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Everything posted by Titleist

  1. Is Racetec still with us? I saw a rumour they don’t exist anymore. All media channels are also down.
  2. Bosch must hang on for another 30 years or so….😎
  3. Boohoo, they still haven’t designed better legs for us all, so it’s nothing special to spend a quick R20k on.
  4. Not the same bike. The stolen one has different cranks and is a different model
  5. So why did you cycle past all the signs reminding you to buy a permit/board only to find a marshall just appearing out of thin air reminding you again because you did not read the signs? Or is accessing private land without permission your hobby?
  6. https://web.facebook.com/marketplace/item/953609462277064?hoisted=false&ref=saved&referral_code=null
  7. How do you get your buttocks "trained" for these type of rides?
  8. Nothing. The screen switches off to save power. You touch a button then the screen switches on again.
  9. 361 done and dusted in 21 hours and still had 50% battery left. Battery saver was on though.
  10. Judging by the times and ave speed the pro’s are doing, perhaps it’s time to make the race more difficult for them….
  11. The fuel and flights prices must have had an impact on the TB cancellations. First time ever that there are so many entries available on here.
  12. I'm 99% sure that if one boycott a team because of some kind of political issue or whatever, the TDF or any sport for that matter won't take place. No-one is 100% clean. If you find a team that is clean, then you go to the equipment, is that is clean, next up is the staff. If they are clean then next up are the other sponsors. Eventually someone will pop up dirty and then it's on to the next one.
  13. No problems with mine and it has done close to 17500km
  14. I only saw this thread now. I was hit by a car from behind while cycling on 6 Jan ‘22. This happened right in front of Willowbridge, Bellville at 5:05. No place is safe
  15. Best is to take a chance on a Sunday. The workers are off on Sundays. We rode the pass in Feb without issues.
  16. First place = $5000 and second $4000
  17. 25g of carbs per hour on long rides
  18. Exactly this. An airtag is only as good as the amount of iPhones in it's vicinity. Whoever wants to use it, go for it, but don't expect a foolproof solution. All you have to lose is a bike and an airtag.
  19. Don’t go on working days. We went recently on a Sunday with no issues. Saturdays are working days.
  20. 7-12 hours per week is plenty. If you can repeat all the climbs at Wolwespruit 15 times in one session you should be ok.
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