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Posts posted by KenG

  1. I'm watching this thread and also hoping for an answer that works for me. I think choosing a new bike is easier than choosing running shoes. I decided to go the minimalist route seen as though I have zero running experience (does 2.4km in army boots count?). I bought the Merrell trail glove 2's. One day they are the best shoes I've ever owned and the next I have blood oozing out the sides of the evil things. Up hill I seem to be fine, but flats and down hill I get nasty blisters on the inside of my feet. I feel a calling to run, but need to find a way to hurt less.

  2. My partner had to bail after breaking his hand after hitting a drum just before the cat bridge. No the drum was not in the way he went off track to hit it. As a team we have DNF but individually I have a time but obviously no placing. This being my first it was an incredible experience and one I hope to repeat.


    Was this the wipeout they showed on the video at night (trail)?

  3. i dont know tyron bird, never heard of him before so with all due respect, i ask a simple question was he perhaps riding above his ability, just a question not slamming him, kudos for trying at least, if it was me, i would relish the opportunity to start with the Pro's & grab it as well even if i know i'll get my ass handed to me.


    He had already aced the tough stuff, and fell on the corner on the way out. He was carrying a lot of speed, perhaps even more than some of the guys in front of him. Not a fall I would blame on skill.

  4. Just heard he had a bad crash at red lipped herald


    I was at the spot where Tyron crashed, I was looking the other way but heard him go down. He went down hard!! His face took a beating!!!! Carried away in a stretcher after getting him a little cleaned up. His head has got to hurt. Let us know how he's doing tomorrow.


    The XC guys, and girls, are machines. That course was super tough, both physical and technical. I would like to go back in the week and try my luck on some of the sections ( must likely find me scooting down on my backside).

  5. "Try riding 200km in one day with a fully loaded touring MTB bike in the heat of Tanzania and then eating a single bread roll for dinner. Get up the next day and on a light breakfast of biscuits do another 140km. I did that. It was not so easy as it sounds."


    This is a no meat meal, but I'm not sure that being vegetarian was necessarily the problem, you were just unable to get enough nutrition out of that meal. I do think that there is merit in the fact that we have digestive systems for meat, but I question if we were ever meant to have it in the quantities that most are accustomed to.


    Scott Jurek's book is a fantastic read. As a vegetarian I have got a lot of inspiration from him as an athlete and I love his recipes.


    I also feel that the people who monitor, balance and are more aware of what they eat, are generally healthier than average, with or without meat.



  6. Friday is looming for CS.


    I would love to know how this months turnover is compared to last month, and what's the projection for next month.


    I would also love to know what they are thinking regarding their future. It seems cycling is what they know, but that bridge is on fire. Is it too late to change professions?


    What's eating at them worse? The fact that they stole from someone (and got caught - two different issues for some people) or how they are going to support their family in the near future. Plenty sleepless nights I'm sure.

  7. I have been doing Cadence for some time now. While it is in a group environment (think spinning class), and everyone is performing the same tasks to their ability, I still feel that the classes are tailored and more than just a bike ride. The training blocks are usually setup around specific races and the input from my/our coach is invaluable. The deal sealer for me is that there is no way I can consistently push myself as hard on my own versus in the classes.


    I'm not selling my version of coach to anyone else's, rather stating that coach, combined with structured traing program vs self training, works best for me.

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