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Cradle Incident: Know this cyclist?


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I hope this guys gets what he deserves. (If guilty, just before I get accused of making bold claims).


I WISH that cyclists deaths would get the same press that these "cyclists rage" cases do.


Not picking sides, yet...


But there is still allot that doesn't add up.


Full story will probably never be heard as both sides obviously had a part to play in this but neither will be forthcoming with all the info as they will only give info that puts them in a good light.


Very thankful to not be a judge in our courts that has to try to get to the full truth with only half truths by the accused and accuser.


Not picking sides, yet...


But there is still allot that doesn't add up.


Full story will probably never be heard as both sides obviously had a part to play in this but neither will be forthcoming with all the info as they will only give info that puts them in a good light.


Very thankful to not be a judge in our courts that has to try to get to the full truth with only half truths by the accused and accuser.


Of course not. Only the victims side has ever been published.


In that situation when somebody is hitting your car, stopping and getting out to confront the aggressor will probably exacerbate the situation, as will trying to confront him again at the coffee shop will probably make it worse too.


The part that I am really confused about is this: "When he saw Samantha’s car, he threw hot coffee at me before hitting me with the coffee mug," Gavin had said earlier.


Anybody that has been to Bidon knows that the service is so bad there that its highly unlikely for coffee to arrive hot at the table after the usual 20min wait. That should read "When he saw Samantha’s car, he threw lukewarm coffee at me before hitting me with the coffee mug,"


Of course not. Only the victims side has ever been published.




Anybody that has been to Bidon knows that the service is so bad there that its highly unlikely for coffee to arrive hot at the table after the usual 20min wait. That should read "When he saw Samantha’s car, he threw lukewarm coffee at me before hitting me with the coffee mug,"

:D  :D

  • 9 months later...

quick summary for the engelseman?

He was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, after 5 years was suspended. He also has to serve 20 hours community service per month for a year. The third charge of assault only earned him a warning.


edit: you asked at the best time- just did my PTE Academic test yesterday and got 90  :clap:  one of the tasks was to quickly summarise a text like this, so heck yeah I did it!


He was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, after 5 years was suspended. He also has to serve 20 hours community service per month for a year. The third charge of assault only earned him a warning.


edit: you asked at the best time- just did my PTE Academic test yesterday and got 90  :clap:  one of the tasks was to quickly summarise a text like this, so heck yeah I did it!

My taal is not great, but I thought he ALSO got 2 years house arrest?  If that is the case, pretty tough - hopefully these aggro asshats think twice in future


He was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, after 5 years was suspended. He also has to serve 20 hours community service per month for a year. The third charge of assault only earned him a warning.


edit: you asked at the best time- just did my PTE Academic test yesterday and got 90  :clap:  one of the tasks was to quickly summarise a text like this, so heck yeah I did it!


Erm.....no...you didn't  :whistling:

Read the article again - what about the 2 years house arrest?


He was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, after 5 years was suspended. He also has to serve 20 hours community service per month for a year. The third charge of assault only earned him a warning.


edit: you asked at the best time- just did my PTE Academic test yesterday and got 90  :clap:  one of the tasks was to quickly summarise a text like this, so heck yeah I did it!



You forgot to include that he was handed 2 years house arrest.


Got to love the comments...



