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Everything posted by Witkop

  1. roadies. no further answer is necessary.
  2. I have decided to "play fair" and read all the medicine/dope information. So I get a small flu that threatens to go into the chest. I grab for the old time medicine trusty VICKS, updated with honey and ginger. But no wait lets check it on the dope list...... It is in blue with a (3) behind it. So I cross reference it an it is banned during competition for a small under of sports (running and cycling excluded). Why? Alcohol content. So I check the label and our friends Proctor and Gamble simply fail to mention the substance anywhere on the label or documentation. Talk about the drug companies playing fair. Damn it if drugs free Sport wants to be even a little more helpful they should insist that the manufacturers place a label, notice or leaflette in the box indicating its suitability for sportspeople. If they can legislate it for cigarettes why can they not do the same for drugs
  3. If you put each kid in his/her own boat, they become self reliant, and weekends for the rest of the year are sorted. every kids want to be the captain of their own boat. Kaptein span die sielle
  4. sailing at rietvlei. hiking at groenkloof Big Bang theory marathon on the harddrive sleep? Go to church (to worship if you believe, smirk if you are an atheist, and listen to cool stories if you are childlike).
  5. nudity is so last year. Grow up people, his genetalia were covered, all respectfully like. No one throws a wobbler when a pretty women wears a skimpy thong to the beach. This is another example of cycling organisors missing the point and hiding behind rules. Maybe they should insist that he wears a full rhino suit in 2014 instead.
  6. nipples
  7. rietvlei dam also has challettes and mtb trails.
  8. aand I was "losing my religion" on the atheist thread as well. So far we have faeries and purple things, and only one convert.
  9. use the attack position, flat back, bum slightly off the saddle, a bit more weight on the front wheel (this is counter intuitive for road cyclists) and look to where you want to go.
  10. Witkop


    sport is for the participants, F*** the spectators (they are normally the WAGS anyway)
  11. Witkop


  12. Witkop


    yes they are real boats until the bikes http://mikewoodsailing.co.uk/files/29er-1en.jpg
  13. Witkop


    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/joserouse/Oops/nick02.jpg Blue monday, Not a good enterpise
  14. In the end if they did random testing in the Bronze medals of almost any running race, most would fail. I prefer the more tolerant European approach to the whole doping thing. Testing and punishment should be in relation to the "weight" of the result. The better you do the more stringent the testing. The greater the anomoly the greater the suspision. In the end what has happened is that cyclists should realise that the Cape Epic is not a mass participant fun event like Comrades. It is a UCI event and all cyclists entering are elite cyclists and therefore bound by UCI rules and conventions. I don't think that is however the marketing message that goes out from the organisers. They seem to accept anyone who throws money at them, their cutoffs are very liberal and entry requirements almost non existent. I would almost go to say that they should be pulled over the coals for misleading marketing on this one.
  15. planning to go, @Rabubi how is the training going? Are we going to have a hubbers get together in Ottawa?
  16. Witkop


    http://www.optisa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Opti-pic3.jpg I remain an Optimist that this thread will continue
  17. Witkop


    Out of interest why is sailing a dying sport. Except for the top end guys in their high performance boats (finns, lasers, 505's) most for the fleet is second hands with old sails. The set up costs for a started dinghy is barely that of a entry level mountain bike. Has sailing become so elitist that even the Gupta's feel threatened?
  18. The man is a genius. +1
  19. if one looks on the right of the OP photo, there is a paceline of about three cyclists in the cycle lane, doing the thing correctly. Could we commend them, as good behaviour should be rewarded as bad behaviour is punished. OOPS, I forgot nobody ever sees cyclists behaving properly.
  20. Okay, there are fakes, and their are originals. But can anyone explain wtf a genuine replica is? As replica is a copy of a original, true or genuine article. and Genuine means the real article, so is it a real copy of a real article? and how does that differ from a copy (or fake) of the real article? Maybe a genuine replica is a authorised copy of the real thing. But how can a bike be a copy of a bike? A bike is a real object. If a make 100 or 1000 precisely specced bicycles each one of them is the real thing, the genuine article, so why would I then make another 100 precisely the same and certify them "genuine replica's". If the bike is the same as the team bike then should is be marketed as the team bike? Why build some form of philosophical distance been one bike and another bike which is precisely the same? Have we become so condiioned to believe that we must replicate our "hero's" to such a point that we claim a higher status by having a "replica" of their lives (or at least an icon of that life in the form of a bike that replicates, but is not the "Same"). Why can we not just be content to buy a bike that has the same speccs and be done with? Maybe I need to read Umberto Eco's faith in fakes again.
  21. R1 per km per cyclist. Groenkloof is at R30 but then they have lots of other things going for it. van Gaalens? Northern Farm is also in this price range. If the coffee shop make legit coffee you will get lots of profit from the cyclists without even having to charge an entry fee. as the famous movie said, "build it and they will come."
  22. considering LA lied bout doping, could we believe anything he says from here onwards? Won't he just be lying to cover-up and sensationalise his first lie? after all his credibility is so shot that if he says the sky is blue people look up to check.
  23. at band camp.........go one
  24. need for some club discipline, pace lines, echelons ext. If you look professional, then cars will treat you better. http://www.lostrivercycling.org/images/pacelines.jpg
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