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@#$%&* Inconsiderate Cyclist's!!


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Wannabe, one of our group jumped a red light this morning........ he knows who he is.......told him I am never riding with him again :thumbdown: (but what are the chances) :ph34r:


Now that I think of it, two did, that I saw. Saw loads of noobs and "pro's" alike skipping red lights. :thumbdown: Problem is that most of them will never read this thread nor think of their actions' consequences. :cursing:

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Saw something interesting today - a roadie on the N3 between the two "one stops" at Cato Ridge at around 11 am. He was heading towards Durbs on the hill within about 500m of the BP service station on the opposite side. For the HIll2Hillers - Bartletts on the right looking towards Durban. I was on (Katoom mounted not pedal cycle) the overpass for the gravel road that crosses the N3 after the Hill2Hill turnoff down along the old railway line and specifically stopped to make sure I wasn't seeing things.


No following cars etc so I don't know what he was doing. He could easily end up as a hood ornament on a timber truck.

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Wannabe, one of our group jumped a red light this morning........ he knows who he is.......told him I am never riding with him again :thumbdown: (but what are the chances)


I confess, I confess...


I did yield at first though...



*grabs helmet, clips in and leaves the thread*

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This moan again....we are not going to change those cyclist....and please don’t shout at them (me sometimes) when I cross a red light at a T-Junction....it is their live and NOT your / our problem


We don't shout at ever person that is not buckled up in their car, chucks a cigarettes out the window or crosses a solid line when they overtake....so why do it at cyclist or come and moan here.....


It is NOT your duty to report them or try and rectify their actions and no matter how much you lot shout here on the hub I personally will go slowly over SOME red lights when I feel it is safer than trying to flow with the traffic.....


Cycling in traffic is also a survial game and I am tired of everyone saying "it is the law"......please start minding your own bussiness!

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This moan again....we are not going to change those cyclist....and please don’t shout at them (me sometimes) when I cross a red light at a T-Junction....it is their live and NOT your / our problem


We don't shout at ever person that is not buckled up in their car, chucks a cigarettes out the window or crosses a solid line when they overtake....so why do it at cyclist or come and moan here.....


It is NOT your duty to report them or try and rectify their actions and no matter how much you lot shout here on the hub I personally will go slowly over SOME red lights when I feel it is safer than trying to flow with the traffic.....


Cycling in traffic is also a survial game and I am tired of everyone saying "it is the law"......please start minding your own bussiness!


They DO become your problem if they end up in a state hospital as a vegetable and your tax money pays for them.

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This moan again....we are not going to change those cyclist....and please don’t shout at them (me sometimes) when I cross a red light at a T-Junction....it is their live and NOT your / our problem


We don't shout at ever person that is not buckled up in their car, chucks a cigarettes out the window or crosses a solid line when they overtake....so why do it at cyclist or come and moan here.....


It is NOT your duty to report them or try and rectify their actions and no matter how much you lot shout here on the hub I personally will go slowly over SOME red lights when I feel it is safer than trying to flow with the traffic.....


Cycling in traffic is also a survial game and I am tired of everyone saying "it is the law"......please start minding your own bussiness!


No, it is our problem.

Because of some reckless riders most motorists now aren't as careful as they could be.


Why should they follow the rules if you (read cyclist) don't.

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No, it is our problem.

Because of some reckless riders most motorists now aren't as careful as they could be.


Why should they follow the rules if you (read cyclist) don't.

Motorist dont follow the rules, pedestrians don't, Taxis CERTAINLY don't and so we can carry on and on and on and on....so like I have said before if people are NOT prepared to change the behaviour off EVERY road user we are wasting our time....


WRT to rules...only a short while ago people on the hub were giving advice to fellow hubber how to break the import/vat rules..


So unfortunately we / you are fighting a loosing battle...but if you have to / want to carry on fighting it....then good on you...i am done...I ride the way I feel safe and not the way anyone tells me to ride.....that seems to be the attitude these days..

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They DO become your problem if they end up in a state hospital as a vegetable and your tax money pays for them.


My tax money is being spend anyway and there is nothing I can do about it.


What you are saying that it is problem when the politicians spends millions on a car?


That is not logical I can do nothing about the way my tax money is being spend.

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That is a k4k attitude, if we all acted like that, there would be no rules. Be proactive and help stop the guys giving the sport a bad name

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Niner. It is because of attitudes and behavior like yours that motorist sees us as a menace on the roads.

