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Everything posted by MaXiMuM

  1. Sjoe, well done for the calmness of the whole incident!! Must say that was scary! I must say that these dash cams and now helmet cams are starting to interest me.
  2. Holy Cr@p, my little comment, made jest, has sparked some serious banter. We have all committed the sin of riding too fast, where we shouldn't have. And the dog walkers really should leash the hounds when they are on the trails. I almost, it was really really close, rode over a Yorke, it would have just been a speed bump for me, but tragic for the Yorke...
  3. Dam it... I see an intervention coming, I love taking my kids there to feed the ducks, and I am not paying for that. Next thing you know, Delta Park will be a pay to play. Man I hate what we as a society are becoming. BTW, I blame the watt watchers for the bad rap.
  4. This post... is full of WIN!!
  5. Will shoot some pics, need a model, someone who doesn't need his good looks afterwards...
  6. You just know everything that's seems to go on there... Yes a little scary the first couple of time, just don't get over confident and it is a great ride.
  7. Hope all is OK. I ride with my discovery card in my back pocket. I also have discovery membership details on my phone under 3 names. Medical aid, discovery and emergency. All with appropriate numbers to call and so forth... No, I don't have a key lock, just swipe and search. And, yes, everyone should do a first aid course, I have done lots, been certified first aider, life guard and fire fighter for 20 years, refresher every 3 years.
  8. So @DIPS, what is the final verdict on this?? CS paying for the frame? You get your loot back? Frannie goes out with loved ones and snacks a killer steak? what's left goes to the guy building the bikes for the needy?? there's a thread somewhere...
  9. Shipping is going to kill. We do it everyday, the weight isn't the problem, but the size...
  10. Ahhh, layman's terms... Much like! Price difference relative?
  11. Ok, previous question answered.
  12. :thumbup: Will PM you on the week end!!
  13. This is a good idea. I like the fact that it was proposed unselfishly and that there is a goal. However, there are lots of cases like this... eg. there is a boy in my complex who has a bike that is falling apart. his dad is nowhere to be found, apparently buggered off when he was 2, he's 12 now. I am currently buying odds and ends to fix it... I could do with a new shifter and rear brake assembly. Anywho. DIPS - your call on the following. My vote, if the claim is paid?? 1, new peddles and seat for Carpet, and any sundries the Sheriff needs to fix it. 2. DIPS get his reward money back. 3. whatever is left goes to buying someone needy a new scooter. I'm needy, I need a new Pyga one twenty650 frame... runnnnnnnnssssssssssssssssssssss
  14. There has to be much CGI, or that is the most epic free riding I have seen.
  15. And another small print insurance company showing their colours... Not a good day for them.
  16. Another sad story... Man this is just getting so out of control.
  17. Thar is one seriously powerful photo... You know it's good when you can't stop looking at it. Then zoom in and out and look around and stuff... Please tell me you shot that in super high res?
  18. Dear Hollard, we Hubbers (some more than others) have solved this problem you and you partner in crime have to created. I understand that you are trying to save face, however you feeble attempt to rescue the situation is too late. Unfortunately, for me personally, the damage is done. I bid you good day and good luck.
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