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Posts posted by throttles

  1. 9 hours ago, ChrisF said:


    There are two very active WA groups for Stellenbosch, linked to Stellenbosch University Campus Control.


    Easy to get the message out of an incident .... by which time the perps have jumped over the railing and dissapeared ....


    A more pro-active approach is needed.

    So I’m from the soufern suburbs, but ride that side probably 12-15 times per year. We typically ride in a group of 5 or more riders. We are not on the WhatsApp group.

    we’ve seen many dodgy people walking about but haven’t had any dodgy experiences yet. Our approach is to as soon as one is spotted we shout loud for everyone including the perp/s to hear that we note their presence.

    eg. Watch this guy on left with red on the left, or this group walking looks dodgy.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Murrob said:

    A thought I have regularly whenever I see the news reports of robberies/hijacks of cyclists. Where is CSA and PPA in all of this? Is it not in ambit of these organisations to try and liaise with relevant stakeholder's, help fund/fund raise to fund for private security efforts to patrol and provide assistance to saps, rapid response to assist in hotspots etc etc. I for one would be happy to donate to such actions to try see if we can at least push back a bit for all our sakes. 

    Some of the areas in the southern suburbs have “panic buttons” on cycling and running routes linked to the predominant armed response/neighborhood watch for that area. Works well if and when well monitored. 

    hellshoogte would be a great candidate for such an initiative, but it comes down to the residents to request it via the armed response/neighborhood watch once they agree they need to lobby and get the councilor to motivate for the approval for the infrastructure to be put in place. Could be a long and dramatic exercise. 

    short answer would be “panic button apps” like ADT had snd “Namola?”. But those are subscription based per user and afaik not taken up by too many cyclists. (At least not from my cycling circle)

    Awareness and visibility of policing will help until the perps learn the routine.

    cant ride with a weapon coz that just makes the situation escalate even quicker and become more risky.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kom said:

    FWIW i 100% disagree with this statement.

    Its an open/free market - you can ignore the offers.

    How can it be? Ignore possibly but, We can’t opt out? So we don’t really have a choice.

  4. One would think at R295k they’d do something smarter or better with the brake cables

    I mean if it’s about evolution at least make it look like it evolve besides throwing technolology at the shock, making it lighter, etc



  5. 13 minutes ago, TheAntoine1 said:

    On a platform where people buy and sell there are crazy low offers made all the time, no matter what the item for sale is - endless 3rd party discussions on the character of the peoples involved achieves nothing and the practise will continue all over the world as it has before.

    Thank you 👌🏻🤲

  6. 4 hours ago, TheAntoine1 said:

    Bike advertised at X price. Potential buyer offers 50% less than X price. Why is this even an ongoing topic?

    This is a forum, topics are created for discussion. People are sharing their experiences and view. You get people for and against, some are undecided and some get persuaded to change their original view through the comments and experiences that others have shared. That’s how a forum works.

    But in your scenario the potential buyer is a reseller and wants to sell it for a profit regardless of what fair value is whether it’s perceived or true.

    In most cases items are listed slightly below market value already. Offering half of that without being willing to pick up the phone and instead dropping “bulk spam lowball offers” to everyone and then waiting for a bite speaks to the nature of taking advantage of a possible challenging situation the seller is in.

    Willing buyer willing seller vs willing buyer financially challenged seller.

    everyone is welcome to their opinion, either you have something constructive to and contribute. If not then carry on to the next thread.

  7. If they really wanted it so badly why not give people a call and show real interest instead of copy pasting ridiculous offers and waiting for someone in what could be a compromised financial position and screw them over.

    If they selling at 10% more then maybe they making cycling more accessible, but allas it points to profiting off others and taking advantage of people.

    ive got offers from them for a complete bike for the amount I could get for selling the frameset alone.

    but their model is to take advantage of desperate people. Others will ignore and post threads like this. Desperate people will accept the offer and get deeper into a hole with less money in hand.


  8. 15 hours ago, NC_lurker said:

    That's exactly what happened years ago to the front of 1F (I think). Took down about 40-50 of us, was total carnage.

    Just because some idiot thought it would be clever to try dodge round outside the cones and then cut back in.

    We got front page coverage in the weekend Argus & centre spread in the Cycle tour book....proper celebrity stuff 😖



    This bike here seems to be the problem, hovering in mid air with no rider on it. 🫣


  9. 3 hours ago, Robbie Stewart said:

    I need to update some kit that is starting to look tatty. Is the expo worth a shot or do I just follow my instinct and order online? Has anyone ventured through the expo, and was it worth it?

    My wife bought a PnP sweater 🫣

  10. 31 minutes ago, lechatnoir said:

    I think I can help you out here... On the day, it will be a south-easter... probably picking up strength as it gets later, but will still have strong gusts throughout the day... Then again, it's Cape Town, so look out the window, and you'll still be only guessing what it'll be like in an hour....

    Comic Sans wasnt working when i mentioned the CEO 😅

  11. I didn’t have a seeding for Argus since I did the 99er and the PPA yesterday. I’ve received nothing other than the email I got last week saying that my seeding will come out after the 99er or PPA respectively.

    But today I went onto the PPA Results page and I have a Start time Woohoo..

    last yet 1H this year 1D with an increase in seeding index of 10points 🤨

    gna query it at the expo.

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