Should I come across you and you are riding / driving like an inconsiderate ass, you WILL be admonished. :angry:


The amount of cyclists increases tremendously at this time of the year, and I am of the humble opinion that most off them are the guys / gals that dusts their bikes off after December holidays, be it as a result of New Years resolutions, or in "training" for the Argus, after hanging them in the garage after the previous Argus. . They are the ones not used to riding in groups, not able to hold a steady line on a climb, riding two / three / four abreast ( because they see others doing it). If they are not admonished / corrected, they will continue doing it, as it is "right, everybody else is doing it"

They are also the dangers on the road, causing motorists to get upset and impatient and then they take chances to overtake this group of cyclists going uphill at 5km/h, hogging the whole road in the process. Heaven forbid and a cyclist is hit by a car, then everybody bemoans the fact and wants to lynch the motorist. Meanwhile the cyclist contributed the majority share to the "accident"

So as a "experienced" cyclist, act like one and follow the rules of the road and stop at stop streets and red traffic lights in broad daylight, where all the world can see you when you skip these.

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wow. what a *** attitude. but it's ok. what goes round comes round. but I do hope you get a nice mouthful every single time u engage your right to be a chump.


omw. survival game? So those red lights, and totally sound advice of riding single file and not irritating other road users is there to make your life a misery. yikes.. if it's so damn tough out there,. gtfo the roads. This bs crap about proclaimign it's so damn bad just to validate a crap attitude to what constitutes the best for everyone, man.. pathetic.

Edited by Capricorn
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@Niner... seriously dude... I am hoping that you are just ragging everyone, because that point of view is not just idiotic... but befits a moron!


If you were serious: keep it up... you and your bike most probably weigh less than a carbon bottle cage... in an argument with a small shiny piece of metal.. you may be "right"... but you are gonna come off worse... I hope that nothing serious happens to you, because I do not wish harm on anyone... but your selfish attitude is gonna make some motorist think " that's the last straw" and take it out on some innocent cyclist who follows the rules... perhaps me!

Thanx for nothing! :cursing:

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Typical Souf African attitude!


Here in the UK there are way more commuters cycling to work everyday, come rain or shine.

They obey the rules!


I can tell you that in/around London the traffic is hectic and these guys move in the bicycle lanes with busses and cars all around them, BUT the main point is that they dont jump red robots or pedestrian crossings nor do they ride 2/3/4 abreast!


Its the certain "I`m a hardcore roadie" attitude from some of the tjops back home!


If I came across 2/3/4 riders abreast I used to give them a hoot about 50m away and hope they would fall into single file.

Then I would await the stare or finger from one of the cylists. If I received this, I would then slow down so they catch up to me and either swerve towards them or tell them what I think of them!


Bunch of LOSERS!

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Typical Souf African attitude!


Here in the UK there are way more commuters cycling to work everyday, come rain or shine.

They obey the rules!


I can tell you that in/around London the traffic is hectic and these guys move in the bicycle lanes with busses and cars all around them, BUT the main point is that they dont jump red robots or pedestrian crossings nor do they ride 2/3/4 abreast!


Its the certain "I`m a hardcore roadie" attitude from some of the tjops back home!


If I came across 2/3/4 riders abreast I used to give them a hoot about 50m away and hope they would fall into single file.

Then I would await the stare or finger from one of the cylists. If I received this, I would then slow down so they catch up to me and either swerve towards them or tell them what I think of them!


Bunch of LOSERS!


Not just South African dude....





Recent UK government figures report a yearly rise from 2,661 cyclists killed or seriously injured to 2,940 - a rise of 10.5 percent. :mellow:




British Cycling lent its voice in support of cycle safety. The UK's governing body for cycling called for more "mutual respect between motorists and cyclists" along with "greater cycle awareness in the driving test and Highway Code", "better enforcement of the law on mobile phone use while driving" and improvements to "poorly laid out roads and junctions".

"It’s essential that we get away from this sense of ‘them and us’ between motorists and cyclists," said Ian Drake, BC's chief executive. "Most people who ride a bike also drive a car which suggests there should already be some mutual understanding. Now more needs to be done to build on this and create a culture in which all road users can better respect each other. And it’s important to stress that cyclists have as much of a role to play in this as motorists, by ensuring they adhere to the rules of the road with regards to things like stopping at red traffic lights and signalling correctly."


To all the cyclists out there ..take care... wherever you are.. :)

Edited by urbanroyal
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