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Posts posted by ChrisF

  1. 31 minutes ago, Meezo said:

    Pity it get's billed separately 

    $5.99 per month for the MTB World Cups

    $7.99 per month for the road cycling .

    Also can't be streamed from multiple devices at the same time... i could of potentially split the costs between my brother and I. 


    I only watch the MTB ... at $5.99 and no VPN this is VERY tempting ....



    Month to month ? 



    All the MTB, such as Short track, downhill, etc ?



    Nou jeuk ek ....

  2. On 5/2/2024 at 4:06 PM, PappaWatTrap said:

    Hi everyone,

    I’m starting this thing called running. I don't enjoy it but trying to convince my body that I actually do. 

    I'm running the Dornier Autumn Trail Run 10km this weekend.

    has anyone done it before and would you mind sharing the GPX file?


    Sorry for smiling.


    My bio got me into the park run, NO park walk, thing ....



    Know the feeling




    On a search for better shoes .... using 4E, ie extra wide, shoes limits my options.

  3. 1 minute ago, NickGM said:

    I'm interested to know what you'd have Allan Winde do? I'm not being facetious. I live very close to helshoogte and I don't ride over it anymore.

    I'm sure we can all agree that bike crime could be reduced through much better policing and reduced unemployment. In terms of policing, the local government are trying very hard to get more control, you only need to look at the headline and the author:


    In terms of employment, well in that regard the western cape is already flooded with economic migrants because there are so few opportunities elsewhere. But they can't fix the whole country's problems. Only voters can do that.


    Cameras ?  Already various monitoring rooms in Stellenbosch.


    How many escape routes are there for the thugs ?  If a few are blocked off, it should be easier to police the remaining spots.



    Sure those in the security industry have more and better ideas.

  4. 5 hours ago, i24 said:

    Western Cape Law Enforcement does not have the powers, nor the budget, to investigate or arrest. There is only so much the Western Cape can do without a functional national Police Force.

    I am not sure if there is much point in shouting at Allan Winde, the solution to the problem lies with central government.




    Sure, prasa ground is a national disaster, and beyond the local government.


    BUT, there are many more areas where the mayor and the premier CAN improve:

    . Maintenance

    . Visible policing

    . Safety



    Must somebody die in a bike jacking on Hellshoogte before the premier takes a few basic steps ?



    A clear message needs to be sent to wake him up from his slumber ....



    YES ... I travel enough to know things are "beter" in the Western Cape than in many other SA cities.  However, still a lot that CAN be done to improve cyclist safety here

  5. 57 minutes ago, Frosty said:

    Would be interesting to see how many “gamers” there are vs people who train for the sake of training (not a game).

    For me, the only reason to get on the trainer is to get some quality work done. I don’t race virtually, so being able to control an avatar is not required.


    My thoughts as well.


    But then I dont think we are the target market for these gadgets .....

  6. For those doing a couple of events per year.


    Well worth doing your maths.  At R60 for a day license it soon makes financial sense to rather register with CSA.


    Registering at the event, and not having to go stand in the CSA line is just an absolute bonus.  It is a tax I will rather just pay once a year, then forget about them for 12 months.


  7. THANKS @Frosty


    Saw again on Saturday just how much easier the registration process is once registered with CSA.


    Got to the table, got my number, called up a screenshot on my phone with my CSA number and I was SORTED.


    Almost felt sorry for those that had to join the CSA line .... :P


    And at R60 per day license it soon pays for itself.

  8. A hangher allignment tool is a once off cost.


    In our sport these issues is part of the game.


    Some bike shops still have the will and the skills to do this quickly .... but it really is one of the easier things to DIY with the correct tool.  


    Parktool YouTube is an excellent tutor for this.





    Yea yea ... we have all al some point eye-balled the hanger and bent it with a shifter .... alu work hardens, then snaps .... rather get the right tool for the job

  9. 2 hours ago, Rouxenator said:

    It was good - but being Entry Ninja the registration was woefully slow....


    Did you register online, or at the event ?


    Seemed that the event registrations and the CSA payments were a bit of bumble at a single point.


    I registered online, and gave my CSA number when I collected my board.  Could not have been any faster.  @KB280DT had to join the line, or was that a bundle, for the CSA payment ....

  10. 12 hours ago, DJR said:

    Sadly, it's just another "election-coming-up" exercise, methinks. There is much more political will to make crime-fighting appear in the news, in press releases, in plans, than in reality on the ground with trained, willing, equipped officers in the right place, at the right time. ready to do the right thing. Very sadly!


    Disgusting to have a mayor and a premier that actively canvas for cyclists votes, yet hardly any real ACTION to improve cyclists safety.



    Electioneering speaches are NOT "action" .... they most certainly have not used the last 5 years to put their speaches into action.



    Very SAD ....

  11. 5 hours ago, Me rida my bicycle said:

    Awesome event can't call it a race because shortly after the start we found a water point with brannas.

    3 of those water points later and it was fun. Jy kan mos sien hoe rooi is my gesig en daar was nie son 🤣😂

    It's been a long time since I laughed so much on a ride, my boet did his own stunts for entrainment. Best one was the disappearing into the bush with bike and all and it closing behind him like a curtain 😂🤣




    Hello ou maat.


    Was good to see you there.


    @KB280DT and I had fun on the 30km route.  Short, but propper RED route .... you had to stay focussed ...


    Saw lots of people falling off in the latter half of the race .... mostly on the loose surface on some bends.


    Will post some more pics tomorrow.



  12. 10 minutes ago, BassoBoy said:

    Anyone got any recent experience with Sweatsafe (successful claims, identification in an accident)? Switching insurances and wondering if its worth it for the 50k/ 100k private cover? At this point I am just thinking of just getting ICE ID. Open to alternatives also


    Very happy with ICE ID.


    Had a nasty off at an event last year.  Fainted at the medics, blood pressure stayed very low for almost an hour.


    Was good to point to my ICE tag and say: "If needed, all my information".


    Thankfully I was okay after 90 minutes.




    Worth noting that ICE does volume shipments to Cycle Lab, saving you courier costs.

  13. On 4/3/2024 at 4:47 AM, RobertWhitehead said:

    I think I may have said this before, or maybe it was in my head, either way, I think it's worth mentioning again: 

    Electronics are consumables and yes they're expensive but they do pack up. Place them onto the insurance and when they go to the electronic shack in the sky have them replaced under the insurance. I see more risk in having a head unit / watch shipped to Garmin SA than having to pay R15-R20pm extra for an itemized item on the insurance. 


    With Santam it can be included under "wearables" cover.


    Theft, accident damage is covered.


    Old age failure not ....

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