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Blood Pressure


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There are a couple of things to bear in mind. As SuperM correctly stated before, measurement of BP is done in a relaxed, seated patient (ideally someone who has been seated in a quiet room for 5-10 minutes). Your blood pressure will naturally rise and fall according to what activities you are doing and so a measurement not taken as described above (while rushing around at work) means very little by itself. If you are worried, make sure that it is taken correctly.

Secondly, over the counter BP machines often give widely varying results. The worst offenders are the ones that fit around the wrist, although in my experience other upper-arm machines can also give quite markedly inaccurate readings. The best is to get your BP taken by your GP or a nursing sister (Clicks or Dischem).


The values for normal BP are not age dependent. Assuming you are not diabetic they are:

Dia 60-85, Sys <130 = Normal

Dia 85-90, Sys <140 = High normal

Dia >90, Sys >140 = Stage 1 hypertension


Finally, one of the worst offenders in poor BP control is sodium, so cut out the salt.

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Please could only informed persons answer............



Despite some good advice given, if you really want an informed opinion make an appointment with your Doctor.

You just never know what Quacks are online...

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I am already on BP meds, just dont know if thoses spikes are normal.


I do drink too much coffee.


I am having a *** day thanks.


Will skip coffee tomorrow and check again thanks.


So my BP also raised when I take an extra caffeiene Gu Gel on the bike?


Whatever you do dont just cut the coffee out completely. It will without a doubt cause other problems such as headaches etc from the caffeine withdrawl.


Rather start by reducing you intake and see if it helps.

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I see a lot of people on here suffer from high bp...I'm the opposite. Mine normal then just randomly drops from time to time...one stage it was very low and my dr had me on meds for ten days to try bring it back up.


The sister who I used to work with, always maintained those home bp machine is more of an "indication" and not a true reading.


Avoid those ones at gym. I checked mine BEFORE gym and I read mine as "high" o.O psssht.


We know more or less what high bp is caused by.... Stress/sodium but low....?


Anyhoo, I had mine checked about two weeks ago - 110/60


Remember Hubbers, high bp is known as THE SILENT KILLER so don't F around with it, get it checked out if its high.

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I see a lot of people on here suffer from high bp...I'm the opposite. Mine normal then just randomly drops from time to time...one stage it was very low and my dr had me on meds for ten days to try bring it back up.


The sister who I used to work with, always maintained those home bp machine is more of an "indication" and not a true reading.


Avoid those ones at gym. I checked mine BEFORE gym and I read mine as "high" o.O psssht.


We know more or less what high bp is caused by.... Stress/sodium but low....?


Anyhoo, I had mine checked about two weeks ago - 110/60


Remember Hubbers, high bp is known as THE SILENT KILLER so don't F around with it, get it checked out if its high.


Hi Bronabee


Can I make the following suggestion with regards to how you can increase your Low Blood Pressure


1. Start smoking

2. Start eating 2 table spoons of salt with every meal

3. Drink a double Espresso every 30 minutes

4. Have your first shot at 12 already

5. Try and stress more

6. Be more actvie on the hub



Your are welcome!! :clap:

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@garfield - go and visit a specialist cardiologist soon to investigate this further - you should not be in those ranges under treatment normally or even at work (unless you are having a sense of humour failure temprorarily)


I can refer you off line from this discussion if you wish - unfortunately diagnosis is not possible (and unprofessional) in an online forum, but you need to get this under better control..


Dont wait.

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Something I have noticed is the difference between getting it tested via the various machines. The old manual method is very good, but the machines can differ a lot. i finally bought my own machine so at least I can track it via the one source. Since I have done that I have realised my BP is actually very normal. I would get it tested and be high, then tested the next day and me normal. Most of the time it was high. Since I have tracked it over the last 2 months there has been very few cases where it is high (quite often after a hectic ride - no gels) but it has only happened a couple of times.


Best thing to do it write down what you ate that day take your BP morning and evening. If it is high cut back on say coffee or salt. I have found more than 3 cups of coffee during the day effects it quite a bit. Cut it out and it is fine during that period. My sister who is on tablets finds coffee and salt is her worst things.

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Good grief - there is some rather poor info on here.


Go see your doctor and if he can't explain to the value of a 24 hour ambulatory BP test in your setting, or explain to you how that would better calculate your risk and plan your therapy, ask for a referral to a physician with an interest in hypertension.

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Good grief - there is some rather poor info on here.


Pete, that is because on the Hub everybody is Professors in Nuclear and Physics Science of anatomic diffusion & spontaneous combustion

Edited by Garfield2010
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Pete, that is because on the Hub everybody is Professors in Nuclear and Physics Science of anatomic diffusion & spontaneous combustion

No offence but you are the OP?...What did you expect?

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