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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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Okay that's it, I'm going to try this running thing. Couch to 5k is the plan


Make it 7.5km then you can join me for some offroad duathlons. The favoured format is 5km run, 20 or 30km mtb and 2.5km run.


Loads of fun, relatively small field, low stress - all the things mtb used to be!


If you need some tips let me know or if you have R10K/year available have a chat to Enticement.

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Make it 7.5km then you can join me for some offroad duathlons. The favoured format is 5km run, 20 or 30km mtb and 2.5km run.


Loads of fun, relatively small field, low stress - all the things mtb used to be!


If you need some tips let me know or if you have R10K/year available have a chat to Enticement.


Like that Momentum/iFlex Duathlon at Waterfall. Great fun that was !

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Like that Momentum/iFlex Duathlon at Waterfall. Great fun that was !





I mean - yeah that was awesome - another one coming up there soon!

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Like that Momentum/iFlex Duathlon at Waterfall. Great fun that was !







I mean - yeah that was awesome - another one coming up there soon!



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Dangle & Rouxtjie (and all those avid cycling and coaching experts that have contributed so generously to date) We offer an individualised approach that is constantly adapted according to your lifestyle - like one of my Epic athletes that had work commitments during a crucial part of his preparation


There isn’t a single athlete in the world who’s training haven’t been interrupted by work, a family occasion, illness or injury so you’d expect the altering of any training program to come par for the course. It shouldn’t be regarded as optional extra or some work of miracle for a trainer to alter a program.


I agree, but try that with an off-the-shelve program or on-line programs! Also, the crux is not merely providing alternative exercises, but also to remain goal oriented - its the coach's responsibility to ensure the athlete remains on track.

for the 2012 Epic for whom we had to design alternative/cross training as he couldn't get on a bike during that 6-weeks period. A 2-week cross-over training period saw him and his riding partner fit for a top-50 finish. Each athlete is guided to define his/her own performance goal and milestones

would love to know what that means as it also seems pretty basic starting off point, any athlete should know what they want to achieve what guidance do you provide??

My psychology background and many years' expertise as management consultant serves me well to ensure that my athletes define goals that are specific, measurable and achievable but "scary".


for achieving that, and the coaching plan for attaining that is divided into an off-peak period, pre-peak period and peak performance period,do you only advise periodization or are you open to other approaches, and who is to say things like the always fit approach doesnt work for certain scenarios????


A coaching plan is a "project plan". And every goal has a unique project plan with predefined milestones that are "reversed engineered" from the goal. On the other hand, successfully attaining a performance goal requires certain elements of conditioning, which differ as the "project" gets closer to goal achievement. Periodization is merely a concept many athletes understand that refers to making "bite size chunks" - in an off-peak period one would spend more time on stamina but less on speed, and visa versa for the peak period. However, if you know what elements and how much you should focus on each within each period and call it something else, the end result should still be achieved. I also refer to it as anticipatory response coaching but our experts on theHub says it is not understandable. Also, I cannot impose things on athletes if they are uncomfortable with it - I advise, but it is a consultative approach (that fine line between facilitation and manipulation :D)


each period with its own unique focus on fitness elements. This is facilitated through a training program and logbook software that allows the athlete to have real-time visual feedback on own progress. the only thing in here that I havent really heard off and would like to know more about. So some value add there.

You aint see nothing yet - the "hidden agenda" with that, apart from graphs and figures, is to 1) close the gap between perceived level and real level of effort; and 2) create a mechanism whereby every training session serves as source of inspiration for the next one.


Constant feedback and communication ensure that the conditioning program remains goal oriented. any coach should be doing that anyway, and hardly justifies a premium.

Agree, every coach should do that.


We view skills development, race strategy and nutritional planning as part of the conditioning process and it forms part of the coaching plan. okay so for some there might be some value add in that.

Hope that those that do not view that as adding value has alternatives in place - pacing strategy for example is a science, not even talking about nutritional planning!


As for pricing and more detail, anyone interested can contact us.

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@Enticement...thanks for your reply however


There are still too many grey areas ito what you are offering, if my expectations aren't met, I really do become a landras vark. I was hoping for a more detailed breakdown of what is incl and what is excluded and don't quite understand why this is a secret, this would make me nervous if I had to sign-up for a contract @ 800 bokke per month over 3 months. Maybe you are using this to create hype / interest but in my case it worked the opposite way....and I am very much a impulse buyer.

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@Enticement...thanks for your reply however


There are still too many grey areas ito what you are offering, if my expectations aren't met, I really do become a landras vark. I was hoping for a more detailed breakdown of what is incl and what is excluded and don't quite understand why this is a secret, this would make me nervous if I had to sign-up for a contract @ 800 bokke per month over 3 months. Maybe you are using this to create hype / interest but in my case it worked the opposite way....and I am very much a impulse buyer.


No-one is as blind as the person that does not want to see :D. I said: "As for pricing and more detail, anyone interested can contact us."

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Big words, no content and zero client retention skills...


I still call BS.


You should have added "Zero ability to understand"

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Battle plan as in:

Prepare you for war


You will battle to do well with my plan?


I checked the dictionary and the former is actually one word.

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No-one is as blind as the person that does not want to see :D. I said: "As for pricing and more detail, anyone interested can contact us."

cool and as I always say "everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else" :whistling:

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Well, the long and short of it, I have not been enticed enough to enter in to this battle plan, I'll maar stay a back-of-the-pack kinda fella.

It's been surreal, thanks manne .

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Well, the long and short of it, I have not been enticed enough to enter in to this battle plan, I'll maar stay a back-of-the-pack kinda fella.

It's been surreal, thanks manne .

I am still going for that tsar title....hou vas my dop...check hierie move.

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I am still going for that tsar title....hou vas my dop...check hierie move.


We guide and assist people interested in performing at their personal best ...

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We guide and assist people interested in performing at their personal best ...


What's your personal best Enticement? How many Epic's / multi-day MTB stage races have you competed in? If you have, then what results have you achieved?

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You should have added "Zero ability to understand"


And here I was thinking you were looking for more clients... Only tactics I've seen you use so far have been alienation and derision.

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