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Fat Boab

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Everything posted by Fat Boab

  1. If you ride in The Cradle at all, perhaps consider giving an hour or so to clean it up for yourself and others? Th 6 Jan 2022. 7am at Bidon Bistro. https://fb.watch/al0Vm9s25A/
  2. Coaches vs coaching info vs coaching programs vs googling etc. Perhaps ponder the data, information, knowledge and wisdom hierachy...
  3. +1 on the H & A road. Very pretty and good workout. +1 on the ride to Kleinmond. But also the R43 to Botrivier is ok (3 years ago!). Traffic is heavier so chose your time of day - early! And/or use the Karwyderskraal road (the loop to the east of R43) to reduce traffic. NB the Karwyderskraal road - the gravel version - also branches off the H & A road. Dont get confused. Or...take a gravel bike and ride them both! Never rode to Sanford but drove it...I was glad to not be on a bike. Seemed narrow and fast.
  4. As one who knows he doesnt have 'the right stuff' for an event like this, I agree. Keep it "the toughest race on earth" and make it inspirational for participants, finishers, winners and watchers. PS and now that the e-bike 'trial' has been done...so far and no further. They are clearly not in the spirit of an event like this - elsewhere perhaps - and I hope not to see them in The Munga again. Moan off!
  5. The odds of your intended target audience being on BikeHub alone are small. Have you considered talking directly to the groups that form or putting up some signs?
  6. As said earlier, the roads in the Harties area are doable but caution is required. If the mining trucks are running then treat them with caution as they create an extra risk. Having said that, there's some good road riding. The route round the dam is okay but I've only done it at the weekend when it's likely quieter. The loop around the west end of the dam by crossing the causeway is quieter but only around 15-20km. The Harties valley road R560 is nice (a gradual climb away from the dam) but a little narrow and busy during the week with trucks and farm traffic. But you can bag a nice 90km from Pecanwood if you continue on the R560 and complete the block with the R24 and R96. My favourite would be the Hartebeeshoek Rd (the satellite road) which is shown as the R3/R400 on google maps. Its junction is about 4km from PWood back towards Broederstroom. It's very pretty, can be quiet during the week depending on mining trucks and about 25km long and starts with a false flat of several km and then takes in several (5?) climbs over ridges. If you do an out and back you get good value net climbing on the way out and a fast return. There are no shops on this road to my knowledge and it feels quite isolated, which can be rewarding in itself. Lastly as you're in the area and if you like climbing, then perhaps ride/drive to the Hekpoort Pass. It's only 35km from PWood but you can park at the gas station at the bottom and try an ascent? R563 from the Hekpoort village running SE. A couple of kms of gentle climbing and then from the Hekpoort river bridge, it's a couple of kms of steeper climbing with a nasty LH bend and then a drag to the false summit. It makes for a fast descent but watch the rumble strips. I can't help you with MTB!
  7. Well done all. May I offer a piece of perspective for your experiences on the day? I decided not to ride this year - not been a great year for me and I wasn't up for the challenge - and I went for a ride in the Cradle to enjoy the P & Q. At 0715 on Beyers near to Valverde, a youngster rode up to me, decked out in his race number astride his bike etc, and asked where FNB stadium was as his start group was 0830... After a quick chat, I sent him off southbound down Beyers and wished him well. Yes, his planning left a lot to be desired, but his finances weren't such for him to be able to afford transport to the race. BUT he was up for the challenge and wasn't about to let a +/-40 km ride to the start through JHB dampening his spirit. I hope he made the start (any start!) and the ride back home and enjoyed his day.
  8. Ridewithgps is v similar to plotting a route on google maps. Very intuitive. Try plotting one of your local rides? Let me know if I can help but I'm no expert!
  9. Have you or Sepia tried ridewithgps.com? V easy to plot routes and get profiles etc. As yet, I haven't tried downloading onto a device (cos I dont have a mapping device)!
  10. I've always found the Routes and Trail section or just the search function more than a useful resource but perhaps a designated drop-down topic for Touring might be useful?
  11. Ta muchly. Mynpad it is for a leg stretch!
  12. Bumping this...anyone? Or does anyone know if the MynPad (sp?) is tar or gravel?
  13. Tangential comment...I used to be a member of a Facebook Cradle runners and cyclists group. One day, much mud-slinging from cyclists who had to move out for runners and felt at risk from car traffic. I asked, why not check the road behind you before pulling out? Answers...it's too difficult, we're not TdF riders etc. I suggested some car park drills before they tried to improve their fitness...and left the group!
  14. Public roads. Does there need to be another reason why this is a pipe dream? (And I'm a property owner in the Cradle area!)
  15. At short notice, looks like I'm heading up to Secunda this weekend for a family function and I wanted to squeeze in a ride to 'see the sights' (I've never been to Secunda before). Would anyone have any advice for a *road* route of 50-60km or thereabouts? Similarly, any advice on roads to avoid e.g. N17?? TIA.
  16. Just bumping this to try and get the stuff back to the owner/s.
  17. If you lost any cycling items in the Cradle probably on the morning of Tues 30 June, please get in touch.
  18. Have a look on Facebook 'friends of suiker ...'. Maybe post there too?
  19. Ta muchly. Have you used either of these coaches? Preferences?
  20. A roadie mate of mine has been conned into W2W later this year. Any suggestions for a coach, either clinic or 1-on-1, to upskill him to avoid hospitalisation? JHB west preferred.
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