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Everything posted by MORNE

  1. Also @Mongooser, it’s ‘Scooby’. But Slowbaru will also do depending on who you ask😅 I jest! Congrats. Very practical indeed. I wouldnt mind a wagon version myself.
  2. Dragged my fellow plonkers off the ones on freeride this week. The two on that line are next😅 ps: i still havent done the Leatt drop at skillspark, but i have done these a few times now. What i mean is, sometimes someone just has to drag you over the bigger one first try😅 Thats how it happened for me (almost had a brownout). They arent that crazy. Even though the camera makes them look a lot smaller than they are. If you are hitting the fast drop on banhoek afterburn (like I know you are) you can do the pallets. Go fast enough and just look at the landing and not the chasm in between🤘
  3. https://axs.sram.com/guides/tire/pressure use this as a guide, gets you pretty close.
  4. I finally got me a topeak smartguage 2 this week. My floor pump is acting up so went to the LBS, saw that crappy pumps cost 800 anyway. I have loads of pumps lying around. So now they are just for putting air in. I paid the same money for a digital guage. Now i just over inflate and just adjust to the pressure i need with the gauge. To my surprise almost all my pumps were under inflating by almost 7psi. I thought i was running 25F/28R (95kg loaded RTR at the moment) all this time and i obviously wasnt. Ran it for real the past weekend and at first it felt hard (compared to what im used to) but i went faster everywhere. I digress though….Just because they feel soft and grippy doesn't mean they are fast. Too soft and the tire will fold over or be squirmy in hard turns, more so on a heavy bike. Invest in a digital guage that gives you consistent readings. That way you can use any crappy pump and set pressure correctly and be sure you are always running what you think you are. literally one of the best bicycle purchases i made this year…and i built 2 new bikes in 2023 haha
  5. Behold the sh!tness of the african continent. Sucks being here, terrible weather and views…
  6. The contours dont make a 100% sense when there as with some of them you basically need a 4x4 to go up due to erosion etc. Don't expect to be able to ride all of them necessarily. As mentioned already, the ones intersecting Irish, parallel to the mountain are generally fine. Thats where most people go up on that side. I guess a lot of the other fire roads too depending on what you define as ridable. We had crazy weather this year so some of those roads have looked better, even though they do a great job maintaining them. Then, even though red phoenix will be your last stop if I read correctly, it will most likely be the most difficult compared to the other blue trails. Especially Red Phoenix 3-2. Id say red phoenix is at the upper limit of what is considered a blue trail locally. Totally doable by anyone if you go at your own pace…but not smooth, clean flowey singletrack like the other blues there. Cobra at hoogekraal is a so called ‘black’ trail but Red Phoenix is arguably more of a challenge. It has some rocks and can get fast. No drops and things if you go at a steady pace though. (Everything is a drop or jump if you go fast enough?😅) But please don't let that discourage you, it’s a great trail and one almost everyone does when going to jonkers. Great fun and challenges all skill levels.
  7. Platforms like News24 feed off shock value for clicks like any other. Typical social media BS, just hidden under the guise of news. They are the EFF of the media world anyway. Yes, I agree its a terrible video, i could hardly watch it with a straight face, nevermind twice, and it has me paranoid about road riding all over again….but maybe people seeing it puts the reality of it out there. Society has become so desensitised to violence, SA probably more so than other places, that we tend to laugh stuff like this off. Maybe seeing it, realising its real and a real person (your husband, son, father, brother) makes it hit home a bit harder. Thats all thats left really.
  8. Everything is a turkey if you go far enough east👀 Just pick one
  9. We have long enough to plan this. I’m thinking live stream gopro/youtube😋. Guy, we are basically all going to be living the Munga through you - vicariously. Thats also why I think this happened. Most of us cant, but we can watch a lekker, semi normal guy give it a go😅 @Jewbacca will defo be one of the most watched dots next year thats for sure🤘🤘🤘🤘
  10. Courier guy trumps all the local couriers in my opinion. They are even better than local devision of UPS and DHL, aramex in my experience. I only use them and have used them extensively. In the cape at least. I have couriered whole bikes circa 100k a pop with them without issue. Recently received my new carbon frame and Zeb from KZN via them. same thing. No hassles, no stress. When a shop tells me they use some crap like city sprint or fastway….sadface ensues.
  11. Specialized do a good job of bringing in big sizes but they are always sold out…so if you don't buy a new set when the new stock arrives, you are screwed for another year as they get gobbled up by my fellow bigfoot brethren. I have 2 sets of spez shoes in 13.5UK. My size 14UK 5Tens i found in Italy of all places. for everyday shoes, yes..luckily in cape town its easy to get some nice leather kickers made.
  12. Under R5k now, Calling out the bikehub overlords, @Matt @Nick? He can put some bikehub stickers on it or something…do the thing, you know he’s good for it 😅
  13. Yes but do they come in adult sizes? 👀 cant help but shrug when ‘local’ brands….who KNOW Safas aren't small people….sell size 11 max, 12 if your lucky. I wore a 9 in grade 4, 12 by grade 8. id buy these in a heartbeat if they were available in 13/14 UK or EU49/50 lol.
  14. Well, having first hand experience of how they lowball you by near 60% …they probably only paid R10k max for it. I’m with franna on this one regardless of their typo.
  15. Hmmm, I see what you did here. I agree. This thread has potential 👀😅
  16. New bikes are longer in the reach department. Great for tall mofos like me who ride XL, XL or XL and never really had bikes roomy enough. My wife is 1.7m and I agree that new mediums are too big. Her next bike will be a small. A large bike from a few years back is as short or shorter than current gen mediums.
  17. Not really allowed to say anything more. Those are the rules👀 thanks @AndrePretorius and AP cyclery in kzn for the hands on service over the phone and for hooking me up with these things we aren't allowed to speak about😅 also, thats all you’ll get from me. If you want to see more, see you on the trails merry x-mas to me, from me… love - me. xxx
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