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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Okay, my curiosity got the better of me and I skimmed through 20 odd pages, this piece caught my eye,



The witnesses cited in this Reasoned Decision have testified under oath, through affidavits in which they have sworn to tell the truth under penalties of perjury. Lance Armstrong

does not testify this way – because he did not want to testify – he wanted to walk away and avoid

the truth telling. However, his refusal to attend a hearing still speaks volumes.


.......Sad,........ but all I needed to hear.


It is sad and tragic, but overall a necessary purge of the sports professional level imo. No glory to be had anywhere here.

To paraphrase though, it's not (all) about LA

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It is sad and tragic, but overall a necessary purge of the sports professional level imo. No glory to be had anywhere here.

To paraphrase though, it's not (all) about LA


Indeed, Indeed.

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To paraphrase though, it's not (all) about LA


Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly about just him.


Dangle asked earlier on this thread why people hate Lance the way they do.


There's the answer. Other riders take their punishment. Even if they don't confess their crime, taking the punishment is pretty much an admission of guilt. In the face of every single one of his team mates admissions, Lance still denies, still professes loudly his cancer crusade sainthood. That's why we can't stomach him anymore.

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Funny that, I'm watching a few Big Bang Theory episodes.


For this historic moment in time, I can't think of a better word


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Before all this came out, Vaughters himself named these (his) riders as dopers on a public forum. He knows their past, and they have discussed their future.


Agreed, hence the reason I trust him. Really enjoyed his views on not signing Jorg Jaske (sic) nd his views on Danielson's frail BMT!


Follow him on twitter, he is an absolute riot.


See the article in my Post, post edit.

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Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly about just him.


Dangle asked earlier on this thread why people hate Lance the way they do.


There's the answer. Other riders take their punishment. Even if they don't confess their crime, taking the punishment is pretty much an admission of guilt. In the face of every single one of his team mates admissions, Lance still denies, still professes loudly his cancer crusade sainthood. That's why we can't stomach him anymore.


You're going to hear a lot of things from 'Lancers' about how they're rats who 'took the deal on the table' to get themselves off the hook

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Agreed, hence the reason I trust him.


Agree. That's why I don't think anyone at Garmin is in the least concerned.

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You're going to hear a lot of things from 'Lancers' about how they're rats who 'took the deal on the table' to get themselves off the hook


Nothing we haven't all heard before. at some point enough voices have to make the ostriches come up to see what's actually going on.

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Before all this came out, Vaughters himself named these (his) riders as dopers on a public forum. He knows their past, and they have discussed their future.


And the companies - Garmin and Sharp Electronics - I can imagine how happy they are to have been sucked into this.


Actually, a lot is being said about LA, the UCI, the other riders named, etc, but I haven't really heard from the ones who pay the bills.


I guess if the viewership ratings don't drop, there's no incentive to stick their heads above the parapets. As long as the minions continue to watch the show, they'll see no reason to leave the sport. And I have a feeling that cycling will be the most talked about sport in the world for a little while to come.


2013 might even enjoy all-time record viewerships worldwide. There's no such thing as bad publicity...

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And the companies - Garmin and Sharp Electronics - I can imagine how happy they are to have been sucked into this.


Actually, a lot is being said about LA, the UCI, the other riders named, etc, but I haven't really heard from the ones who pay the bills.




I reckon any company that sponsored a top flight team since about 2000 knew exactly what the score was. I reckon most of them tasked the directors with results and no positives.


As to what they say now? I see plenty of them re-comitting sponsorship, I see plenty new sponsors coming in. As bizarre it is sounds, it's actually looking more or less healthy out there from a money point of view.

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If Lance raised $10 for cancer research, then it's probably $10 more than any of the @rsehole detractors on this forum have ever raised.


Actually, as a matter of record, Livestrong does not fund cancer RESEARCH. It is a cancer advocacy group, raising the profile of cancer awareness.

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Actually, as a matter of record, Livestrong is a cancer advocacy group, raising the profile of cancer awareness.


So we bought yellow bangles so that Lance could tell people that cancer exists? Or that they have cancer? Or that they can get cancer?


I confuse.

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