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Best cure for road rash?

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Hi all


Did a search on the Hub but couldn't find anything...


Came off my bike yesterday at the Buffelspoort Triathlon (silly moment not concentrating going through an aid station). Was able to carry on and finished strong after checking nothing serious, but have some nice road rash to show for it...


Got it cleaned up and dressed by medics after the race.


Most of the abrasions aren't deep and are dried out already, but there are a few deeper abrasions that are still "wet". Been cleaning everything carefully with anti-septic and dressing them.


Any recomendations on a "cure" or home remedies to help road rash heal well and quickly?


Ps, doing Ironman in April so don't want to spend too long out the pool, but want to make sure everything is healed and won't get infected first...

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Try some fullers earth powder. You can get it at ur local chemist, its under 20 bucks. U would want to stay away from creams etc as it is moist, dry it out it will heal quicker.

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Burns like a mother but by far the quickest fix





This stuff works.


After that I also use to use some stuff called "Second Skin" or something like that, which you spray on and it forms a second layer of skin. This might enable you to swim etc. (not for too long mind you).


You're going to have too search for the stuff.


If it helps I crashed last Thursday at Hoogekraal (I don't have triathlon or anything to train for though.)



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Whatever you do - do not get it wet! I use gentian violet - better than Mercurochrome. Do not pick at the scabs.

If you have deep sections best to use an antibacterial cream like Bactroban and keep it covered, use Opsite plaster to cover, for a day or two after which open it up and keep dry! Opsite lets it breath but it is fully waterproof.

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Burns like a mother but by far the quickest fix




I thought they banned it!!! My mom always sorted the rash with that...I did scream like a girl on every occasion!

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You do get an antibiotic powder called cicatrin - requires a script, but your pharmacist could dispense it if he is feeling friendly (so not at dischem) - that will help prevent infection and dry up the wound.


Alternately douse it in surgical spirits, cover it with plastic skin (the plaster one, not the spray) and off you go - should heal in a couple of days.

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Thanks guys...


I basically have two deeper wounds that are wet. One on the palm of my hand and one on the back of my shoulder. Have applied bacroban and dressed both.


Fortunately this is a rest/recovery week for me, so will probably just not swim this week. and make sure those are healed nicely.


The other rash on my elbow is basically dried out already so should heal quickly - not as extensive as Flowta!

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use the cellfood. i swear you will see it heal over in real time. the stuff is as incredibly impressive as it is stupidly painful.

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They banned merthiolate


I don't think so, pretty sure I got some recently. (then again that could be a couple years ago)


Didn't have any available, so I scrubbed mine out in the shower with a sponge, then had my wife apply Dettol to it.


Kind of wept for the first night, but dried up by Friday afternoon.

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There's a herbal solution called Friars Balsam. Also burns like the pits of hell, but one or two applications and you wont believe the results.....

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