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The Munga - The Toughest Race On Earth


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Sadly it appears that I wont be following this to the end. Tomorrow I will ride in the Bush and take time to reflect on what the sad passing of BDF means to me and my priorities in life. I will also have a beer or two celebrating all these machines and how they put my minor bit of HTFU for next years' Nove Colli race in perspective.  



Just a thought regarding HTFU in perspective. Firstly these Munga athletes are incredible, and what they achieve is just incomprehensible to most of us dot watchers. However they are all highly trained for this and have the underlying physiology to be able to put in the hours of training and face the event itself. For some , their physiology limit may be a 100 k ride , or a Sani , or a marathon or ultra somewhere, and completing that may require as much HTFU as they can muster.

So as much as we are in awe of these dots, we must realize that these are world class endurance athletes in their own right just to finish this thing.

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Sad news, our hero Sbu has a broken wheel and walking, but 2Km from town and technical help hopefully



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Go Sbu! you can do it, just need to get to the technical assistance point! Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

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Sad news, our hero Sbu has a broken wheel and walking, but 2Km from town and technical help hopefully



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Noooo.... the test is coming back from something like that. Hope it doesnt put him back too much, been rooting for him from the start.

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Oh it just dawned on me that hubby and I are spending our 16th wedding anniversary staring at dots[emoji23] [emoji23]


Yes okay we never ever remember it.. I know ow we are bad and bla bla.. both forgot as usual.

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Oh it just dawned on me that hubby and I are spending our 16th wedding anniversary staring at dots[emoji23] [emoji23]


Yes okay we never ever remember it.. I know ow we are bad and bla bla.. both forgot as usual.

Congats Gen.

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Oh it just dawned on me that hubby and I are spending our 16th wedding anniversary staring at dots[emoji23] [emoji23]


Yes okay we never ever remember it.. I know ow we are bad and bla bla.. both forgot as usual.

Today is my 5th, the Mrs and I are going to Ruebens at one and only and dropping the toddler off somewhere on the way.



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Congats Gen.

Ha ha thx we actually never celebrate our wedding anniversary (sometimes we remember weeks later[emoji85] ), we however make a point to to do something on the anniversary of when we started dating which is the 20th..19 years.. sjoe.. a lifetime.
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Oh it just dawned on me that hubby and I are spending our 16th wedding anniversary staring at dots[emoji23] [emoji23]


Yes okay we never ever remember it.. I know ow we are bad and bla bla.. both forgot as usual.

Congrats.. We just did no 18 the other day!
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Today is my 5th, the Mrs and I are going to Ruebens at one and only and dropping the toddler off somewhere on the way.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nice.. congrats..[emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji322]


Psst can you remind me next year the day before so I can remember mine. Had it not been for a friend of the family that sent me a message I would've forgotten.. also when I checked FB this morning it congratulated me lol.. aye.. so I phoned hubby and he said.. ag darn did we forget again[emoji23]

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Sadly it appears that I wont be following this to the end. Tomorrow I will ride in the Bush and take time to reflect on what the sad passing of BDF means to me and my priorities in life. I will also have a beer or two celebrating all these machines and how they put my minor bit of HTFU for next years' Nove Colli race in perspective.  



Sorry people . . . I was not up to date with the name abbreviations. 

Sincere apology to Talus and all. 

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