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YO are a cold hearted asshole


Oooh.....name calling....this is getting better by the post.......

Bring out the whips and chains!!


For a newcomer you are quite the aggressive? Forgot to take the pills? 


If you want to fight, fight by all means....it has good entertainment value.....but fight fair......


Name calling will get you nowhere!!!!
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YO are a cold hearted asshole


Oooh.....name calling....this is getting better by the post.......

Bring out the whips and chains!!


For a newcomer you are quite the aggressive? Forgot to take the pills? 


If you want to fight' date=' fight by all means....it has good entertainment value.....but fight fair......


Name calling will get you nowhere!!!!




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YO are a cold hearted asshole




Oooh.....name calling....this is getting better by the post.......


Bring out the whips and chains!!




For a newcomer you are quite the aggressive??Forgot to take the pills??




If you want to fight' date=' fight by all means....it has good entertainment value.....but fight fair......




Name calling will get you nowhere!!!!




here is a real case of a steriod overdose. ROID RAGE

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YO are a cold hearted asshole


No offense taken, you're entitled to an opinion of my character even though I might feel that your choice of words is in poor taste. There are many facets to a person's character and I'm of the opinion that you are being very short sighted and narrow minded in believing that everything in this thread is the sum total of my substance as a person.


People have flamed me all night and all day on this issue and I am stoic in my position that there are many sides to this debate and the answer isn't going to be simple. I'm not phased by the name calling and mud slinging, please be my guest. If you want to add value to this thread please do so otherwise to charge in and fire off empty, baseless, salvos really is pointless, adolescent in fact.


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my final say on this - many cyclists bitch and moan that OTHERS (ie bikers, cars, taxis, buses, etc) must obey the laws and the rules and be considerate to them the whole time but they are not willing themselves to compromise the slightest. it is also those that scream the loudest about what THEY want and what THEIR rights are that have the least regard for others. no wonder non-cyclists view cyclists as a menace.


if this conversation is to be considered a balanced opinion of SA cyclists then our sport is doomed as all road cycling events will be discontinued and cyclists will deservedly be banned from using the roads... i guess it's time we all just move to track cycling cos then our arrogant cyclist attitude will not negatively impact on others.
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Isnt it funny that all the people who dont RACE have the most to say about this.

The point is there was 3 cop cars leading them out and moving the cars off the road so that the riders could SAFELY do this exact move.


I agree 100% that people who dont qualify for / havent entered the RACING bunches should be DQ'd and fined, but let the racing guys race. THATS WHY THE COPS WERE THERE!
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YO are a cold hearted asshole
No offense taken' date=' you're entitled to an opinion of my character even though I might feel that your choice of words is in poor taste. There are many facets to a person's character and I'm of the opinion that you are being very short sighted and narrow minded in believing that everything in this thread is the sum total of my substance as a person.People have flamed me all night and all day on this issue and I am stoic in my position that there are many sides to this debate and the answer isn't going to be simple. I'm not phased by the name calling and mud slinging, please be my guest. If you want to add value to this thread please do so otherwise to charge in and fire off empty, baseless, salvos really is pointless, adolescent in fact.[/quote'] smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif
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I'm obviously very late into this "discussion" Big%20smile but here's my 2cents worth....


People have been cutting that particular corner in races on Helshoogte for a LONG LONG LONG LOOONG time.   I'm amazed at how shocked people are over this...



People in a race WILL take chances, and WILL cut corners if the chance is there. Especially if they're on the limit and cutting a corner will stop them getting dropped.



If riders safety is so paramount maybe there should be a few cones up along the last few hundred meters + some marshals up there to stop people from crossing the line......then everyone would HAVE to ride on the outside.     Problem fixed.
gianni2007-12-04 05:02:11
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one of the many reasons that I have shyed away from cycle racing (Apart from not being fit enough, not wanting to wake up at 4:30 every morning to train and not being able to aford the latest lightest goodies) is because I do not want to place myself in the dangerous position of facing down a motor vehicle at over 40km/hr.




I will probably never be strong enough to stay with the Cyclelab and Bulk meat teams without some serious wheel sucking. This they know, so as part of their tactics they will obviously shake me off by guttering (especially on the white line). This kitchen is to hot for me, so the they beat me even before the race is ridden.




I will only race for fun now, because being in hospital is no fun. However, I will not judge those who ignore the road laws, and race rules, to get an edge, especially when the race organisers do not enforce them.




(According to the national road regulations, some of the regulations like 311 can be suspended on the discression of the metro police. ie if the metro police are escorting the front elements of the race they can allow them to ignore road regulations) smiley2.gif

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SlowPoke, you make a good point, how many ppl actually drive 60km/h in a 60km/h zone?? I tell you how many ppl, NO ONE, so it's really easy to say well if they don't follow th rules why should we as cyclists? not saying that I agree with the argument.

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Just by the way' date=' consider this scenario if you will...

The bunch is rolling along on a flat road, taking up all of the left side of the road. There is a guy riding 5 bikes off the front and over team radio he is told to attack. He considers the instruction and then concludes the following:

a) I can attack, but it would mean taking a wide berth to the opposite side of the road.
b) Ignore the instruction to attack because it violates every code in the safe cycling manual.

I'm sure we all know the sort of attack I'm describing where a rider shoots off to the opposite side of the road. It's a tactical maneuver which might also require the cyclist to stay on the opposite side of the road until he has cleared all other riders who might want to catch his wheel.

So, am I a villain for pointing out an obvious part of racing tactics that flies in the face of safe cycling?


I know, I know!!!!   the answer is A of course..................
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Ok Ok lets all buy mountainbikes en dan ry ons koeie in hul moer in vir die fun en dan het ons iets anders om oor te praat more!!!Horing en uit!!!LOLLOL

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my final say on this - many cyclists bitch and moan that OTHERS (ie bikers' date=' cars, taxis, buses, etc) must obey the laws and the rules and be considerate to them the whole time but they are not willing themselves to compromise the slightest. it is also those that scream the loudest about what THEY want and what THEIR rights are that have the least regard for others. no wonder non-cyclists view cyclists as a menace.


if this conversation is to be considered a balanced opinion of SA cyclists then our sport is doomed as all road cycling events will be discontinued and cyclists will deservedly be banned from using the roads... i guess it's time we all just move to track cycling cos then our arrogant cyclist attitude will not negatively impact on others.


Agree slowpoke and that is my concern too.  Not the fact that racers want to do it or don't care of they die, but what it means for cyclists in general when you are confronted with an idiot coming straght at you on a bike on the wrong side of the road.


The misplaced arrogance seem to be partnerd with a big sense of entitlement and righteous indignation.  Maybe racing breeds it, but it makes it very difficult for me to condemn any vehicle driver who kills a cyclist.  Looks like we deserve to be run off the road
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SlowPoke' date=' you make a good point, how many ppl actually drive 60km/h in a 60km/h zone?? I tell you how many ppl, NO ONE, so it's really easy to say well if they don't follow th rules why should we as cyclists? not saying that I agree with the argument.[/quote']


Very true, but stick a speed cop under a tree with a camera every day (like on Christiaan de wet) and they get fined every time the go over the speed limit and hey presto... everyone sticks to the limit (yeah yeah, only until they are past the trap! Big%20smile)  
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