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Everything posted by Canaris

  1. Buy a cheaper bib?
  2. golefty!! for a mtbker and Capie you are hopelessly too stressed. Take a chill pill. When you bait roadies, it is not you who is supposed to get wound up. You are doing it wrong. Go to bed, think about it and come back tommorrow to try again. Really dude.
  3. tuesday
  4. Our team almost had a fist fight over who was going to ride the single speed next. Ride was great fun. I thought the fight was over how will next sacrifice their drive train to the bog fairies to see if the new/newer route is ride-able. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Talk about sacrifice' date=' seams the road bike was spared the bone fire?? PS: Thanks again for allowing me to squat at your camp site. [/quote'] So true, after the first peat bog experience no one was eager to make the sacrifice. A lot of research and collection was done until at 7AM the prognosis was that the trail was dry enough to try again. (Un)fortunately half the team was not convinced, so more laps for me. One pirate lap on the goose (forgot my number on the SS from the previous night) and finished off with 4 laps on the SS after that. At least we had a good party after sunset. ps my camp site is your campsite. Pity Cat-i was not brave enough to face the dead marines..........
  5. After wasting 5 minutes paging through all of this I realise that it is nothing more than a PMC (pen!s measuring competition). Some guy has a rant and others rave about it. All in all the best road safety poster had the payoff line "CAR HARD, BODY SOFT- Watch out for cars". Simple advice, simple but difficult to accept. Yes we have rights, but also responsibilities (Cliche). Being right, has never brought anyone back from the dead. So don't argue, smile and wave and pray the motorist's aim does not impove.
  6. Our team almost had a fist fight over who was going to ride the single speed next. Ride was great fun.
  7. hog on a pink bike. interesting..........
  8. sounds tempting. Only I will have to get a swing vote, the boss has her spawn voting in a bloc with her.
  9. http://www.irishcultureandcustoms.com/ACalend/2Pic/farlitath.jpg Was this the critter that was hidding in the marsh?
  10. Race report from Konafan: The day started off well, a team of four arrived did rolecall of the beers and set the tents up in the thorn bushes (paper thorns are ouch). All accompanied by the sounds of dead marines. Four hubbers ready to go. Proctrates lead the way, followed by me, Dragson and Gawie. THe first laps raised concersn of bad Kharma, something was just wrong. Only after carefull analysis did we realise we were cycling occult symbols all over the marshlands and acient runes through the forrests........... It did not take long for this to awaken the sprites and nymphs of the forrests, and winged faeries were soon sighted (very diferent from road fairies). The bog spirits vented their enthusiasm and plotted to waylay the insolent cyclists. First part of their scheme was to re-invigorate the bog by calling a thunderstorm down on proceedings, which flattened some of the campsite and brought and end to riding until after 7:30 and sunset. Here the real business of the mean spirites kicked in. Mtbikers entering the marsh after night were renedered directionless and forced to cycle in circles for hours. (It took cat-i 20 minutes to ride 200 meters, and two cyclists cannot account for 2 and a half hours of their lives) Equipment was grabbed and grappled until derailers were ripped from frames. Eventually cyclist fled from the battlefield like a routed army of will o wisps. MAny of us developed a fear of the dark and retired back to the tents and the safety of intoxication after this initial skirmish. In desperation the organisers afforded respect to the bog and rerouted the brave around the marsh, leaving us at the mercy of the tree sprites who mad fun of us by gently mudging us off our lines into each other and the trees. However, when the sun came up they got bored and retired to the beer tent. The sun goddess smiled at our folly and passed blessing on those on single speeds, who were given clarity (due to having only one geer) and strength for the uphills. MAny great laps were ridden after sunrise, finishing off what can be best descibed as an involentary visist to faerieland.
  11. I recently had success with training for longer (base training) and harder (intervals) and eating less. In fact I was a good 5kgs lighter when I was running sub 40 min 10kms and training 3 times a day. Now that I have tapped back on running and am moving into a dead period for cycling, I have started gaining wight again. Obviously I will have to eat less. Use it or don't.
