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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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A bit like Osama Bin Laden was actually a pretty reasonable guy because he gave hope to so many poor and down trodden souls, even though in some eyes he was a mass murderer? It's ok to be evil if you do some good in addition to being evil?


No right mind thinking person can actually believe all this justification, can they?


I'm not saying he was right or should be put on any sort of pedestal, in fact in my previous post you will see that I mentioned that I believe that any form of cheating should be met with an automatic life time ban. The point I was trying to make was that his participation in these events could possibly be allowed in the event that the participant is doing so in the name of a charity of for a greater cause.


Personal enrichment in these cases like sponsorship for the individual, be it cash or equipment, or any other personal gain should be prohibited as should any formal recognition of the participants placing in the event "competed" in, be it medals, prize money or anything else. Participation should be limited to allowing the race to be run and nothing else. Irrespective of where the money raised by Livestrong is going, a lot of it is going towards a good cause and as long as this is happening, I think he should be allowed to raise this money in the only way he is able to do so.


Testing should still be done, at his own cost if you wish, and if positive, then no further participation, even for charity purposes, should be allowed.


As I have said, I am not of fan of his and I despise the fact that any of these guys decide to use doping to further enhance their performance or recovery, but if they do good work, surely there's a case somewhere to allow them to do so. I don't think the recipients of their charity should be made to suffer further as a result of their lack of ethical racing practices.


I'm all for these guys having to pay back prize money and fines (possibly a percentage of their sponsorship & endorsement monies received during that period), but the banning of the individual from any participation also affects many others and this should also be taken into account. Let him run "unofficially".

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Because he was more doped up he could train harder than anyone. Is that not the point. The dope doesn't always help you go faster. It helps you recover faster.

Who were his big rivals of the day? Were they "less" doped up than him?

Edited by dracs
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A bit like Osama Bin Laden was actually a pretty reasonable guy because he gave hope to so many poor and down trodden souls, even though in some eyes he was a mass murderer? It's ok to be evil if you do some good in addition to being evil?


No right mind thinking person can actually believe all this justification, can they?


How to identify when you've lost perspective on a matter 101 by Eldron:


You compare Lance Armstrong to Osama bin Laden.


Dude - you're bonkers.

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How to identify when you've lost perspective on a matter 101 by Eldron:


You compare Lance Armstrong to Osama bin Laden.


Dude - you're bonkers.


Absolutely! +1

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How to identify when you've lost perspective on a matter 101 by Eldron:


You compare Lance Armstrong to Osama bin Laden.


Dude - you're bonkers.

Read the post - it's the justification of the bad deeds because of some spurious good deeds the perpetrator may or may not have done.


It's definitely not OK to justify the scourge of the civilised world because he may have done some good for a few followers in the same way any right minded person can accept Big Tex's cheating ways because he has raised $500 million from the gullible and given hope to cancer sufferers and their families. And massively enriched himself along the way.


There was no comparison made between OBL and LA, the comparison was the justification by the fanboys. Wrong is wrong in the same way you can't be half pregnant.

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Read the post - it's the justification of the bad deeds because of some spurious good deeds the perpetrator may or may not have done.


It's definitely not OK to justify the scourge of the civilised world because he may have done some good for a few followers in the same way any right minded person can accept Big Tex's cheating ways because he has raised $500 million from the gullible and given hope to cancer sufferers and their families. And massively enriched himself along the way.


There was no comparison made between OBL and LA, the comparison was the justification by the fanboys. Wrong is wrong in the same way you can't be half pregnant.


Agreed, but perhaps the leap of logic is too big to make.


Much easier to understand is Bernie Madoff, philantropist fund raiser who in addition donated 10s of millions of his own dollars to charities, amongst other cancer ones.


Should this absolve him of defrauding investors of $18bn ?




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Agreed, but perhaps the leap of logic is too big to make. Much easier to understand is Bernie Madoff, philantropist fund raiser who donated 10s of millions of his own dollars to charities, amongst other cancer ones. Should this absolve him of defrauding investors of $18bn ? .


Madoff and Armstrong? Mmmmm…wasn't there once claims that Lance was hitting the Colombian marching powder and hiring strippers, just like Madoff did?

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Read the post - it's the justification of the bad deeds because of some spurious good deeds the perpetrator may or may not have done.


It's definitely not OK to justify the scourge of the civilised world because he may have done some good for a few followers in the same way any right minded person can accept Big Tex's cheating ways because he has raised $500 million from the gullible and given hope to cancer sufferers and their families. And massively enriched himself along the way.


There was no comparison made between OBL and LA, the comparison was the justification by the fanboys. Wrong is wrong in the same way you can't be half pregnant.


How to identify when you've lost perspective on a matter 102 by Eldron:


You think a drugged up cyclist is the scourge of the civilised world.


C'mon man. You're smart, you can string multi-syllabic words together, surely even you can see you lost the ability to see anything but your own venom ages ago?

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I believe he is writting a follow-on book to his "Every second counts" called "None of my seven count"

Brilliant !!!
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I called it. Go check my previous comments. By him giving up the fight and not getting charged properly, there are doubts about him being guilty or not. Therefore ex sponsors, givers etc are up in the air to persue him for their funds.

And check my previous comments: Sponsors got value for money at the time,

How do you ask for money back on a long expired contract in which you got what you wanted?

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And check my previous comments: Sponsors got value for money at the time, How do you ask for money back on a long expired contract in which you got what you wanted?


The SCA matter is a different kettle of fish though.

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petatodd, I've mentioned more than once that I am not an LA fan, at all, but he's raising money for a good cause.


OBL never gave a single cent to those suffering beyond their control. In fact he used the money to cause pain to those who had very little direct control over the "heinous deeds" committed by the US government and their allies.


I also suggested that he be banned from competitive sport for life, but participation and being competitive, in my view is different, especially if you are precluded from any of the benefits thereof, be it recognition, prize money, sponsorship (in his personal capacity) or any other self enriching items. I've even suggested fining him a portion of all income earned, including sponsorship monies, during his time in the saddle.


I realize that my view may be unconventional, but as someone who knows people who have suffered and in some cases lost their battles with cancer, i can't help but think that even the work these guys are doing is noble, in spite of the fact that they are crooked sports people.


I'm going to try and become a fly on the wall in this thread. I think the mods should can it and replace it with the burlesque & tattooed thread, minus the porn of course. OBL's ghost could be watching and I imagine he'd like to have a bicycle laden with fanatics ridden into The Hub HQ :mellow:

Edited by Jigghead
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