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Everything posted by BenReaper

  1. Tuesday was supposed to be a repetition of Monday and it started out very well. Began my ride with the big climb to the "Windpompie". On the descent down, only about 12km in, disaster struck as I got a sidewall cut. Spare tube was a bust and I had to hike-a-bike about 3km to cell reception to phone the missus to come pick me up. Was so disappointing I hadn't gone for a ride again this week. Still pissed off, rather gonna give the roadie a go over the weekend.
  2. This past Monday I had one hell of a fun ride,I planned a laid back 20km ride, but ended up doing 35km. It didn't feel fast, but ended up klapping quite a few Strava KOM's
  3. Damn thats one good looking bike! ????????
  4. My third and longest ride/'photo session '.
  5. Have been kept busy with work for the last couple of weeks, but managed to sneak in a few rides. Spent some time in Grabouw last week and did a few short rides, beautifull trails and scenery there. First ride. Second ride.
  6. Does this mean I have to start listening to Techno music if I want to be fast! [emoji185]
  7. There's a pair of these in black at my Lbs, also for a very good price, but it just ain't exactly my style.
  8. Only saw your post now, how do you like my new saddle............ Saw it at my LBS and even though the orange doesn't suit my bikes color scheme at al it draw my attention and I just had to have it!
  9. I ventured over Du Toitskloof Mountain yesterday and and made my way to Jonkershoek outside Stellenbosch. Had a blast of a day in the reserve, did two trails in total, Bennetts Red and Firehut. I have only been riding for 3 years now and haven't been on too many of the trails around the Western Cape, but from where I've ridden Jonkershoek always remains my first choice to visit outside my valley. You do lots of climbing to get to the trail heads, but with surroundings like this it really ain't all that bad. Crossed a stream with a small waterfall and tried my hand at some creative photography,well as creative as you can be with a 8mp camera phone. When you finally get to the top you are greeted with this spectacular view before you bomb down one of the trails all the way to the bottom of the valley again. At the opposite side of the valley I climbed up to the Firehut trail head and took a selfie to make few fellow hubbers jealous.
  10. 08:23 in what decade looks like a pic from the 1950's.[emoji48]
  11. Bike rides have been few and far between lately. Here's some pics from my only ride so far this week.
  12. This past Sunday I went out for a quick dirt roadie ride on backroads and farms between Worcester and Robertson. and On a part of my route I went past farms that run along the Breederiver, haven't been out this way for a while and was captivated by the green stuff in the usual 'vaal kaakiebos' type surroundings. This is about 5km's from the river heading to the hills and away from the luscious green growth. Found this weird looking bushy thing in the middle of the jeeptrack bursting with color in between its previously mentioned 'vaal kaakiebos' surroundings.
  13. Only managed to get in two rides during the evenings of last week, but as usual rode into the dark of night. With the change of season I am getting more km's in before darkness falls though. First evening. Second evening.
  14. Hey guys, haven't posted in a while, so starting with last week Sunday I did a solo road ride. Didn't check the weather beforehand and ended up having to do the 25km home stretch straight into a howling headwind.
  15. That looks nice,I'm starting to develop quite an itch for the TCX models.
  16. Hi guys, also still staying clean this side. Hadn't had a cigarette now in almost 3years and of the E-sig for almost 2years. Had a bit of temptation this weekend though, attended the wedding of an old friend. Had a cigar stuffed in my hand for old time sake and I must say it was hard to say no. Ended up just posing for photos with it unlit and then passed it on to someone else. I really don't wanna go down that road again! To every quitter here, stay strong guys, you're not alone.
  17. Took the road less travelled today to our neighboring town of Villiersdorp. Unfortunately I was only able to get out at 14:00 and was moer'd by the afternoon sun, man was it hot. Tried to snap a selfie going over the Breederiver. Some of the back road hills, these hills nearly ended me. This pic kinda sums it up, the sun hammering away with no shade in sight, just had to HTFU and grind it out.
  18. Well today started with intentions of going for a lekker 90km mtb dirt roadie/jeep track ride, but I think I might have caught a wiff of Myles's pap snoek smell yesterday and went belly up myself. ???? About 15km in I realized I wasn't going to make it and decided to turn of and do a shorter "interfarm connection" route that I also frequently ride, ended up with 40km in the legs and a bit more time to take my boy fishing this afternoon. Always great views in the platteland. These guys are getting use to me now, they were lying in the middle of the road and swiftly opened up a path for me to ride through, they then continued to follow me through the camp and as I climbed over the gate they started smelling and licking my bike with great interest. Forgot to add, seing as its the K2C I was fortunate to have the roads to myself and not encounter any roadies who would piss me of by nit greeting. [emoji48]
  19. Big sigh! I haven't been on the bike for almost 2 weeks on account of family commitments and LIFE happening. Was planning a nice chilled 75km ride this morning, but woke up with a headache and a stuffy nose. Hello F'ing headcold! Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
  20. Eish, that looks like it could've hurt. [emoji48] Must be extra sore this morning. Hope you heal soon and that this one incident doesn't put you of cycling....... [emoji6] Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
  21. Grabbed a quick pic of the sun starting to rise this morning on my commute. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
  22. Liking it bro! Get them while they're young! [emoji106] Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
  23. Took this pic on my commute yesterday morning. My phone doesn't have the megapicsels to do the view justice though. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
  24. That is a nice looking truck [emoji108] , and a schweet looking bike aswell! [emoji106] Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
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