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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. 56 minutes ago, DieselnDust said:

    what is this commentator on about.

    "the previous winner..."

    "the race favourite..."

    Smoking too much ethylene?

    I was as surprised as you but I saw a video by some "experts" and apparently they reckon he is the favorite .... ????

  2. 36 minutes ago, 'Dale said:

    Do not write off the Belgian Champ - he can sprint a bit. Caleb the form favourite. Not sure Cav’ has that 7th gear. 

    Well ....  lets see, I for sure hope you wrong ... ????

    Edit:  About Cav that is.  As far as Wout is concerned, I'm with you.

  3. 14 hours ago, 'Dale said:

    GC Headline - Sauce: Cyclingnews

    Yoh yoh yoh

    Brandon McNulty lost 6:57 and Michael Woods came in 8:49 down. Chris Froome was 14:37 down, while Sepp Kuss conceded 16:29. 

    Richie Porte (Ineos) lost 2:16, Simon Yates lost 3:17 and Alejandro Valverde lost 5:33.

    Miguel Angel Lopez (Movistar), Guillaume Martin (Cofidis) and Steven Kruijswijk (Jumbo-Visma) all lost 1:49.

    This is very sad, some serious riders/contenders are now on the back foot big time.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Vetplant said:

    Fine, if you play the sentiment card like that, I will concede.

    Stage 1. MvdP(1st) - WvA(2nd) - JA(3rd)
    Stage 2. WvA(1st) - JA(2nd) - MvdP(3rd)

    This way, WvA takes over Yellow after stage 2 ????

    Thats sounds like a plan to me .... ????.  Unfortunately it never works out how we want ????.

  5. 1 hour ago, Underachiever said:

    For sure.  I'll pay good money for that jersey!!!  Nothing beats class....


    Imagine MvdP getting yellow on stage 1.  I certainly wish that dream comes true!!!

    I'm a WvA fan, so hoping he will be in yellow after the first stage ... ????.  Its going to be cracker regardless!

  6. 28 minutes ago, Pure Savage said:

    So, I have my court date, Monday.

    Robbery and attempter murder for running me over with a polo and then stealing the remains of my supersix. 

    Flip, I hope they dont want me to identify this dudes wrist tattoo or freckles as I was not really paying that much attention while he rode me over then turned around and tried to run me over again.

    All the best for Mon, go get them !

  7. 12 hours ago, RocknRolla said:

    Took a drive out to Hennops MTB trails today. Arrived there midday as most of the masses were leaving.

    I was pleasantly surprised, the trails are super fun, well maintained and marked. Nothing hectic, a couple of hairpin switchbacks, but In General some of the most fun I had on the bike in a while.

    The terrain and screnery varies from time to time 


    it’s dry at the moment


    this way…


    lest not forget, the neighbourhood… Pelindaba, shrouded in mystery, secrets and clandestine weapons grade plutonium enrichment…


    i Feel that the routes at hennops could have been named differently, example “ yellowcake road” “pebble bed trail” “reactor road” etc.


    When they say dont ride in this bridge, they mean it…it’s got a nasty pendulum effect, that gets worse the more you try and counter steer the swing….

    and then of course, when in the area, it’s sinful to not go to the alehouse for post ride pizza and beer… the boegoe beer is nice, but the blonde they served today was sublime.


    (Boegoe Beer pictured) 

    was a great day out. 

    I'm definitely going to give the Hennops trails a shot.  Never considered it before ...

  8. Just now, Gen said:

    Yeah I was just thinking about that MVDP has said before the XCO Olympics is a big target for him...

    With Nino not on song at all, I actually don't see the other front runners like Fluckiger stopping him for the XCO Olympics.

  9. 13 hours ago, RobertWhitehead said:

    A partner and I are keen on entering a 2 man team for the 2021 Dash, but we have some questions:

    1) How quickly does the entries sell out? 

    2) I have done some ultras in the past so I was wondering how this one compares?

    3) Is it really tough or will we be ok? I am not too concerned about my fitness level and experience but rather that of my partner, he has not done anything further than the Tshwane Classic (+/-110km)

    4 man goes in literally minutes, 2 man not so bad - couple of days, and single not a problem to get a spot at all.

    Its tough, especially if you do 2 man or single, I done it twice 2017 & 2018 in a 4 man team, also challenging but far less hectic.  You should be fine I think.

    I suggest you do the first half its much tougher, the second is a lot easier let your team mate do that rather, here its more a question of being able to be in the saddle for a long time.  Agree, get your partner to up his mileage somewhat.

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