Google translation: https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Fietsryer%20gestraf%20vir%20aggressie%20teen%20egpaar%0ADeur%20Simon%20Sonnekus%2010%20Mei%202018%2008%3A16%0A%0ADit%20voel%20asof%20geregtigheid%20geskied%20het%20en%20hy%20is%20tevrede%20met%20die%20hofuitspraak%2C%20s%C3%AA%20Gavin%20van%20den%20Heever%2C%20wat%20saam%20met%20sy%20vrou%2C%20Samantha%2C%20in%20September%202016%20deur%20%E2%80%99n%20fietsryer%20in%20die%20Muldersdrift-omgewing%20in%20die%20Wieg%20van%20die%20Mensdom%20aangerand%20is.%0A%0AStephen%20Leeuw%20is%20Dinsdag%20in%20die%20Krugersdorpse%20landdroshof%20tot%20twee%20jaar%20huisarres%20gevonnis%20nadat%20hy%20op%2014%20Maart%20op%20twee%20aanklagte%20van%20aanranding%20met%20die%20doel%20om%20ernstig%20te%20beseer%20en%20%E2%80%99n%20aanklag%20van%20aanranding%20skuldig%20bevind%20is.%0A%0AHy%20moet%20ook%20vir%20%E2%80%99n%20jaar%2020%20uur%20gemeenskapsdiens%20per%20maand%20doen.%20Dit%20is%20vir%20die%20eerste%20aanklag%20van%20aanranding%20met%20die%20doel%20om%20ernstig%20te%20beseer.%0A%0ALeeuw%20is%20ook%20tronkstraf%20van%2018%20maande%20opgel%C3%AA%20op%20die%20tweede%20aanklag%20wat%20vir%20vyf%20jaar%20opgeskort%20is.%20Hy%20is%20slegs%20gewaarsku%20op%20die%20derde%20aanklag%20van%20aanranding.%0A%0ALeeuw%20het%20Samantha%20destyds%20herhaaldelik%20deur%20die%20gesig%20geslaan%2C%20warm%20koffie%20oor%20Gavin%20uitgegooi%20en%20hom%20met%20%E2%80%99n%20koffiebeker%20aangerand.%0A%0ASamantha%20het%20destyds%20ges%C3%AA%20sy%20was%20in%20haar%20motor%20op%20pad%20want%20sy%20wou%20saam%20met%20%E2%80%99n%20vriendin%20gaan%20stap%20toe%20Leeuw%20op%20sy%20fiets%20naby%20%E2%80%99n%20blinde%20draai%20uit%20die%20noodbaan%20na%20die%20oop%20pad%20beweeg%20het.%20Sy%20het%20vir%20hom%20getoet%20en%20moes%20glo%20vir%20hom%20uitswaai.%0A%0ASy%20het%20destyds%20getuig%20dat%20sy%20stilgehou%20het%20om%20te%20kyk%20of%20Leeuw%20seergekry%20het.%20Sy%20beweer%20hy%20het%20toe%20verskeie%20kere%20teen%20haar%20motor%20se%20bakwerk%20geslaan.%0A%0A%E2%80%9CHy%20het%20aan%20my%20motor%20geslaan.%20Toe%20ek%20uitklim%20om%20te%20vra%20wat%20sy%20probleem%20is%2C%20het%20hy%20my%20aangeval%2C%E2%80%9D%20het%20sy%20ges%C3%AA.%0AOns%20wou%20nie%20vergelding%20h%C3%AA%20nie.%20Ons%20wou%20net%20%E2%80%99n%20regverdige%20vonnis%20h%C3%AA.%20Tronkstraf%20sou%20nie%20regverdig%20wees%20nie.%20Nou%20kan%20hy%20daaraan%20werk%20om%20homself%20te%20verbeter.%0A%0AN%C3%A1%20die%20aanval%20was%20die%20Van%20den%20Heevers%20op%20pad%20na%20die%20Honeydew-polisiekantoor%20toe%20hulle%20Leeuw%20in%20die%20Bidon%20Bistro-restaurant%20gesien%20sit%20het.%0A%0AVolgens%20Gavin%20het%20hy%20stilgehou%20om%20die%20man%20te%20konfronteer.%0A%0A%E2%80%9CToe%20hy%20(Leeuw)%20Samantha%20in%20die%20kar%20sien%2C%20het%20hy%20my%20met%20warm%20koffie%20gegooi%20en%20my%20met%20die%20koffiebeker%20geslaan%2C%E2%80%9D%20het%20Gavin%20destyds%20ges%C3%AA.%0A%0ATog%20voel%20Van%20den%20Heever%20nou%20dat%20die%20uitspraak%20regverdig%20is%20en%20glo%20nie%20dat%20tronkstraf%20nodig%20was%20nie.%0A%0A%E2%80%9COns%20wou%20nie%20vergelding%20h%C3%AA%20nie.%20Ons%20wou%20net%20%E2%80%99n%20regverdige%20vonnis%20h%C3%AA.%20Tronkstraf%20sou%20nie%20regverdig%20wees%20nie.%20Nou%20kan%20hy%20daaraan%20werk%20om%20homself%20te%20verbeter%2C%E2%80%9D%20s%C3%AA%20Van%20den%20Heever.%0A%0AHy%20s%C3%AA%20Leeuw%20het%20hom%20n%C3%A1%20die%20verrigtinge%20genader%20en%20verskoning%20gevra.%0A%0A%E2%80%9CEk%20het%20dit%20aanvaar.%20Ons%20kan%20nie%20regter%20en%20jurie%20speel%20nie.%20Al%20klink%20dit%20baie%20filosofies%2C%20dit%20is%20nou%20tyd%20dat%20al%20die%20partye%20aanbeweeg%20en%20afsluiting%20oor%20die%20saak%20kry.%20Ek%20dink%20almal%20is%20verlig.%20As%20iemand%20ooit%20om%20verskoning%20vra%2C%20moet%20%E2%80%99n%20mens%20dit%20nooit%20weier%20nie%2C%E2%80%9D%20s%C3%AA%20hy.%0A%0APhindi%20Mjonondwane%2C%20woordvoerder%20van%20die%20nasionale%20vervolgingsgesag%20(NVG)%2C%20kon%20nie%20vir%20kommentaar%20bereik%20word%20nie.

