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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Probably right, but I think people are looking for closure more than anything, theres lots of loose ends laying around that people can pick up on and ask "What about this........." so in a way I see the UCI decision as been one of the points of closure, sort of "The final decision is made, the deed is done lets move along" but until that happens people will continue probably to look for conspiracy theories or loose ends, ...........human nature I guess. biggrin.png


I agree, yes it's human nature and closure would be good, somehow I don't think we will see closure.

It also seems like human nature has become all about revenge (not referring to you grumps)


I reckon get Bruyneel and we will get the whole truth.

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First prize - cleanout at UCI. For me this is not even about Armstrong, it is about the people entrusted with the sport that showed themselves to be hopelessly incompetent.


Last prize - case drags on for another 6 months.

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No Armstrong can't appeal any decision to CAS because he waived his right to arbitration against USADA. CAS only intervenes when an Arbitration agreement between two parties fails. Since the right was waived he can't appeal retroactively. The UCI can appeal the recommendation if it feels the "evidence" supplied cannot stand in Court, either in the USA or the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland.


The withdrawal of the Federal Case against Armstrong in the USA will play a strong role in the decision of the UCI wrt to the legal standing of the USADA report


Yeah, thanks.


With regards the second bit, do you think so?, I dont know, to me its two separate cases, one is judicial (Federal case) and of course various laws and legal issues will come into play, but one (USADA) is just on a balance of probabilities, no real need to prove anything beyond tipping the scale in their direction, but I hear what you say, if the UCI intends sending it to CAS then I think they may look at the legal precedent, but I personally dont think it will go that far, LA has walked away and there's no real challenge to the USADA report, I cant see any reason to refer it.


........but then again, anything's possible I guess.

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I'll be surprised if UCI don't ratify the USADA decisions - simply becasue at this point they will be trying to save their own individual bacons... It would be good if they appealed the 6 month bans (i.e. take them up to 2 yrs) but they probably won't.

Edited by dracs
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Wish list:


1. Prez Fat Pat steps down citing "time for fresh start" and the steps to a new leader are announced.

2. Armstrong's results are cleared and "no winner".

3. Armstrong banned from competing for 10 years and for lack for cooperation.

4. Those who confessed banned from competing for 6 -12 months


Or something like 'dat.


EDIT: Those who confessed banned from competing for 5 years.


Why? It needs to be more than just a slap on the wrist. This cancer needs to be removed, and a 6 month ban isn't nearly enough to convince them of the error of their ways.


Edit2: The 5 year ban can still be viewed as a "deal" as it is still less than what LA is getting.

Edited by cptmayhem
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EDIT: Those who confessed banned from competing for 5 years.


Why? It needs to be more than just a slap on the wrist. This cancer needs to be removed, and a 6 month ban isn't nearly enough to convince them of the error of their ways.


Edit2: The 5 year ban can still be viewed as a "deal" as it is still less than what LA is getting.


I disagree with the 5 years. You'll just make cyclists never admit to doping.


LA is getting more than the 6 months, because he didn't work with investigators and it is not only for doping himself, but running a complete doping system.

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EDIT: Those who confessed banned from competing for 5 years.


Why? It needs to be more than just a slap on the wrist. This cancer needs to be removed, and a 6 month ban isn't nearly enough to convince them of the error of their ways.


Edit2: The 5 year ban can still be viewed as a "deal" as it is still less than what LA is getting.


Would be ironic if UCI decides that Armstrong was the worst of the cancer!

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12.04 McQuaid: Cycling has a future .. not the first crossroads we have faced ... will find a new path forward. The UCI wishes to begin that journey by NOT challenging the USADA report.

Lance Armstrong banned for life and stripped of his seven tour victories by UCI. Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling.

12.02 Brendan Gallagher on the importance of today's events: tenor of today's press conference could be every bit as important as the content. The UCI stands accused of many things but one of the most frequent is compelte lack of leadership. At the very least somebody - and who better than UCI Pat McQuaid - needs to stand up unequivocally and apologies for past incompetence and complacency.

You would also like to think that perhaps a respected independent figure such as Dick Pound can be persuaded to come in an oversee the existing doping measures which might not be as good as the UCI insist but are still right up there with any other sport. Today is an important PR exercise as well as the dramatic last rites on the Armstrong era.

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