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Giro d'Italia 2018: The Most Beautiful Grand Tour


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Apparently they had a second helicopter at the coast so the director could cut away to some interesting shots rather than the endless sea if sand. Only thing was the race was no where near that coast. Creative licence for the viewers.


After listening to the Lance Armstrong podcast I wonder if they have been brought to the race / get some client funds by the authorities or the business man who is pushing the race as the general view point is from those episodes are 'everything is awesome here, just wonderful, no problems, great food, awesome scenery, awesome people, great sushi, wonderful beaches, great for the country, great for the people here, peace, love, boobies on stage 3 and happiness.'

Oh that's not even a conspiracy theory at all! The Grand Tours are the greatest tourism marketing events in the world. TDF has been an absolute marvel for tourism in France. Towns and regions actually compete for the Tour/Giro/Vuelta to pass through - just like a world cup in any other sport. Sometimes conditions such as upgrading infrastructure are attached.

Commentators are given a script (chat about this forest, that castle etc etc in addition to the race). A fortune was spent to bring the Giro to Israel, a script showcasing the best possible image of the country is a given. Don't expect Matt Stephens to dive into single- vs two-state solutions during the race!

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Oh that's not even a conspiracy theory at all! The Grand Tours are the greatest tourism marketing events in the world. TDF has been an absolute marvel for tourism in France. Towns and regions actually compete for the Tour/Giro/Vuelta to pass through - just like a world cup in any other sport. Sometimes conditions such as upgrading infrastructure are attached.

Commentators are given a script (chat about this forest, that castle etc etc in addition to the race). A fortune was spent to bring the Giro to Israel, a script showcasing the best possible image of the country is a given. Don't expect Matt Stephens to dive into single- vs two-state solutions during the race!

Can only imagine the analytical approach in the next segment of GCN does Science Politics.

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[emoji23][emoji23] suppose they had to review that incident a few times..and then a few more times.


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Wonder if they are also still looking for that debris the commentator mentioned.

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Wonder if they are also still looking for that debris the commentator mentioned.

Nah he has probably wiped it up by now.

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Oh that's not even a conspiracy theory at all! The Grand Tours are the greatest tourism marketing events in the world. TDF has been an absolute marvel for tourism in France. Towns and regions actually compete for the Tour/Giro/Vuelta to pass through - just like a world cup in any other sport. Sometimes conditions such as upgrading infrastructure are attached.

Commentators are given a script (chat about this forest, that castle etc etc in addition to the race). A fortune was spent to bring the Giro to Israel, a script showcasing the best possible image of the country is a given. Don't expect Matt Stephens to dive into single- vs two-state solutions during the race!



probably a repost, but here's the backstory behind the billionaire who pushed for this.




The next logical likely step, is going to come from a sheikh with kleinmannetjiesindroom and more $$$ than sense who wants to outdo the jews who pulled this off. Expect the Vuelta(or Giro) to start in Bahrain, Qatar, (both too small) Oman. In short, a lot of landscape that resembles southern namibia coming our way in the future.

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Oh that's not even a conspiracy theory at all! The Grand Tours are the greatest tourism marketing events in the world. TDF has been an absolute marvel for tourism in France. Towns and regions actually compete for the Tour/Giro/Vuelta to pass through - just like a world cup in any other sport. Sometimes conditions such as upgrading infrastructure are attached.

Commentators are given a script (chat about this forest, that castle etc etc in addition to the race). A fortune was spent to bring the Giro to Israel, a script showcasing the best possible image of the country is a given. Don't expect Matt Stephens to dive into single- vs two-state solutions during the race!


Too true. I'd actually been listening to a few other UK Podcasts that were doing a lot of digging into the complications, oppositions, issues around the start and the actual stages. They were discussing the issues with riders and getting their views, pushing back on Adams regarding the inability of Palestinians to get to come and watch the race, Amnesty internationals claim of Israel sport washing etc. I guess it was a bit of a change of tack with Armstrong's 'everything is awesome' commentary. Should have guessed when they were saying that it was the first time the had taken the podcast out of the US and did it because the start was such a momentous thing for the cycling world. :)

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Can't wait for the Giro to start tomorrow. The UCI needs to be hauled over the coals for scheduling the Tour of Israel so close to the first Grand Tour of the year.


It's quite a bold move by the Giro organisers - 5 hilly stages in the first week of racing. The sprinters can't be too happy about that. Just goes to show that the days of Mario Chipollini where sprinters ruled the roost are long gone.

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It seems the big league sprinters keep away from the Giro, even when the did show up they normally toss it in after week or so (Gripel et al)

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It seems the big league sprinters keep away from the Giro, even when the did show up they normally toss it in after week or so (Gripel et al)

Except, Viviani is probably going to cruise 4/5 wins this tour - that beats being the 8th best TdF sprinter with 2 podiums.


Should attract some of the other guys back

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Can only imagine the analytical approach in the next segment of GCN does Science Politics.

This is a hard one.  Its difficult to imagine that the motives to bring the race to Israel were anything but political.  This Canadian grillionaire is extremely political, and Israel is on a charm offensive to DISTRACT from (what is in my opinion) the brutal oppression of Palestinians.  I have had a great discomfort with the Giro going to Israel, as I consider it to be an Apartheid state, and I hate my favourite sport being caught up in this.  Did the Giro so badly need the $32m bribe to do this? The riding was superkak anyways, and made for shite viewing.

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It seems the big league sprinters keep away from the Giro, even when the did show up they normally toss it in after week or so (Gripel et al)

Yep.. the other top sprinters will be at Tour of California which starts soon.


This year has a particularly weak sprinter line-up..no offense to Viviani but he doesn't have a lot of competition.




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Yep.. the other top sprinters will be at Tour of California which starts soon.


This year has a particularly weak sprinter line-up..no offense to Viviani but he doesn't have a lot of competition.




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Let’s face it, he isn’t even what you would call an out and out sprinter.


BUT that could mean a mean a highly stacked field at TDF.


BUT the TDF this year is sprinters nightmare, so where are they all going?

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Let’s face it, he isn’t even what you would call an out and out sprinter.


BUT that could mean a mean a highly stacked field at TDF.


BUT the TDF this year is sprinters nightmare, so where are they all going?

They'll line-up at the TDF and hope to get to Paris.


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This is a hard one.  Its difficult to imagine that the motives to bring the race to Israel were anything but political.  This Canadian grillionaire is extremely political, and Israel is on a charm offensive to DISTRACT from (what is in my opinion) the brutal oppression of Palestinians.  I have had a great discomfort with the Giro going to Israel, as I consider it to be an Apartheid state, and I hate my favourite sport being caught up in this.  Did the Giro so badly need the $32m bribe to do this? The riding was superkak anyways, and made for shite viewing.

Whew Apartheid is a big word to throw around. Funny every street sign i saw had arabic writing on. Arabs In Israel have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Black people in Apartheid South Africa had none of these rights. But i deff do agree scenary wise it is not comparable at all to the scenary in eurupe. Was deffinately abit boring the scenary.

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