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Everything posted by splat

  1. HAHAHA, yes thought of that! I am also concerned about it facing the wrong way in my hand!
  2. I really am all talk and no action. My pepper spray is token effort in self defence (against dodgy characters in the dark) and I hope never to use it. I am more likely to spray myself in the eye anyway... Using my pepper spray on agressive drivers is more a scenario I play out in the darker recesses of my mind when my adrenalin is really pumping. To react violently towards someone who is already revved up is asking for more trouble. I agree with you Bikemonster, Play nicely!
  3. I bought pepper spray the other day. I am dying to spray it through some w*nker's window... This morning, a fat cat in his 7 series BMW tried to polish his pasenger door mirror on my shorts. Pity the next traffic light was green...
  4. PowerBar Oakley is the one to watch this year. Last year's winning team (Virgin Active/Oxygen) isnt coming down this time. 'Please note that no prize money will be awarded in the female racing team category, nor the racing tandem category, due to insufficient entries having been received in these categories'
  5. Every morning except Sunday & Monday, I think...
  6. Kevin Evans rides (with who ever wants to join) from his shop on the Main Road. I think they leave @ 5:00 and head out towards the toll gate via Keurbooms pass. They always regroup at the top of the hill on the N2. The group is anywhere between 20 and 80. Several people ride out early to get to the waiting point before the group if they feel that they are slow climbers. At least half the group turns to go back to the shop - that is about an 80km route. A few of the guys go back via Natures Valley (about 110km) and several go on to some other pass that I am too scared to ask about.
  7. There were 1069 finishers in 113 teams. Details were supposed to be up on the web from today... STARTING TIME Please note that your team's starting time will be on the race pack that your team representative will collect @ registration.
  8. Dumm? Not sure Dumb? Yes, possibly a bit...
  9. Hasn't Virgin Active Oxygen merged with Cyclelab or something? I know that Andrew McLean was on that team last year.
  10. Virgin Active - won it last year Richard Kane - won it the previous year Microsoft had an interesting invitational team & got 3rd last year. Not sure what other teams are competitive on a 200km Team Time Trial? I imagine that that competition will be a little hotter this year with a slightly easier course than previous years.
  11. Mud Slinger You dont have much tolerance for human error, do you? I have had fantastic service at CWC and very mediocre service at Willie's. But I still go to both to be sure that I get the best deal possible for me. Try and take the good with the bad. There is a lot more good than bad there...
  12. We went up and over this morning and on our way down we heard all the sirens. I saw 6 emergency vehicles flying past. My brother-in-law was riding with a small group and saw a chap lying in the side of the road. His immediate thought was that he had been hit by a car. They stopped and did CPR etc. They left when the paramedics arrived thinking that he had been revived, but he didn't make it. Really very sad!
  13. Try: http://www.sportsdirect.co.za/?Task=Category&CategoryID=37162&HeadingText=FSA They dont seem to have FSA stems though?
  14. What do you think of the new Team Bike? http://www.fiets.nl/uploads/photogallery/foto_1961018200685434.jpg
  15. I may do a few rides in Plett from The Bike Shop between Xmas and New Year. Then will try and hook up with a group ride or two in St Francis.
  16. My result was sorted out this morning already. At least they acknowledge the problem and are pro active in fixing it and letting you know thier progress etc.
  17. DR Do you bake your backside in vinegar once a week?
  18. Now what if lets say you manage to break one of these limited edition very desirable team frames....With what will they replace it?! Aren't the other frames down the line the same? Ultegra and 105 bikes are also Deda carbon frame?
  19. Frame:Dedacciai HF Race Alloy Frame with Dedacciai Blacktail Race and Monobox Carbon TailFork:Dedacciai Black Drive Full Carbon Fork
  20. To make them more desirable? Marketing stunt? Everybody is talking about them! Ferarri does that with thier top line models. They make 1 less than what they think demand will be. (Not that I am comparing Raleigh to Ferarri)
  21. Even if they are a bit extraterrestrial? Just kidding. That was quite a performance. I see Basso will be back to racing soon. Ulrich may not be so lucky...
  22. He is standing on the top step of the podium and is barely taller than the other two!
  23. You are now entered for the: Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour (taking place on 11 Mar 2007)
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