  12. I should have known, you all want free entry into teazers!!!!!
  13. I am interested in what people want from a club, as I have to develop a club calender for my club for 2010. ?I have found that some things work better than others, but still I am always amazed that what people say they want and what they support in the end is not always the same. Also I aks myself why should I pay for something that I don't want, like club activities ext.
  14. As someone that has been roped into being a club captain for next year, what would you want from a club to make it worthwhile to join?
  15. spelling and casting of spells is not big here
  16. Public urination is very common in Africa. In some countries it is common practice to whip it out and let fly, where ever. However, in South AFrica we are a lot more reserved (stuck up) about exposing ourselves (or letting others do it). Maybe it is our Calvinistic upbringing coming out, maybe it is our first world mentality about hygiene and health, maybe because on this point me are right. I don't know. but In the US and UK if you pull little Johnny out for a bit of fresh air (or a wizz) in front of children (little johny jnr), that would make you a SEX OFFENDER and neither you or your littel johnny will get fresh air for some time. So where do we go from here, public urination being okay , or the guys who do it being declared flashers and sex offenders? Maybe if you see the guy do it again, go up to him and ask him if he is advertising his services, and for how much, as you know a pop singer who is desperate for a consenting adult............
  17. namibia is a much thinner country - ie. they aren't spread over such a wide daylight variation' date=' (and most of the people with a watch live in the same dorp anyway:-P). south africa is centred on CAT, which is 30' durbs is 32' - cape town 18', in effect an hour apart. as much as i wouldn't mind an extra hour in the evening during summer it really works fine, why change it? there is the possibility to really f"?$ things up, like good old bruce on the other side of the indian they have three time zones western (UTC+8), central (UTC+9:30) and eastern (UTC+10) and then some really weird **** going on Central Western Standard Time, which is halfway between Western and Central time--UTC+8:45 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Central_Standard_Time [/quote'] At last someone a bit awake, if me start messing with the time zones then we should accomodate the guys in CT first. (at last we have an explination why they are so behind Gauteng) Seriously, though if you want to use the light, start as a family by going to bed eariler and waking up earlier and spending the morning together eating a proper breakfast, instead of trying to force your views onto others.
  18. There is a bit of a problem in the chess world as the two favourite beverages of all chess players can result in a positive test, ie alcohol and caffiene. No self respecting chess player will refuse either between rounds, and neither are actually good for your game. go figure.
  19. Canaris


    racing cyclist have their own ethics. ?MTB is a bit more laid back. ?Obviously if you let someone sit on your wheel the whole race, you are either his lead out man or a really naive racer. ?Put it into your lessons learnt file, and get the whel sucker to work next time.
  20. good news and bad news. Firstly, bad news, there are five more speed bumps to come. ?Also the management is delighted with the results of the angle of the bumps as fewer wild animals have been killed noew. Secondly, good news, after BESTER Cycles and myself discussed the problem they will consider building a flat bit on the sides of the road so that the roadies can pass without the bump. ?Only they are going to plant a pole next to it to stop the cars from using it. ?So now you can avoid the bumps, but only if you cycle single file.
  21. Nope, not that at all. ?Klapperkop is now an open game reserve. ?They have completed the cattle gates and the perimeter fencing. ?All the have to do now is to fence up to the cattle gates. Next is to introduce game such as zebra and buck into the area. ?THE speed bumps are so that you don't go to fast and hit any of the game. THe plus side is that it will be an open game reserve (no entry fees) and that there are going to be some wicked single track and MTB routes there. (plus some guards and roving anti poaching patrols- less vagrants) ?So if the bumps bother you, goto the dirty side and MTB there .
  22. I agree. ?
  23. great, now when are you going to post the video, profile and gps route?
  24. got mine already, but tell us more, size model and condition
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