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Rudi Pollard

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Everything posted by Rudi Pollard

  1. My Specialized Epic Marathon with XX1 comes in at 11.2KG's with pedals, bottle cages, swat box with a tube and a bomb and the multitool on the frame. Without all the extras it is 10.2KG's
  2. If they truly want to get this right they need more time brackets and more HR zones. For shorter exercises(less than 1 hr) I am happy that they have moderate and vigourous zones as that is achievable. For anything longer they should add 1 or 2 more zones so that you are rewarded for base training as well. A 3-4 hour base session shouldn't reward you with 3000 points, but it shouldn't be zero either. By the looks of it they might be experimenting with something at the moment behind the scenes
  3. This is one powerhouse african team!!! I think its going to be a dogfight for the african Jersey this year. My pick: 1. Team NAD (Gawie and Nico) 2. Team Scott/Spez (James and Gert) 3. Team USN (Darren and Waylon)
  4. It's not that complicated. Dicsovery wants you to workout at least 4 times a week at a certain instensity. The only way they can check this is with HR data. They have structured the points allocation to fit in with this. Yes there is a few things that they need to sort out but I agree with their approach. From 1 Jan I have basically been hitting my goal by doing 1 workout. With their current system I racked up between 15000-18000 points a week. My fitness points was maxed by 17 Jan. This does not make sense.
  5. From their response they are not encouraging you to train for 3 hours at that intensity to get your points goal on 1 day. What they are trying to encourage is 4 sessions a week of half an hour(like a spinning class). That's why I also said that they need to reconsider the points for longer workouts because to ride for 3 hours at 75% plus is going to hurt... They can even reduce the points allocation but for longer sessions they need to add points for the 55-65% of HR as well.
  6. I am also on the favorable side of the coin as according to vitality my max HR is 190, where my actual max is 204. All my rides are currently being flagged as vigorous... Something they might want to consider is to include a max HR test as part of the Elite Fitness Test. That way you can go for the test, they can capture your actual max HR and the system can work out your points from there. If you don't go for the test your points will be based on the 220-age formula, which has a 15 beats up or down standard deviation if I remember correctly. They are trying to encourage the correct behavior, but it is very difficult to get a points system that works for everyone as there are so many variables when it comes to a persons max HR. The other thing they should reconsider is those long base sessions which will never hit the moderate or vigorous categories. If I go for a 4 hour base ride and I get zero points I wouldn't be to happy...
  7. Discovery can then just ask the dishonest couch patatoes to provide proof that it was actually them doing the exercise just to find out they don't even own a bicycle or a pair of running shoes... Meanwhile they log 2 hour bike rides on Strava to reach their weekly goal and get a free watch.
  8. The problem discovery is sitting with is to eliminate the people who is currently cheating the system. The solution they have come up with now penalises fit active and honest people which is counter intuitive to the entire Vitality brand. They have the right thing in mind but their knee jerk reaction has just pissed everyone off!!!
  9. Just put a flat battery in your HR strap. My Garmin reads at 220+ if the battery goes flat... On a more serious note, they will have to reconsider the new points allocation system. It does not make any sense to give someone zero points for a 3 hour plus base ride. It will drive the wrong behavior and people will find new ways to cheat the system!
  10. I don't think its the trails that is the problem. It is the start/finish area with media and the worlds eyes on it. Imagine the chaos the protesters can cause with all the supporters, and all of it on live television...
  11. I maxed my fitness points by the 18th so not to fussed if I still receive 3000 or 1500 or whatever... I do always track my HR so for vitality rewards it is still 1 ride per week to reach my goal...
  12. Saw on another thread that Erik and Arianne is not married anymore so that would explain quite a lot...
  13. TEAM RECM announced quite a while back that they will not be continuing with the sponsorship past 2015. From what I can gather on Erik's website he is riding for Topeak Ergon next year...
  14. I am actually looking for qualifying events from Jan'15 to Oct'15. I have done quite a few races which I would like to check if I should have received anything.
  15. Makes 100% sense that they didn't warranty it... Nothing that sucks Moving on
  16. I think it is more a case of thanks SA Government. The exchange rate is killing us at the moment
  17. I am busy with my XX1 build and have decided on the 34. Will let you know how it goes
  18. Store has just put a post on Facebook staying that they will only open on the 8th of April now
  19. I love the more proffesional look of the shops. It makes it a lot easier to get what I want. If I go to buy spares I specify what I am looking for instead of asking for advice. It also helps that I service my own bike so I can very quickly tell if the bike shop is trying to take me for a ride
  20. Today is a nice long stage. They are going to take back the majority of the time if not all of it by today... Those girls are pure class. Last year they also had to ride back a time loss of 40+ minutes after a mechanical and they won the race in the end with about 40 minutes
  21. The only lube I put on my chain is the Rock and Roll Extreme. It is expensive yes, but it lasts and is easy to clean. Everying else I have tried just doesnt even come close!!!
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