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Everything posted by Headshot

  1. Had exactly the same experience when I broke out the old hardtail recently. Some of it is the tyres. If you run a soft rear pressure it can make the bike bob when pedaling. Mine started feeling fine after I rode it a bit more but its a biatch to get back into the h/t riding style, esp if you come from tubeless back to tubes and are used to just hammering through rock gardens ...
  2. Any special reaon why you want such an expensive bike with rather unique technology (brain shock and lots of linkages and proprietary bits) when you could for far less money do a custom build on a Morewood Zula, for instance? I saw an awesome one at CWC the ither day, complete with a crank bros telescopic seat post etc ...
  3. Don't think all bikes with linkages driving the rear shock are the same. Many are mon pivots (circular axle path) unless they have the so called Horst Link on the chainstay or some kind of VPP design like a giant. Specialized I believe has a patent on this which is why the Scott Genius could not be sold in the USA.
  4. Go for it - they look amazing. I also got mine at well below usual price. Only negative is the back wheel is slightly out of true - not sure if it came like that or I did it - I started out slow and easy but have been riding rock gardens and jump/drops since so it may just have taken a hit. Only problem with them is spares - good luck trying to find a spoke or nipple even from CRC...
  5. Yeah name the bike and post a copy of the invoice so we can comment...
  6. Sounds like it rides a lot like my trusty Raleigh RDS...:-) The simple beauty of a mono pivot - who needs all those crazy links, brains and other nonsense, really?
  7. I'm 187cm and 80 kg but I'd weigh a bit less if I was able to ride as often as I liked. I have found that after along layoff but remaining light (staying off the beers and fatty food) I feel noticably better on the hills than when i've got back into training after picking up a few kg's. You can feel the difference very easily. Lose the gut then worry about the bike. You're just sacrificing reliability and spending a lot of cash where you could be saving money by eating less with the same result :-)
  8. Pieterman, for something like the freedom challenge I'd go for an ali bike over carbon and one with as few shock pivot points as possible. That said, the Zula and Superlight would be great choices but probably more costly to get the same kind of build as the mass market guys like Scott and Merida can offer...
  9. Yep, it needs a spell check/grammar edit
  10. A better title "Dingbat Road Riders" ?
  11. general rule - same width +- as your shoulders. Narrower is better for fitting down tree lined s/track but increases effort in getting the wheel round eg on switchbacks and will also feel less twitchy on fast jeep track descents.
  12. I have had the ergon mini bar end small size grips on my bike for 3 years. The large size is designed for rugby players and could have been the cause of the previous posters probs. I use mine with dual controls and found an almost total reduction in numb/tingling hand problems. I have quite a pronounced weight forward set up on my marathon bike and these helped hugely - so much so that any round grip feels horrible in comparison. Not for everyone obvioulsy, but if you ride stage races, I recon they are a hand saver.
  13. Good job guys - must make a plan to get there and ride!
  14. I am going to tough it out on my Race Kings as long as possible :-)
  15. I have found my race kings very good - have them front and rear. Close spaced sharp knobs that wear with square edges unike some other cr@p out there. Low rolling resistance and ideal for dry cape summers on sand, gravel and rock. I'd maybe go with the mountain kings if you are riding in mud a lot or at least a mountain king on the front.
  16. Ten to one the biker in question is also a motorist and a road rager behind the wheel too... When I drive I give cyclists a wide berth and always expect the kind of thing you saw this guy do.
  17. This happens when the brake lever is pulled with the wheel off the bike. Remedy is simple - gently prize the pads apart with a screwdriver - this should push the pistons back into the calipers a bit and you should be able to refit the wheel. No need to do anything else...
  18. They did indeed - 10 sets I believe. I saw the boxes and had a look at a set...
  19. CWC has no more XT wheelsets - all sold out overnight no can say when will be in stock again. The site does not indicate this until you try and buy. Would be a good idea to get the site to show stock levels guys. I am all for buying local, but then we need good prices and stock levels we can rely on. I did get an XT chain and 11-34 casette for a great price tho...Thanks guys.
  20. Knievel, we dont make allowances for cyclists and bikers to get a thank you - its about saving lives, period. Nobody is asking you to give way - just be alert and that of course applies to the cyclists and bikers too. Fact remains they nearly always come off second best in an incident. Maybe time to drop the ego down a few notches? You seem to have just the kind of attitude that the Think Bike campaign was created to try and change - and you are a cyclist. Incredible.
  21. I am avoiding both of these - I think they are really just rent a crowd events, you know to add to the hype for the real racers, the Epic guys and gals, or maybe I'm too cycnical :-) As such I'd rather not be there and save my money for the Lourensford classic when the focus is well and truly on the race I have entered. My 2c
  22. We are all t%sers on our bikes, road or mtb or in our cars, every now and then. It doesnt help our cause with motorists to behave in a seemingly unsafe manner especially in SA where motorists are bundles of road rage waiting for an outlet. I have just stuck the big yellow "Think Bike" sticker on my wagon and its a good reminder to me every time I see it...
  23. For R 375 odd you cant go wrong with Shimano 520's - strong and simple - never managed to break three or so sets in 10 years. Bearings will wear eventually, but I bet the XT and XTR do too.
  24. Try the lights at deal extreme - magicshine is the brand name. Mine came to R740 including Vat at this end and postage. they claim 900 lumen but from what i read its more like 700. Still perfect for fast d/h descending and very light. Has an SSC p7 emitter which is a very good one.
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