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Had a blurry moment thinking back to our recent loss of Nugget. Don't know what it is with cancers and dogs nowadays - both of my last two dogs went that way.


Know how you're feeling - it really sucks. Condolences and  best of luck. 

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Thanks for all the messages. Will get around to thanking you all individually. Just struggling a wee bit at the moment - and have my sons to deal with. I really appreciate all the support. 

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The kids TW ,the kids.


We have 5 dogs, one a real pavement special between a poodle and a scotty ,we adopted her when by daughter was 1, we have had this dog 14 years and we are her third home, she is on last legs and the kids don't want to see the day.

We have two pugs, the pekingese and the sharpei, they are all very loveable and complete family.


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The kids TW ,the kids.


We have 5 dogs, one a real pavement special between a poodle and a scotty ,we adopted her when by daughter was 1, we have had this dog 14 years and we are her third home, she is on last legs and the kids don't want to see the day.

We have two pugs, the pekingese and the sharpei, they are all very loveable and complete family.


Breandan phoned me in tears this morning. His mum, the first person I told, let him know. He knew this was coming for some time, but no amount of preparation is enough. You're right. Your last sentence sums it up. They're not pets. They're what completes a family. Thank you   

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This is a post I wish I didn't have to make. I had to bid farewell to Tumbleweed yesterday. He became violently ill, and we had to give in after his brave fight against the cancer. I will miss him. The best dog ever.

Yo man .im heartbroken for you.

Thats something i dont want for sny doglover.

Be strong and remember those AWESOME times

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Had a blurry moment thinking back to our recent loss of Nugget. Don't know what it is with cancers and dogs nowadays - both of my last two dogs went that way.


Know how you're feeling - it really sucks. Condolences and best of luck.


Lots of unnatural stuff in there.

Im going over to RAW at the moment..and not even from local meat like beef ect..those **** are full of hormones ect

My dogs are only eating or will soon be on full gammon RAW food

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Lots of unnatural stuff in there.

Im going over to RAW at the moment..and not even from local meat like beef ect..those **** are full of hormones ect

My dogs are only eating or will soon be on full gammon RAW food

My wife and I were discussing it the other day. When we were young , dogs were not allowed to enter the house ,and they disciplined themselves accordingly. The food they were given consisted of "mieliepap " cooked up with the peels of all the vegetables , with maybe some fat. Back then , Vets were just about unheard of. As kids , we were ALWAYS active and the dogs joined in , in all the fun and hence were also fit and healthy. Okay , they were BRAKKE , but was loved by all. Then Epol ( ?) and pedigree dogs came on the scene and the whole scenario changed ( for the worse ? ).

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My wife and I were discussing it the other day. When we were young , dogs were not allowed to enter the house ,and they disciplined themselves accordingly. The food they were given consisted of "mieliepap " cooked up with the peels of all the vegetables , with maybe some fat. Back then , Vets were just about unheard of. As kids , we were ALWAYS active and the dogs joined in , in all the fun and hence were also fit and healthy. Okay , they were BRAKKE , but was loved by all. Then Epol ( ?) and pedigree dogs came on the scene and the whole scenario changed ( for the worse ? ).

My wife and i were discussing the exact same thing a few days ago when we found out about Jazz's Hip Dyph….


I have/had what i would call pavements specials. A supposed Fox terrier and a supposed Dashund.  Although when they were pups they slept inside most of the time they were outside. They ate what ever food i could afford. Only ever saw a vet to have them sterilised.


Then i go and buy my collie. Spend a fortune on her getting her from a breeder so that i can make sure i get the right temperament and reduce the risk of Hip Dyp. Regular vet visits for injections. Royal Canine food. Regular obedience training etc. True as nuts she isn't even 2 and she has been diagnosed with Hip Dyp.

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My wife and i were discussing the exact same thing a few days ago when we found out about Jazz's Hip Dyph….


I have/had what i would call pavements specials. A supposed Fox terrier and a supposed Dashund.  Although when they were pups they slept inside most of the time they were outside. They ate what ever food i could afford. Only ever saw a vet to have them sterilised.


Then i go and buy my collie. Spend a fortune on her getting her from a breeder so that i can make sure i get the right temperament and reduce the risk of Hip Dyp. Regular vet visits for injections. Royal Canine food. Regular obedience training etc. True as nuts she isn't even 2 and she has been diagnosed with Hip Dyp.


Its the interbreeding that causes a lot of the structural problems as well as other issues. It is also the varied mixed breeding. Some dogs should not be bred with others.


The foods are a definite issue, even our foods are not as good as they used to be. Loaded with hormones and who knows what else.

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We miss our 2 dogs which we left in SA with my inlaws, both have passed on and one day we hope to be able to have a dog permanently in the family again....untill then we are lucky to be able to dogsit this little chap (a nephew :thumbup: ) every once in awhile


Waiting for supper



Having supper




Pitch black except for the tongue




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My wife and i were discussing the exact same thing a few days ago when we found out about Jazz's Hip Dyph….


I have/had what i would call pavements specials. A supposed Fox terrier and a supposed Dashund. Although when they were pups they slept inside most of the time they were outside. They ate what ever food i could afford. Only ever saw a vet to have them sterilised.


Then i go and buy my collie. Spend a fortune on her getting her from a breeder so that i can make sure i get the right temperament and reduce the risk of Hip Dyp. Regular vet visits for injections. Royal Canine food. Regular obedience training etc. True as nuts she isn't even 2 and she has been diagnosed with Hip Dyp.

Getting a dog from a breeder means nothing its all about getting the bloodlines perfect and for about 4 generations back.

Unfortunately staffies en sheepdogs were bred too much in sa without getting good genes in to make the genetics better

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