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Our pretty girl Marsie is rather poorly.

Yesterday morning I took her to the rugby field to let her run .

I have a plastic handle thingie for lobbying a tennis ball and  she chases after the ball and returns it to my feet.

I had just decided she had had enough running (any more and she would have been tripping over her tongue)  and I threw the ball in the direction of my car.

Marsie ran after the ball but suddenly pulled up in obvious pain.

Neil our vet confirmed after manipulating her leg under sedation that she has torn the cruciate ligament in her knee.

Neil recommended surgery to replace the ligament with a piece of nylon .

Marsie is scheduled to have the opp. on Wednesday.

Ooooh noooo, poor Marsie - is there a good place near you or can you take her to Onderstepoort like Wil did?

They are the best. Either way, keep us posted on her - she is close to all our hearts here.

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Ooooh noooo, poor Marsie - is there a good place near you or can you take her to Onderstepoort like Wil did?

They are the best. Either way, keep us posted on her - she is close to all our hearts here.

Onderstepoort is too far for us - 1000km round trip - although my wife has taken horses there. We have  competent local vets,  so we will trust them with the fix. In the mean time she is hobbling around quite well. She could not resist jumping up on the bed this morning for a cuddle, although she took some time to decide to go for the jump.

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Rafiki, my co pilot in the cropsprayer. He loves running through the fields with me, while I am on the mountain bike. The furthest he has gone in one go is 30 km. Fit little bugger.


It's been proven that jack russels have several genetic mutations.

They have deletions for tiredness (chromosome 3p), cowardice (chromosome 9p) and fear (chromosome 12q) genes


luckily they have additional translocations that results in overexpression of the Awesomeness Receptor!

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Rafiki, my co pilot in the cropsprayer. He loves running through the fields with me, while I am on the mountain bike. The furthest he has gone in one go is 30 km. Fit little bugger.

Cropsprayer.......running through the fields . Not ranting , but sounds not no lekker. :blush:

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,,,,lol, wat ek se is die brakke kan baie goed saam met my draf , hulle luister en volg enige bevel wat vir hulle gegee word

Rotties,,,wel hulle is darem onder die top slimste honde,,, natuurlik my honde , nie ek nie

Ja, hulle is onder die top slimste m.a.w. onder Dobermans  :thumbup:

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attachicon.gif20140326_083543.jpgWe adopted Rocky last year on 1 Dec after 10-12 years of abuse and neglect.

We will be having a BIG B-day party!

Lekker man, vat hom Spur toe vir eat as much ribs as you can special op Donderdae :thumbup:

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Cropsprayer.......running through the fields . Not ranting , but sounds not no lekker. :blush:


he is inside with him inside the cropsprayer...


on separate occasions they are outside together frolicking in the fields

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Cropsprayer.......running through the fields . Not ranting , but sounds not no lekker. :blush:

Rafiki could not be happier What could be nicer (and healthier) for a dog running through the veldt with his owner, chasing birds, rabbits etc?


Remember I am also in the cropsprayer, what should be safe and healthy for me should be safe for him? I wont take him along when working with dangerous and hazardous chemicals. That photo was taken while spraying herbicide.

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