Bikers punished for aggression against couple
By Simon Sonnekus 10 May 2018 08:16

It feels as if justice has been done and he is satisfied with the court ruling, says Gavin van den Heever, who was assaulted by a cyclist in the Muldersdrift area in the Cradle of Humanity with his wife Samantha in September 2016.

Stephen Leeuw was sentenced to two years in the Krugersdorp Magistrate's Court after being arrested on March 14 on two charges of assault with the purpose of seriously injuring a charge of assault.

He also has to do 20 hours of community service a month for a year. It is for the first charge of assault with the purpose of seriously injuring.

Leeuw is also imprisoned for 18 months on the second charge, suspended for five years. He is only warned of the third charge of assault.

Lion repeatedly threw Samantha through the face, poured hot coffee over Gavin and assaulted him with a coffee mug.

Samantha said she was on her way in her car because she wanted to go with a girlfriend when Leeuw moved to the open road on his bike near a blind turn. She was testing him and had to believe him to swing out.

At that time, she testified that she stopped to see if Leeuw had been hurt. She claims he hit several times against her car's baking.

"He hit my car. When I got out to ask what his problem was, he attacked me, "
she said.
We did not want retribution. We just wanted a fair verdict. Prison sentence would not be fair. Now he can work on improving himself.

After the attack, Van den Heevers was on his way to the Honeydew police station when they saw Lion in the Bidon Bistro restaurant.

According to Gavin, he stopped to confront the man.

"When he saw Samantha in his car, he threw me hot coffee and hit me with the coffee," Gavin said at that time.

Yet Van den Heever feels that the verdict is fair and does not believe imprisonment was necessary.

"We did not want retribution. We just wanted a fair verdict. Prison sentence would not be fair. Now he can work on improving himself, "says Van den Heever.

He said Leo approached him after the proceedings and apologized.

"I accepted it. We can not play judge and jury. Although it sounds very philosophical, it is now time for all parties to move around and to conclude the matter. I think everyone is relieved. If anyone ever apologize, you should never refuse it, "he says.

Phindi Mjonondwane, spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) could not be reached for comment.


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