morning. Last 15km I passed a local riding group who then proceeded to catch me again when we turned directly into the wind. I decided to ride with them for a while to get some shelter and it reminded me again why I dont join these groups. Atlas road has a shoulder almost the width of a proper lane, but the guys were taking up this and most of the actual lane.
  21. you've bumped up you mileage rather nicely last week. Looks like I'll be taking this week off if the weather report is to be believed.
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