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Everything posted by Brakepad

  1. ....The Tour de France of MTBiking
  2. the prologue was so nice to watch, this is gonna get exciting. Sad part is the youtube feed (but still better than nothing) and the number of spectators ??? after deducting friends and fam of the riders there were 2 left 👀. The venue also looked scary empty, no party, no food stalls, expo style things, why not make it attractive to visit?
  3. will try it next week, sounds good
  4. Is that the Riverfields MTB Park ? what fee are they asking for ?
  5. The 504 error can be as simple as a shifted magnet, have you tried moving it ? even if it doesn't look right ...
  6. if all else fails, drill the head off and remove the remains of the screws with a grip plier
  7. if this is a new problem your shoes/soles have gotten softer and the pedals are pushing on some muscles, nerves etc. new/harder shoes might just do the trick
  8. It's confusing, when I checked earlier there were 13 riders marked as scratched, now it's only 3 ?
  9. quite a few didn't make it through the night ... has anyone info on that ?
  10. your supplement/drink dissolves in water so if it's the drink you can only/easily wash it off with water, degreaser etc. doesn't help. If water doesn't work, it's something else
  11. stand on a piece of paper and outline your foot, measure the widest part and then measure your shoes. If you have a high arch normal insoles don't work, get some with the right arch support If your feet have a tilt to the outside all pressure is on the outside, get some shims or wedges to correct if none of the above, play with cleat position or other pedals, thinner socks, tighten shoes less....
  12. They have a promotion for free shipping on the intl. website. not aware of an importer in SA ??? if it's for MTB (with 22,2mm clamp) look at SQ Lab Innerbarends, they are available in the country. Got mine from Sprocket & Jack in Randburg
  13. maybe your cleat position is slightly different (cleat further out ? but anyway, the broken one needs to be replaced
  14. The other option is to courier the battery or the whole bike. I have done this with Fedex from SA to USA a few month ago(Battery only) and the quotes were astronomically except Fedex they were just high....
  15. looks like the days are gone when you could have your bike fixed at Knipe Racing inside Merendaal and hop on the trails right after a bike fit at Irmfit. Looks like the "normal people" bring in more money . Cyclists are not welcome anymore just tolerated on the trails..... The owner is Herman Coertze ,look him up on FB etc.
  16. The rack needs to be attached to the top /crown of the fork otherwise you will run into trouble sooner or later. your options might be: change to rigid fork, live with bad suspension/shortened lifespan or stay below 2-3 kg
  17. I ride there alone, 2-3 times a week(also annual pass , never heard anything never saw anything. Often have a quick chat at the ticket caravan(nothing mentioned there either) was there today with I think 3 other riders in the morning at the most. Where can you ride where it's safer ?
  18. I can make you one for black E-bikes only. for 200 rand more😎
  19. Are you talking about the "crawling in the mud at minus degrees and drag a bike along" event? Man are these guys and girls tough, I'm hooked watching them
  20. Blind test on a downhill track 🤨 That's next level
  21. Hobson saddles from USA are designed for that problems. I do not have own experience but heard good things from people who had strict orders from doctors not to apply any pressure in the perineum area . Hobson Seats - Hobson Seats
  22. could be overuse "injury' maybe your foot alignment(horizontal) and or q factor is out or at least on the edge
  23. if pain is more in the calf - achilles area it's mostly saddle too far front or cleats/ foot position foot too far back
  24. Do you need the original ? It's just clear leather cream , check Cycle touring or any tack shop (horse saddles are pretty much in the same need as your brooks saddle)
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