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Local Online Bike Shop - Bad Experience


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Same here. Also made it VERY clear that WE are under no obligation to sell at listed prices. Must say that was before the tough times

what tough times? Cycling is seeing a boom like never before.

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Shops and retailers are not obliged to honour a deal at any price including the marked price.... so its only an offer not a commitment. So the shop legally cannot be forced to sell you anything at any price.... however in interests of customer satisfaction its always good to honour a mistaken price...... the price of 0.00 is obviously an error and there is the reasonable man issue..... their reply to you is also a tad shitty though, a simple sorry would be so much better...let it slide, chalk it to experience and don't use them again

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So I skipped pages 2 to 6 so I dont know if the name has been mentioned yet, but if it hasn't, what's the point of this thread if we don't know which shop it is to be cautious of?

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2 free pairs of shoes and helmets.


sheesh, you're a hard sell. I would have gone for a free tubeless conversion!


I have decided end the thread here.

I really do not have the energy to deal with this company.


I will however send one last email to them stating that I want a 56cm and 58cm and that they must please expedite my order :)


For the record, I never actually expected 2 bikes with a combined value of R200 000.


Bike Shop owners: Please check your website content and take ownership for mistakes. And if you are using a 3rd party - make sure that you have a contract in place to protect you against their mistakes.


Under the right circumstance, you could have picked up a couple of Chinarello's at a fire sale in Broadacres for that price!

Edited by Jigghead
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You ordered those bikes at R0.00 knowing the price is incorrect, when they advised you of this you kept at it. Don't now act surprised when they get itchy with you. You picked the fight and wouldn't let it go. You were the victim of a mistake, what you are doing is intentional.

totally in cahoots with you here...op's "logic" smells Edited by eye i
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Bwahahahah CLASSIC!!!
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It seems as though there is no longer any room for error what so ever. They buggered up, ok sure, email them to notify them of the issue. Why would you place the order when clearly they have made a mistake. Seems as tho you entered their website with ur gloves on to start with. What did you get out of this? Do you feel better now?

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I have a strong IT background in an industry where a mistake normally means a loss of lives.

The fact that I could place an order, pay R0.00 for bikes (that do not exist) worth R200 000 and receive a receipt - just irritates me.


The motivation behind the post was to vent my irritation. If you are pissed of with me .... so be it - at least there were no lives lost.



For the record: The owner and I kissed and made up.


.....and as for some of the replies received: WOW!




Ok now to the LCHF thread for breakfast ideas - I am hungry

Edited by An3
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I have a strong IT background in an industry where a mistake normally means a loss of lives.

The fact that I could place an order, pay R0.00 for bikes (that do not exist) worth R200 000 and receive a receipt - just irritates me.


The motivation behind the post was to vent my irritation. If you are pissed of with me .... so be it - at least there were no lives lost.



For the record: The owner and I kissed and made up.


.....and as for some of the replies received: WOW!




Ok now to the LCHF thread for breakfast ideas - I am hungry


I still don't understand your irritation.

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