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Everything posted by HenryS

  1. Their website says over 170km of trails, so even better. The family membership is a real bargain - it's only R1900 for 2 adults and 2 dependents, which means the children are basically free.
  2. I think it's that much because it''s so long - 66m. The Stans tape for R299 is only 9m. Here is a 10 meter roll for R135 at Takelot: https://www.takealot.com/tubeless-rim-tape-28mm-x-10m/PLID72897087
  3. Apparently they are in DJ Wood street in Bellville. https://www.google.com/search?q=cycling south africa address&rlz=1C1SQJL_enZA788ZA788&oq=cycling+south+africa+address&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j69i61j69i60j69i65l2.5273j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:10&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=APq-WBulKg1YZyMiQRG8Po2TKTLvKLPJaQ:1643898398233&rflfq=1&num=10&rldimm=10215291215580680609&lqi=ChxjeWNsaW5nIHNvdXRoIGFmcmljYSBhZGRyZXNzIgJIAVocIhRjeWNsaW5nIHNvdXRoIGFmcmljYSoECAMQAJIBF25vbl9wcm9maXRfb3JnYW5pemF0aW9uqgEPEAEqCyIHY3ljbGluZygA&ved=2ahUKEwiNvcrg3uP1AhVoSPEDHdi4DCsQvS56BAgCEEI&rlst=f#rlfi=hd:;si:10215291215580680609,l,ChxjeWNsaW5nIHNvdXRoIGFmcmljYSBhZGRyZXNzIgJIAVocIhRjeWNsaW5nIHNvdXRoIGFmcmljYSoECAMQAJIBF25vbl9wcm9maXRfb3JnYW5pemF0aW9uqgEPEAEqCyIHY3ljbGluZygA;mv:[[-33.89848815327243,18.61334535954971],[-33.901716235731826,18.605298732505034]]
  4. The only time they're going to stop that ad is when the credit card paying for it doesn't work any more.
  5. Someone has done something to the site and it's no longer accessible. It may have been Afrihost responding to reports of it being a scam.
  6. An ad for this website popped up on my FB feed today. I had a look at the site and all the signs are there that it's a scam. The site was only registered on 16 January, prices are too good to be true, only a cellphone number and no secure payment methods. If you try and place an order, it just goes into a Whatsapp chat where they will probably give you details to EFT. https://mtbwarehouse.co.za/ There is an address given at N4 Gateway Business Park in PTA East, but I suspect you won't find this particular warehouse there.
  7. My banking app doesn't have any miles account on it. I have the free savings account and that's all that shows. My miles only show in the normal Discovery/Vitality app
  8. You can't just generate a voucher for any amount. They come in R100, R250 and maybe R500. - I'm not sure about that one Sometimes some of them aren't available and you have to wait a few days until they are. When I looked now, only the R100 vouchers are available. That means you would have to buy 1 voucher every day for 6 days to get R600 off.
  9. You can buy extra SWH vouchers as well with your Miles and use them in the same transaction as your R250 voucher. You can only buy one per day though, but you can use more than one at a time.
  10. He seems ok, just needed 6 stitches.
  11. You can buy them empty as well. Then it comes with 2 spare silicon inserts.
  12. That's the whole mount. J.E.K. just wants a replacement insert.
  13. I got mine at Bike24. I bought some other stuff as well, so the shipping cost wasn't an issue. https://www.bike24.com/p2118794.html
  14. Last year I bought a few times from Bike24 using DHL postal and every time the package was delivered to my door by the Post Office within 2 weeks of landing in SA. On the other hand, my Bikeinn order from around March 2021 which was also via the Post Office is still MIA.
  15. I had a look at the 2021 40km Banhoek results and found the corresponding Strava rides from some of the finishers. It was indeed just 30km.
  16. Subsequent owners get 3 years from date of original purchase. I would have thought that the hub or any part of it would fall under wheels which are do have a warranty (2 years for alloy rimmed wheels and lifetime for carbon). https://www.trekbikes.com/za/en_ZA/warranty_policy/
  17. Trek does have a lifetime warranty on the frames for the first owner. Scott has a 5 year warranty. The dropper on a Trek XL also has 20mm more travel than the Scott - 170mm vs 150mm.
  18. Someone from my riding group spoke to someone from her group. She has a broken collarbone, her back is apparently one big bruise and she was concussed; couldn't remember anything about the last month, so her short term memory took a knock.
  19. You don't need to reset it. You can just go into history and delete all the stored rides.
  20. My W2W training got me a lot of elevation, my most ever in a year.
  21. A short Christmas themed ride on the Welvergenoegd loop and then a braai at the skills park.
  22. A trip up to Bloemendaler. Straight up and back down to Bloemendal is all I did because of the heat.
  23. You don't need to logon first. You register an account after you click on Checkout https://wcc.alumnet.co.za/Shop
  24. I use a Bontrager Rapid Pack. It is super comfortable and often while I'm riding I have to feel to check if it;s still there. I use the one that takes a standard water bottle, but there is also one with a built in bladder, https://www.trekbikes.com/za/en_ZA/equipment/bike-accessories/bike-bags-baskets-panniers/bike-bags-panniers/bontrager-rapid-pack/p/14798/?colorCode=greendark https://www.trekbikes.com/za/en_ZA/equipment/bike-accessories/bike-bags-baskets-panniers/bike-bags-panniers/bontrager-rapid-pack-hydro/p/34744/?colorCode=black
  25. I only take my wallet to the Dairy Shed at Conties because I always battle there with a signal for Snapscan. I keep forgetting that I can just tap to pay with my phone.
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